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Kekus Trismegistus

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Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

>why do the Israeli need to have a parentheses in a condolences of their attack?

You are fucking kidding me right now. You really think murdering and displacing thousands of innocent Palestinian children is righteous?

There are huge power discrepancies between Israel and the other resistance group within Palestine. Even compared to Hamas which has become the largest fighting force in Palestine, they are still pale in comparison to Israel's fighting force. You really think that it's right for them to retaliate in full force and wipe Palestine out of the map? Sacrificing thousands of innocent families and civilians in Gaza? For the sake of their apartheid state? You fascists pigs are fucking delusional.

You really think that it's okay for hundreds and thousands of Palestinian getting displaced and murdered as a righteous act of self defense, as how you imperialist pigs said it?

Nov 03, 2023 at 05:35AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

Do not twist my words, you imperialist fuck. I never condone what Hamas did. You are absolutely correct that what I said could also be applied to myself. That's why, I didn't condone ALL what Hamas did. There's a massive difference in understanding why they do what they do and justifying them but you choose to twist my words as if I was excusing what they did during 7th October or the other atrocities they committed. Newsflash: I didn't.

There are a lot of wings in Hamas and they don't necessarily agree with each other. But you know what? Even Fatah are starting a reconciliation with Hamas because they know that if they don't do that, they would be wiped out off the planet.

Again, I didn't condone what Hamas did to the Israel's civilian but I understand that Hamas is the only fighting chance that Palestinian have to defend their home, Israel is an apartheid state and they don't care about the Palestinian.

Nov 03, 2023 at 05:31AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

Who the fuck condoning what they did during the 7th October? It was certainly horrific, and nobody was saying the otherwise. I certainly didn't.

Spare me your fucking whataboutism you fascist imperialist fucks. I can condemn the massacre, there's nothing righteous about that massacre. Hamas has their own share of mistake, and what they did is certainly a crime against humanity, but can you also say the same with what Israel did to the thousand of innocent children massacred at their hands? Do you think that legitimize what Israel did? Bombing and displacing literally hundreds and thousands of family out of their home? Do you think that two wrong could actually make it right? Why do Palestinian have to audition for your empathy?

A lot of these Palestinian literally have no choice but to fight. A lot of them have no options beside to join the resistance with Hamas, because they're the best chance they have at fighting back. It's either that or to submit to Israel's coercion.

Nov 02, 2023 at 11:02AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

>As long as Israel exists Hamas will consider it occupation

Yes it is. As long as Israel exists, it IS an occupation. Because the plan for Israel does not account the life of thousands of Palestinian who already lived within the land.

>Because it had shown that violence IS the answer

You are right. That's why Palestinian are fighting back through Hamas as their means.

Nov 02, 2023 at 08:27AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

People seems to forget that Hamas is ultimately a resistance group. It is an Islamist organization, but their main objective is the ending of Israel occupation.

Nov 02, 2023 at 08:16AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

The problem with this is that, the more Israel launches indiscriminate aggression towards Palestine, the more Palestinian would feel to compelled to join the Hamas so that they could defend their home.

Israel's indiscriminate aggression is practically a coercion to drive the Palestinian out of their home. I mean what do you think they should do? Imagine if the town where you lived in is being invaded by external forces. If you have a fighting chance, you would take it, wouldn't you?

There are certainly problems with Hamas. But given the options, submitting to the coercion is not the answer. So they choose to stay and fight back. And for a lot of Palestinian, that fighting chance IS Hamas.

Nov 02, 2023 at 07:37AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

I'm not arguing whether if the Jews undeserving of the land within the levant. I hate the concept of state, I think everyone should be free to live wherever they want, especially in this age. But do you know what I hate more than a state? An imperialist state.

I'm not saying that Jews have to move away from the levant. I'm all for them having a place within the levant, but colonization and forceful displacement is not the answer, replacing Palestine with Israel is not the answer. So the problem is not the existence of Jews within Palestine, it's the forceful occupation by the state of Israel.

Why are you so keen on reducing this issue to a mere antisemitism? So that you could justify the killing of thousands of Palestinian? You think the displacement of thousands of Palestinian is a necessary thing?

Zionism is built for the Jews, by the Jews, without considering the other group that already lived within that land. It's colonialism at work.

Nov 02, 2023 at 07:13AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

That is such a loaded question that leads to a reductionist conclusion. That is an attack on Israel's citizen, not against the Jews as their identity.

If I follow your logic, I could say that the whole war in middle east committed by American are a racist attack against the Arabs, but come on, why resort to such reductionist conclusion?

Before you misinterpret my statement as a support against the massacre; I want to say that I fully condemn the attack as these are innocent civilians. Again, you can still criticize HAMAS for their attack on the party while standing against Israel's occupation on Palestine.

Nov 01, 2023 at 03:12PM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

>Yes I hear a lot of criticisms of what Israel SHOULDN'T do. But I never hear a proposal on what it SHOULD do

There is only one valid solution against the imperialist colonizer who occupy a foreign land: End the occupation.

Israel only exists because of British's Mandate of Palestine which is basically a one-sided agreement that Israel have the right for Palestinian's land that was signed without the agreement of the Palestinian. The state of Israel only exists because they invaded their land, with the agreement of the majority of western power, but NOT by the agreement of the two conflicting party.

I think people already stated this before over and over again, so yeah, there's only one valid solution: End the occupation.

>Hamas exists entirely to genocide Jews

That's one helluva claim that purely came from antisemitic paranoia. As TVH stated above, "Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine."

Nov 01, 2023 at 01:53PM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

Before you go on your whataboutism argument, what HAMAS did on 7th October was certainly horrific, there's no denying that.

But there's a reason why excessive use of force in self defense is a crime, and this conflict is certainly a display of one.

Israel are literally backed by several most powerful nations on earth. They have a huge advantage in power compared to HAMAS.

Remember, you can still criticize HAMAS for their attack on the party while standing against Israel's occupation on Palestine.

Nov 01, 2023 at 08:49AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

The more this conflict brew, the more I'm compelled to take the Palestinian's side.

Whatever beef you have against HAMAS, Israel have no right to bomb an entire town, let alone when there are civvies inside of that city. It's kinda sickening that lots of you are desperately trying to justify this because "HAMAS are hiding between civilians."

Let me remind you HAMAS are freedom fighters, they are comprised of militias, civilians who grew weary of Israeli's aggression. It's not that they're hiding between civilians, they ARE civilians who happened to be armed so that they can resist Israel occupation.

Think of it like this, imagine if your country got literally invaded by external forces, and your city got attacked by the said invaders to the point where they would mercilessly bomb your city. And at some point, one of the prominent figure in your city got tired of the aggression and rouse up the militias to take a stance upon the invader. Would you help the invaders to occupy your city or would you join the militia and resists the invaders?

Nov 01, 2023 at 08:06AM EDT

Commented on 2023-2024 Hamas-Israel Conflict

Palestine-Israel conflict is one issue I dare to not voice my opinion to due to how ill-informed I am, I also hate states in general, but I am leaning a bit more into Palestine's side rather than Israel's.

That aside, HAMAS murdering civilian like it's a day job is absolutely fucked up. I think we can all agree on that.

Oct 08, 2023 at 09:51AM EDT

Commented on Yevgeny Prigozhin Plane Crash Death

Prigozhin should've hired the CIA to guard them. Pretty sure they would foil whatever plan the Russia have to crash the plane with no survivor.

Aug 24, 2023 at 04:31AM EDT

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