
Location: Dark Star

Joined Sep 14, 2017 at 09:57AM EDT


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I am 02, leader and creator of all dark matter. I am skilled in possession, manipulation, and all around evil. I feel no pain, and am incapable of feeling any positive emotion. I plan to eradicate all positive emotions from the universe, as if I can't feel them, no one can. I am friends with nearly every single dark matter, and no one else. I am enemies with the puffball Kirby, the traitor Gooey, the self-proclaimed King Dedede, and pretty much every species in the multiverse. I am impossible to kill, and even if you do defeat me (and that is a pretty big if) I will only come back stronger. I am currently on Dark Star bidding my time until Kirby is no more, be it by a dark matter's hands, the hands of another inferior being, or just through natural causes. And once Kirby is gone, nothing will stand in my way.

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