Lantern Larry


Location: Asile 2

Joined Dec 28, 2013 at 12:32AM EST


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+125 +138 (91%) -13 (9%)
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+1,866 +1,873 (99%) -7 (1%)


PP PooPoo

Recent Activity

Commented on My biggest fear

something touches my foot but then I realize I own a cat but then I realize my cat is already in bed with me but then I realize my cat has a cat buddy that shares the doggy door. Now I have 1.5 cats

May 11, 2023 at 03:04PM EDT

Commented on Weird Al's advice

I've long believed that art belongs to the pelople. Its one thing to profit or reconstruct art for one's own gain but to just absorb and appreciate it? Not a crime imo.

Nov 07, 2022 at 12:56PM EST

Commented on Resident Evil 4 Merchant

For people who didnt play the game at a young age may not understand how safe it felt to be near this creepy ass dude. I sometimes have a blue light filter on in my apt with his theme quietly playing. I only see spanish speaking communities keeping his legacy alive these days but I'm sure an entire generation remembers him.

Oct 25, 2022 at 11:11PM EDT

Commented on AI Art of a woman buying Wonder Bread

I love the idea that ai cant yet handle hands because the sources they pull from also couldn't figure out hands. Further backed up by the fact they can seamlessly generate tits.

Oct 11, 2022 at 02:52PM EDT

Commented on Nah

I have yearly subscription to Newgrounds. Does KYM have something similar?

Oct 04, 2022 at 07:28PM EDT

Commented on Dream Face Reveal

Meanwhile Paul from "Mitten Squad" be looking Sid(ice age)
but we love that goofy drunk bastard.

Oct 04, 2022 at 07:19PM EDT
Lantern Larry

Posted in Is my idea ethical?

Yeah, I would never take it above commission levels. It would be nice to start a non profit or small company based on commission work but Im sure it would get out of hand fast. No this is for me and a small group of ppl tops, if it were to take on a life of its own so be it. I'm just putting myself in the inmate's shoes. If I got a letter one day into my 5 year stint saying "hey u wanna do some honest work u can legally do while sitting in ur bunk for 8hrs a day?" Id be estatic. I know there is an ocean of ppl online that do this very thing but again, this is more for the ppl going insane behind bars rather than my or anyone else personal gain.

May 25, 2022 at 06:00PM EDT
Lantern Larry

Posted in Is my idea ethical?

I feel the same on that. Imma see if i can find legal advice on the matter(valid source orc). If a lawyer says its Kosher, I'll move forward with it.

May 23, 2022 at 09:14PM EDT
Lantern Larry

Posted in Is my idea ethical?

For a long time, I've wondered how a prisoner could productively pass their time. Would it be morale to hire a non violent criminal to draw? I've even asked this in prison forums and got a polite response from mods saying that while my intentions were honest, it counted as exploitation and wasn't allowed to be discussed there.

I grew up watching lockup, ive studied the american/global "corrections" facilities and very very few correct anything at all. I simply wanna help ppl that are trapped between madness and monsters. Im not trying to be pen pals with charls manson, just giving someone a goal to work t'wards while they rehabilitate.

any hot'n'spicyβ„’2fo4 takes on this. Feel free to expand or derail. Been a while since ive seen 60s spiderman thread. "Its my money and I need it NOW" call JG Wenchworth 877-CASH-NOW!

May 23, 2022 at 08:42PM EDT

Commented on DJKing's wall

Time enjoyed is never time wasted. But Time is a fickle bitch that cares not of petty regrets. May the future years for you be filled with tails and adventures of legend!

Mar 23, 2022 at 08:57PM EDT

Commented on Blue Yoshi's wall

This site was my home before I left off for college. I grew from watching colorful cartoon horses, my hobbies changed, etc. Checking in on the site all these years later and Im a bit saddened to see it a shell of its former self. Life moves on, new platforms take chokeholds. Im still baffled I live in a world where DWK is a vTuber tho. Times are wild but im enjoying the ride.

Mar 23, 2022 at 08:12PM EDT

Commented on Swag

Checking around this site after years of not even lurking and it feels like its been preserved in time. all the old posts are still there. Nostalgia floods me every time i see posts from 8 years ago.

Mar 23, 2022 at 07:47PM EDT

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