
Meme Catcher Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0 MemeX Preservationist

BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia

Investigator & Treasurer & Pundit & Collection Butler

Location: Atlatl

Joined Nov 13, 2011 at 12:58PM EST


Karma Received
+420 +453 (93%) -33 (7%)
Karma Given
+607 +673 (91%) -66 (9%)


I am of the old stock who remembers when the Internet was young and the memes were dank.

I'm married to Caro.

I like candy-colored pones. I especially like Yellow-Quiet.

My current kick is Miraculous Ladybug.

My wife and I are pretty much Marinette and Adrien.

After all, I'm simply irresistible.

And Caro agrees, sometimes.

I like watching my wife play Bae Blades.

We're also both Ravenclaws. And we're both snobby about it, despite it being entirely fictional.

I also like hobbits. And all things Tolkien. And the fact that one of my professors once called me a hobbit for insisting that there be food at a study session.

I like Celtic things. Except the movie Brave. Which was not good. But Julie Fowlis? Julie Fowlis is good.

Political drama is one of my favorite movie genres. Some of my favorite movies include Lincoln, Charlie Wilson's War, Amazing Grace (2006), and The King's Speech.

Caro has allowed me to have one waifu, so I chose the Duchess of Cambridge.

I play piano. And bassoon. And the Irish tin whistle. And the guitar sometimes. I like music.

I was once the Captain of an unsinkable ship. It sank. The mighty HMS Joevance. I sailed it across the seven great image galleries of KYM. RIP, you glorious bastards, wherever on the Internet you fled to.

Now I'm just a passenger on the FS Adrienette, with Master Fu at the helm.

Recent Activity

Commented on On the recent events on Iran...

And also the comparison is just apples to oranges. The Confederacy as a political entity existed for the express purpose of perpetuating slavery. There isn't a way to spin supporting the Confederacy as a matter of personal conviction that didn't have an oppressive effect on others.

Wearing a hijab, like most acts involving religion, only become "oppressive" when they are forced on others who do not share the conviction. A woman wearing a hjiab as a matter of personal faith is no more an advocate of oppression just because the Iranian has weaponized the same activity. Many atrocities have been committed in the name of religion, but the faithful practicing their faith amongst themselves isn't any such atrocity. (That doesn't mean the practice is above criticism, but any activity taken voluntarily is hardly an oppressive one.)

Sep 26, 2022 at 11:48AM EDT

Commented on B-based Garrison?

I was about to say. The moustachioed man in the top hat is better represented by Uncle Sam. Not only does the Department of Education's lending program lead to massive tuition increases in general, it also props up universities and programs that aren't likely to lead to jobs commensurate with the cost of tuition.

Banks aren't shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars for Jimmy the 2.5 GPA high schoolers to get a degree in underwater basket weaving at Totally-Not-A-Scam A&M University. In fact, giving out any sort of loan under those circumstances--particularly an unsecured loan that can't be discharged in bankruptcy--seems to be precisely the sort of "predatory lending" that usually seems to get people up in arms.

(For what it's worth, I exited law school with over $210,000 in student debt, which I'm paying off. Because of the school I went to and the degree I got, I've consistently refinanced my loans for better rates far better than what the Department of Education hooked me with.)

Sep 02, 2022 at 11:12AM EDT

Uploaded an image to Shantae.

Shantae the Pirate's cure KONOKOSU HA FOSurtud ga TOTEMO TAKAI, korega Menbara Zeniinarukarmeinna MonsondeNe Bots N.Sakurajiousui Ris
Aug 14, 2022 at 08:37PM EDT

Commented on Crypto Bro Should've Sold

I am now legally obligated by US law to ask for the metric conversion of the distance from Saratoga to Yorktown.

Aug 14, 2022 at 01:53PM EDT

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