

Location: Interwebs

Joined Jan 11, 2013 at 07:55PM EST


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+474 +498 (95%) -24 (5%)


I couldn't remember the time I came back to this place. I wasā€¦ lost. I couldn't recall what my life was around 2014-2019. Maybe I was in such a deep repressive state that I couldn't bear to see myself in that part of my life. I couldn't help but to think about the past decade ago. That the only time I have fondness in this place when I was more preoccupied by my own bullshit than to dealing with everyone else's. I just login, find memes and fanart of my favorite shows and games, show them to my friends ā€“ well, formerly friends, I doubted that they'll ever be friends with me after all the shit I did.
I wish I could make something of myself. but given the life I was raise, I was revoke of any possibility of making a life I really wanted to be. For the sake of her safety, more so than my actual well being. but I hate living here. I hate that this is what my life has become. uneventful, and all I have is this blue fucking screen making up so much of my life. I used to have a really bad perception about others. I wish I could made up of all the mistakes I did. But all I can do is move forward.

I really have no one to talk to, except for my own morbid thoughts. I was think about them for so long til I don't even know who I was even thinking about. that's when I start thinking about myself and the many flaws and insecurities about me. I hate myself in a way I want express it. Even if itā€™s deeply concerning. and that's the day I realized that the only thing that can change one's own life for the better is their own wiliness to become a better self. I couldnā€™t stand doing nothing any longer. I feel I have changed. Equally for the better and worst. But when I try to recollect any familiarity I used to had, I came back here. To a place I hardly remember. The site is still the same. Is just that the community and the people I used to know is no longer here. I But after so many years. I come to realize something. is not that I don't belong. Is thatā€¦ I'm not welcome here anymore.

And that's why, I finally decided what will define me. what I am all along. A ā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆā–ˆ. I let qilphoth in me to grow. I let it bind my head. I let it life me with temptation.
And now, all I can see is down there.

Recent Activity


Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

I like monstergirls designs when their made by queer people. Itā€™s not like I donā€™t like them when theyā€™re made by certain people. And I donā€™t hate monstergirl designs or Kemonomini as a whole, I think their neat in their own way. Itā€™s primarily due to most them willing to go unconventional with the features, body, and structure of monstergirls compare to the norm.
But I will lie to myself if it also for the fact that when I look up monstergirls, I expected *monster*girls or monstergirls or even monster*girl*, but for the most part, itā€™s just girl with a slight variant of ears and tail. I just expect something more from it really. Like come on man! I want monstergirls thatā€™ll make go ā€œhear me out guysā€ along with 40 replies and zero likes and not some anime version of a cosplay alt girl I find on discord.

Jun 08, 2024 at 04:23PM EDT

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

Iā€™m not fond of Soriel fans. None at all. For both making Asgore an extreme case of Ron the Deatheater Iā€™ve ever witness from a fandom back then (and still to this day in some areas). And for making Toriel a complete bitch for the sake of their OTP. despite the fact that Toriels resentment towards Asgore from the games is always portray as well kept to herself, in contrast to Asgoreā€™s impulsiveness that lead his emotions into worser situation in the story.
And This is coming from someone who likes both of them for their own nuances in Undertale.

Jun 05, 2024 at 08:46AM EDT

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

Yo-kai Watch is the Pokemon game that Pokemon fans wanted for years, but will never get the recognition it deserves because itā€™s not Pokemon.
Like seriously, Look at the competitive Yo-kai meta and compare that to Pokemon. Itā€™s night and day. Yo-kai managed to balance the gameā€™s roster so that every mon is viable in their own merit, while in Pokemon really feels like thereā€™s no quality control to into nerfing really broken mons and really terrible mons and itā€™ll took them generations until theyā€™ll try to fix them.

Jun 02, 2024 at 08:28PM EDT

Commented on Vivian (Paper Mario)

I think the better question is how many videos they're going to make about the exact same shit until they got bored within a week or until they find another insignificant thing to make a mountain out of a molehill.
but tbh, people who make outrage content for the sake of outrage aren't the most reasonable (let alone, insightful) types of people who'll engage in discussion between others and their opposing sides.

May 23, 2024 at 03:06PM EDT

Posted in New site layout?

it finally effected in my end today. and wow, it looks like shit.

is there some form of settings in which I can change it back because I can't find it on my profile account.

nevermind, I found it on the main header on the site. but seriously, is it even there instead of the user's own setting options? is the spaghetti code is that bad?

May 15, 2024 at 06:49PM EDT

Commented on The Hunt For Gollum (Film)

I was looking at the title and I was like,
"who dafuq ask for this WB?"
and then I saw it was a fanfilm and I was like,
"Oh, never mind. I'm glad fan creations are getting a spotlight here."
and then I read further and realize that the only reason fanfilm is brought up is because WB actually going to made the film about Gollum with the exact title. and of course it DMCA take-down the actual fanfilm in the process. so I was like,
god fucking dammit David-

May 13, 2024 at 05:21PM EDT

Commented on Hi-Fi Rush

and everyday, I'm more grateful that I support indie developers. how the fuck can I even trust AAA companies when even a game that's both beloved by many people and earn awards still consider a write off to this team?!
now I'm starting to believe that the shadow drop on steam is more for MS to deliberately bomb this game except it backfired on their part. this was intentional from the very beginning,

May 12, 2024 at 03:47PM EDT

Commented on Troll's Remorse

I would say Arin Hanson, aka Egoraptor is a bigger example of this. given how much he burn the bridge from everyone associated with Newgrounds. From what I remember, that is.

May 11, 2024 at 04:15PM EDT

Commented on Gummigoo

Suddenly, large purchases of 3 pound gummy worms across the internet after 12 hours after the second episode.

May 06, 2024 at 01:12PM EDT

Posted in Something I'm fully convinced of in this site

Aside from my previous regards about Twitter in my Unpopular Opinion post some time ago. although, most of it is outdated due to the most used instance for that site is in a vegetated state.
but your explanation is the most solidify reason out of the majority of this thread. you really can't have a clear and thoughtful conversation on Twitter due to the huge restriction on the 160 character limit (I think is 160, I've never posted anything there). so to get the point across to many people, you have to be as abrasive and exaggerated with your limitations. it's an environment that breeds irrational behavior.
But then again, Twitter is only meant to be a microblog site that you only supposed to post small personal updates. But everyone uses it for everything besides the actual purpose. jamming a square block to an obvious round hole until it caters to them. it wouldn't much of a bigger problem if most user's are mostly if not only active on Twitter. which is why I'm more and more promoting others to make and host their own websites just like the WEB 2.0 era. at least you don't have to deal with the site owner's and general userbase's BS and have a stable place to promote your creations.

May 05, 2024 at 02:09PM EDT

Commented on PokƩmon GO Avatar Change Controversy

I don't if it's true or not, but apparently, the sudden change to the user by default is based on the user's own information on their weight and height based on Pokemon Sleep's user info.
on one hand: the customization in addition to the body scale is a neat feature for Pokemon, especially for the mobile game.
on the second hand: it is quite half baked and there are some things that needs to be ironed out. hopefully they'll learn how to patch the glitches and jarring graphic issues unlike S&V.
on the third hand: I think most of the appearances is either poorly match selections and adjustments. and not some tin hatted conspiracy of the day. seriously, I really don't get you guys at all. either I see it in a process than product, or maybe I'm not so knees deep into culture war unlike most people.
on the forth hand: this could lead to topic of how correlated information can be used to link between all accounts to a product. if Pokemon Sleep and GO can share info between installments, what would that entailed with the future apps and games? and imagine what other videogame companies can do with that share info for all platforms? But then again I remember most of the discussion for modern pokemon is from a fucking background tree, so we'll never bring that kind of intellectual discussion.
on my forbidden hand: my nigga, the game literately reflects on you and your info. LMAO

Apr 23, 2024 at 08:05PM EDT

Posted in oh boy

I win the race!
I win the race!
I win!
I win!
I Win The Race!

Apr 21, 2024 at 11:51PM EDT

Posted in For the love of god, staff, please run a poll

Thereā€™s two reasons I can think of:
1. Shareholders. Pretty much the ones who has the most investment into the stocks for these companies have the priority of their feedback moreso than anyone who uses the site. The top shareholders just so happen to also particularly responsible of second reason. Which is-

2. This is a byproduct of Apple and Apple iPhones. Ever since the iterations of iPhones many social medias try to implement the same clear white background with overly simplified logos and designs. Youā€™ll be lucky if the site offer you a dark mode. Itā€™s the reason why so many websites are designed for phone userā€™s first and website second at best, to none at all. Most websites completely forgo user personal design in favor of a collective interface. Literately they want appeal to the silicon valley folks and snobs.

Apr 21, 2024 at 01:29PM EDT

Posted in admit to us a time when you were being petty on KYM (we won't judge)

For my own personal pettiness, there are some users on this site that I don't like by the way they talk "indirectly" of certain groups and people. like they aren't trying to be subtle and more like they pussyfoot around the half-ass guidelines.

Is just that it's kind hard for me to be angry, let alone being infuriated/upset. I'm just mostly burnt out by my depression. I just thought that if I made my post look angry (such as cussing, ALL CAPS, and what not), just to make myself looked angry. I just pretend to be angry just to fit in with the rest of the user's online. something must be wrong with me if I'm not as outrage like everyone else. Even to some users on this site that I don't like. I couldn't bother making a rebuttal post. and I have a dedicated word document of all the post I made for this site and the most of the reply's I have were barely reaching the second sentence.

But besides that, I don't use puppet accounts, unless there's an old account that I made in which I forgot the password. if that were the case, it might be MegaGBX or something way around 2007-2010. besides that, most of my post are indifferent at best, so I can't really say much. but there are some instances that I'm clearly the only one in the discussion to have a different perspective in regards to some topics.

Apr 19, 2024 at 02:40PM EDT

Posted in admit to us a time when you were being petty on KYM (we won't judge)

truth be told, you're just as exposed to your own identity as me and anyone else on the world wide web. majority of people use gmail as their electronic mail service and that is know to track user's information for other websites. majority of social media follow suit. in addition to other devices and applications that egregiously ask the user to be track before they could even access the app/site.

sure there are a bunch of workarounds to negate being tracked and alternative services that keep you private. but the issue is that unless you have a time machine and start off fresh, by the time you gain access to this knowledge it's already to late. you can negate it as much as possible, but you're not truly under the radar. and this even mention the government involvement for some countries.

in addition, it's improbable to stay hidden online when each post and comment can tell bit by bit about the user themselves. they don't tell the world about their private information, but the droplets from the cracks can tell a wider picture. I don't fully talk about my personal information. but I can defiantly tell you that I layout a lot of things about myself if one of the user's here track the several years of my posts. if their very willing to get something out of me. and this can apply to anyone, really.

or you can just go to the cryaotic route just purge all previous post you made on the internet yearly. as long as you don't have the similar reasons for it just like himā€¦

Apr 19, 2024 at 02:12PM EDT

Commented on Break The Pencil

and don't forget that due to the recent changes in the API on Twitter, all Nitter instances are all dead. so now you have to login form there.
bull. shit.
Also, I'm not sure if anyone bring this up but there's also in which you can browse the site without logins. except that you can't link or cite any of the posts directly and the site is only accessible to Linux systems (for some reason).

Apr 10, 2024 at 06:41PM EDT

Commented on SCP-682

The real reason it's due to scp-682 being doom to be the writers get-out-of-jail card for whatever overpower/world ending entity of the week. basically using this unkillable creature to prove that their article isn't poorly written fiction.
just look up the amount of catalogs that are either related to scp-682 or attempts at neutralizing it.
Lefio79 pretty much right about the problem.

Apr 07, 2024 at 04:27PM EDT

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