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Derptastic Derp Man

Scrapbooker & Pundit & Media Bus Boy

Location: Eatin' Beans

Joined Oct 20, 2014 at 05:18PM EDT


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Hello all, I am a simple man who likes dank memes and dank videos.

Willing to collaborate on a meme entry

Recent Activity

Commented on The Machinist

Because enemy bosses/characters in battle royale speak in a gurbled version of English. You can hear some random bits of English, like one enemy saying “You are mine” when shooting at you.

May 28, 2024 at 07:24PM EDT

Commented on I Think I Miss My Wife

Can someone edit this to have Nate/The Lone Survivor from Fallout 4 saying he misses his wife?

May 22, 2024 at 06:30PM EDT

Commented on Assassin's Creed Shadows

AC 2 had Ezio fist fight the pope in the ruins of a precursors room. AC blackflag literally had Edward be friends with all the major well know pirates of the West Indies and was there for about 80% of their deaths. Even as far as to try and hit at a growing romantic interest in Anne Bonny with Edward.

If you genuinely thought “oh shit maybe there is a secret war going on between 2 secret societies trying to collect precursor relics” you need to get yourself checked out.

May 21, 2024 at 02:47PM EDT

Commented on Assassin's Creed Shadows

Honestly I think my main take away from all this nonsense is the fact that people are throwing a fit over a literal nothing burger. Why suddenly care about assassins creeds historical accuracy? I thought the series was supposed to be historical fiction with some sci-fi elements? Like others have said, this seems more like people going after low hanging fruit instead of looking at the games pricing and the fact it’s a Ubisoft game. Hell the grifter everyone likes to shit on for thinking Legend of Zelda porn is canon (yes really) Synthetic Man went on a tirade about how the game is terrible and how (insert grifter talking points here) is the reason gaming is bad.

May 21, 2024 at 01:04AM EDT

Commented on Assassin's Creed Shadows

I mean back in 2020 Ghost of Tsushima dropped and people were loving it. Maybe it’s a sign Ubisoft executives are running out of ideas.

May 17, 2024 at 11:22AM EDT

Commented on Assassin's Creed Shadows

I genuinely never understood the weird angry obsession people have over Yasuke. Actual Japanese historians have gone on record and said “yeah he existed and he was a retainer to Nobunaga. His last known location was the Honnō-Ji Incident”. Like if you’re going to be actually angry over something, maybe not the inclusion of a black guy. Maybe the fact it’s a fucking Ubisoft game for starters and their reputation is still sketchy as hell. The pricing for that one Star Wars game is still very much a cause for anger. The fact the games quality will be brought into question should be of concern and if it’ll be better than Mirage. Hell people resigned to calling Ghost of Tsushima a better Assassins Creed game than an actual Assassins Creed game. Also can someone like give me a real reason why people are mad that Yasuke existed and is a MC of the game?

May 17, 2024 at 11:21AM EDT

Commented on Hades 2 Hestia Backlash

Even though the design for Hestia in Hades 2 is a bit weird, I’m really tired of all the coomers coming out the woodwork and claiming some anime chick from a series most people forgot about is a better design. Same goes for all the people now getting ass mad about other designs and calling a genuinely good game terrible because they can’t jack off to the designs.

May 10, 2024 at 08:56AM EDT
Derptastic Derp Man

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

Although fortnite is a good game fundamentally, my main gripe with it is that each battle pass/season has a sense of missing out/fomo. Look at last season, 2 characters no one expected to be added in was Peter Griffin and Solid Snake. Hell look at a couple years ago season wise and Spider-Man was advertised as a T100 skin you can unlock and play as. Literally every ad for that season kept reiterating “you can even play as Spider-Man”. Then there’s skins for characters that are considered important to the games story like Peely, you can’t even unlock base Peely anymore and need to buy the different Peely skins that show up periodically in the item shop. If Epic Games allowed for older battle passes to be unlocked or added in as bonuses for current battle passes, they’d make a lot of money and reduce the fear of missing out for so many.

Also the other major gripe I have with Fortnite is why they keep screwing over skins in surveys. Seriously look at the Aphrodite and Medusa survey designs to their final designs. They butchered Medusa and screwed base Aphrodite over.

May 07, 2024 at 11:09PM EDT

Commented on Duolicious / 4chan Dating App

Honestly I have a morbid curiosity about how this app would function. Knowing that 4chan is pretty much a sausage fest any day of the week I wanna know how some of these fem-anons are handling the site. Also ngl a good chunk of the screenshots I saw give me the vibe if I went on there I’d either find the most socially inept and awkward girl imaginable or get called a racial slur that hasn’t been said since the 1800s.

May 07, 2024 at 10:25PM EDT
Derptastic Derp Man

Posted in Dumb factoids about yourself

Dump Factoid:
1. I’ve been told I have a resting bitch/mean face
2. I nearly died in a car accident once
3. I still never learned to ride a bike
4. I never broke a bone in my life

May 04, 2024 at 10:08PM EDT
Derptastic Derp Man

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

This sounds like something from a jaded tf2 fan but the #saveTF2 movement is not gonna save the game magically. Valve is more interested in games that they’ll see as profitable and as it currently stands, TF2 isn’t as profitable as some of the other Valve titles. Plus there’s a subset of players who have been demanding a key sale protest to show they mean business. That will only result in valve realizing “oh yeah the game truly is dead, shut the servers down”.

Apr 18, 2024 at 09:13PM EDT

Commented on The Bubblegum Gentleman

I’m actually a big fan of how each version takes into account of the different style choices when it comes to comic media. Especially the 90s version since 90s comics were all about being edgy, violent, dark gritty and serious half the time. Also the early 2000s version of him looks like someone you’d see in The Batman (2000s) or Teen Titans (2000s).

Apr 18, 2024 at 06:28PM EDT

Commented on Warhammer Female Custodes Controversy / Femstodes

I already talked about this in some personal circles regarding this but I think this should be a sentiment everyone hear about. Don’t be angry about the fact GW made female custodes, be mad at the fact that GW will literally shelve and forget about other factions or give them the equivalent to 3 day old pizza in a fridge for lore. Be angry about GW’s pricing and the quality of its paint going down. Be angry that if you wanna buy specific armies either to paint or play, you’ll need to fork over close to a grand just to play them properly. Seriously hear about what Guard players, Tyranid and Gene Stealer players have to deal with due to their armies being a hoard faction on the table top. Be angry that certain armies haven’t had a model refresh in so long, some of the models are old enough to legally drink. Be angry that a fan favorite faction, The Squats have been brought back into the setting but haven’t had any actual lore dropped about them in nearly 3 years. Hell if you’re neck deep into the lore, be angry that certain factions books ended up being terrible or badly written. Especially the book series surrounding the Ynnari and how it ended in a middle finger to their quest. GW has done countless levels of dumb fuck decisions in their past, but getting upset over this has gotta be the most reactionary decisions people have made.

Apr 16, 2024 at 04:51PM EDT
Derptastic Derp Man

Posted in Unpopular Opinions Thread 3

It mostly focused on “protecting the children” when you know those kids will find a way to view porn on different sites or the same sites using a VPN. It has nothing to do with protecting and keeping kids safe, it’s only about control and surveillance. Look at the recent social media companies having to go to Washington DC and have a hearing focused exclusively on why they’re not protecting kids enough. People old enough to be my great uncle are harping on these social media CEOs and saying how “they should be protecting the kids more” while parents of said kids are standing behind them looking smug. One of these parents straight up said “my 11 year old daughter is addicted to Snapchat”. Why the hell is someone who’s 11 is on Snapchat to begin with?

Apr 14, 2024 at 01:23PM EDT

Commented on Wifejak

> “Wife Bad” Boomer Humor
> Another fucking Wojak

We’ve finally found it, the fusion of the most unfunniest shit ever.

Apr 13, 2024 at 01:45PM EDT

Commented on Helldivers 2

It should be known that if you gotta make your entire stance on entertainment based on if anything is “woke” or not, you’re a fucking loser. Grummz just so happens to be such a fucking loser that he needs to resort to grifting because he still lives in that van he spent all that funding for one of his games on.

Apr 09, 2024 at 11:12AM EDT
Derptastic Derp Man

Posted in 2024 April Fools' Day

Pokemon Showdown’s sprites were changed to MS Paint meme versions.
Monstercat released a new song on their channel called Banana Song.
Adult Swim released puppet versions of Smiling Friends on their channel.
TF2 is doing its usual “convert everyone’s taunts into the laugh taunt”
All the Destiny 2 Leak discords were changed, either to have a perpetual “1 notification” as its picture, changing the discords layout or other things.
Warframes official discord got changed to be a Corpus discord.
Haven’t seen anything from Potato Custom MvM stuff but might be a new April fools day events.
NewGrounds hasn’t done anything which is surprising.

Apr 01, 2024 at 12:56PM EDT

Commented on DEI / Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

It’s kinda funny and sad to me at how so brain fried these people are that they see a mayor of a city they’ve never been to and throws a tantrum over it. That being said DEI being co-opted as some sort of “gotcha” to describe black people is funny to me. Like they wanna go out their way and dance around saying what they wanna say to the point they start using different phrases and slogans to do so. As for the topic of DEI, if done in a school setting it gives kids the ability to learn about other cultures and their history. If done properly in games or stories, it can introduce a new character with a rich backstory and plenty of narrative weight.

Mar 29, 2024 at 08:01PM EDT

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