
Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0 MemeX Preservationist


Scrapbooker & Commentator

Location: Cruis'n World

Joined Feb 09, 2015 at 09:11AM EST


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Hello and welcome to my profile. Fasten you seatbelt, because you are in for a ride…

Yes I love racing games and one game in particular which you might have guessed from the gifs and/or from the music that is playing right now.

I love racing games and driving in general from the bottom of my heart. Many of my friends asked me what I find so interesting about cars and "driving around in circles"? Well…

Should it be on a sunny day, snow, rain or night, I always see something beautiful along the road: In big cities, on country roads or even kilometers upon kilometers of straight freeway, there is a beauty that one can only percieve when driving. Whenever I get into my car and start the engine, virtual or real, I feel alive. Whether I push my car to its limits with other drivers on the track, or just cruising around while listening to good music it brings a big smile on my face. It is my personal heaven on earth.

And cars? For some it is a convenient method to get from point A to point B. For me it is my faithful companion and something that represents me. Take care of your vehicle and it will be always on your side. I believe that cars represents a man's current archivements in life. Sure our car might change but so does our life and if you find that one car that you really care about, willing to invest your time in it, then it becomes much more: A car becomes a manifestation of your own personality and your best friend.

After all, you cannot treat a car like a human being. A car requires love.

Here are some of my favourite tunes:

All the pseudo-philosophical babble aside: besides racing games I also like to play a variety of other videogames and I like to watch competitive fighting game tournaments (I also play fighting games from time to time but I suck at it). There are alot of actual shows I would like to watch and despite having the time I simply cannot bring myself to watching it because I am an idiot. That said it is really hard for me to try out new games or shows. So you really need to work really hard to make me start that one show/game you are recommending to me all the time.

Thanks for visiting my profile and hopefully you did not get scared of the wall of text you have seen here.

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