
2016 Gold Tagger

Dr. お兄ちゃん (Nii-Nii~)

Scrapbooker & Pundit & Media Chauffeur

Location: Shiga, Japan

Joined Mar 07, 2014 at 04:46PM EST


Karma Received
Karma Given
+1 +1 (100%) -0 (0%)


Hello everybody!
If you're here, that means one of two things. First and most likely you're lost and have stumbled across this page by accident. If that's not the case, then you have seen something I posted and thought it was genuinely funny or clever!

Now that that's out of the way, I guess I should write something about myself here.
I am was Dr. Numb-Nuts; Onii-chan to all of humanity!
Sometimes I do the video games on the computer, and when I'm not doing that I'm usually playing music or reading.

I have one true love in life, and that is adorable little sister characters. I'd love to be able to snuggle a bunch of them in cute little pajamas on the couch while wrapped up in a big, fluffy blanket while watching cartoons and patting their adorable little heads~

I wouldn't mind being the one snuggled and patted if it was an older sister though.
I suppose some dreams are never meant to come true…

Anyways here,
My top three imoutos in no particular order are:

Kobato Hasegawa (Haganai)

Renge Miyauchi (Non Non Biyori)

Mashiro Mitsumine (Mikakunin de Shinkoukei)

For those interested, you can find me on Steam here
(Lemme know if you add me, as I've begun ignoring most requests because of all the spam accounts)

Nintendo 3DS Friend Code
[US] 3566-1653-0713
[JPN] 1607-5164-1651

[US] Suzu_Heddo

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