Cause Animale Nord Homeless Man Puppy Stealing

Cause Animale Nord Homeless Man Puppy Stealing

Updated Oct 15, 2015 at 06:36PM EDT by RandomMan.

Added Sep 24, 2015 at 09:04AM EDT by RandomMan.

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Cause Animale Nord Homeless Man Puppy Stealing refers to an incident in which alleged members of the French animal rights activist group Cause Animale Nord are seen stealing a puppy from a homeless man in the streets of Paris, France. Following the viral circulation of the video, and subsequent listing of the dog for adoption, in September 2015, the story quickly went viral in the French social media and prompted a heated debate surrounding the group's actions.


On September 19th, 2015, members of the French animal rights activists group "Cause Animale Nord" were caught on camera stealing the puppy of a homeless man on the streets of Paris. Shortly after, witness Nghi Le Duc posted a video of this on his Facebook page (shown below, left), where it received over 1.8 million views in the following 5 days. The video can also be viewed on YouTube (shown below, right).[1] In the video, 2 members of the activist group are shown subduing the homeless man before trying to grab the man's puppy. During the segment, the man is seen wailing as he tries to get his dog back, before a 3rd member of the activist group grabs the puppy and runs off; after which the homeless man chases after them while leaving all his possessions behind.

Un SDF qui a perdu son chien Ă  Paris cause de "Cause Animale N... Previous Next Patis 19/09 2015 Nghi Le Duc Trois Français qui reprĂ©sentent de l'association "Cause Animale Nord" et qui reprĂ©sentent aussi La Loi, ils ont pris violemment, sans pitiĂ© un SDF son ami- un petit chien, mĂȘme ce SDF a pleurĂ© auprĂšs eux et il a suppliĂ© ces trois personnes! J'Ă©tais sous le choc quand j'ai vu cette scĂšne en pleine rue de Paris et aussi dans le premier jour de Patrimoine EuropĂ©en! Shared with: Public 1,815,222 Views Embed Video Embed Post Report video Three French who represent of the association "Cause Animale Nord" and who also represent The Law, they took violently, mercilessly a small dog - a little friend ofa homeless person from him, even this homeless person cried and begged them ! I was in shock when I saw this scene in Paris, and also in the first day of European Heritage! #CauseAnimale Nord

Notable Developments

On September 20th, the official Facebook group for Cause Animale Nord[5] created a post in which they shared they named the puppy "Vegan" and advertised the adoption of her (shown below). The post was deleted a few days later by the group as commenters condemned the group's actions in the reactions.

Cause Animale Nord 20 septembre- Vegan (nom en mĂ©moire Ă  nos convictions), petite chienne, sauvetage de ce jour lors de la Marche laissons leur peau aux animaux Ă  Paris. Nous l'avons retirĂ© Ă  un rom qui l'utilisait pour mendier. La police ne tait rien, nous agissons. Vous aussi vous pouvez agir. faut juste un peu de courage La PA ce n'est pas ĂȘtre demĂšre un ecran ou parader en manit, c'est agir au quotidien en rĂ©el. Elle sera mise en rĂšgle et proposĂ©e Ă  radoption. CAN 0688198696 aime Commenter Partager Plus pertinent- 656 personnes ament Ca 229 partages Guillaume Natas Vous navez pas le droit de vous substituer Ă  la police. Vous ĂȘtes en intraction. Et vous ĂȘtre des mange merde Je n'aime plus RĂ©pondre . △ 8。34 min Guillaume Natas Moi je terais bien piquer les gens du ord comme vous qui donnez une si bonne image de vos regions ( Je n'aime plus Repondre 3-54min LĂ©na Benhamou Pauvre merdes un chien c'est le melleur ami de Ihomme et cet homme l'aimais de tout son coeur HONTE A VOUS BANDE DE MERDE Jaime RĂ©pondre 10 min Lou McMilian Est il possible d'avoir plus dinformations sur la petite? J'aime . RĂ©pondre 17-20 septembre. 0201 cause AnimaleNord Elle va bien, elle a trĂšs bien dormi. Et ce matin ce nest plus la mĂȘme puce elle deborde d'energie qu hier ele n'etait pas bien... Merci de prendre des nouvelles Jaime . RĂ©pondre .ć±±33-20 septembre 0906 Voir plus de rĂ©ponses ChloĂ© Lgnr Rodrigues Bravo! magnifique cette pette puce beaucoup de bonheur Ă  elle Photos du journal Options Partager Envoyer J'alme Écrire un commentaire

"Vegan (name choosen in memory of our convictions), small bitch, rescue of the day during the “let their skin to the animals” protest in Paris. We withdrew it from a romani who was using it to beg. The police doesn’t do anything, we act. You can act too, you only need a little bit of courage
 The “PA” (Animal protection) is not being behind a screen or parade in a demonstration, it’s to really act daily. She will be complied and proposed for adoption."

On September 22nd, Anthony Blanchard, President of Cause Animale Nord, put up an official reply towards the situation regarding the puppy (shown below, left),[3] claiming they believed the puppy was drugged, an acknowledged issue amongst the homeless in Paris who sometimes use young animals to soften passersby into donating,[18][19] which led to them taking it away. Cause Animale Nord never confirmed the puppy was indeed drugged, despite being requested for evidence various times, which led to viewers believing the puppy wasn't drugged based on its behavior in the video. A day later, on September 23rd, the group made a new post in which they put the puppy up for adoption; this time including a price of €195 (shown below, right).[4] As of September 24th, the posts have gathered respectively over 1,400 and 1,300 replies, with the majority still condemning the group's actions. The post in which the puppy was promoted for adoption was removed by the group a few days later.

Cause Animale Nord 22 september Suite Ă  la vidĂ©o qui circule concernant notre intervention Ă  Paris du 19 septembre lors de la marche laissons leur peau aux animaux. La vidĂ©o montre uniquement un instant de notre intervention, le chiot de 2 mois non identifiĂ©, non vaccinĂ©, en toute illĂ©galitĂ© par rapport Ă  la lĂ©gislation française se trouvait sur le trottoir parisien, un chiot qu'un rom avait droguĂ© afin que celui-ci reste calme et ne bouge pas. Le chiot Ă©tait complĂ©tement amorphe, les pupilles dilatĂ©es, on peut Ă©galement constater sur la vidĂ©o que les cris du chiot ne sont pas normaux. Le rom qui dĂ©tenait le chiot pas en rĂšgle n'a pas hĂ©sitĂ© Ă  r empoigner au risque de le tuer Nous savons Ă  quel point la prĂ©sence d'un animal est important pour les personnes Ă  la rue, c'est le seul et unique lien qu'ils leur restent avec la sociĂ©tĂ©. Par ailleurs, nous faisons des actions dans ce sens pour les aider mais nous ne pouvons pas cautionner l'exploitation et la maltraitance des animaux Ă  des fins mercantiles. Ça sera le seul et unique communiquĂ© Ă  ce sujet, si c'Ă©tait Ă  refaire nous le referions. Nous n'avons pas besoin de voler des chiots quand nous croulons sous les demandes d'abandons. La personne ayant filmĂ© n'a pas su identifier la dĂ©tresse du chiot mais si les services de lĂ©tat faisait leur travail nous n'aurions pas Ă  le faire Antony BLANCHARD, PrĂ©sident Cause Animale Nord Cause Aninm Gisteren e Animale Nord ADOPTION: VEGAN Vegan Elle est pleine de joie et trĂšs joueuse Vegan sera IdentifiĂ©e, vaccinĂ©e et dĂ©parasitĂ©e Elle est Ă  l'adoption sous Cause Animale Nord Frais d'adoption 195 Avant toute adoption, nous effectuons une enquĂȘte est ok chien, chat et enfant. afin de voir si vous ĂȘtes prĂȘt Ă  accueillir ÄŸ'animal. Quel que soit l'animal, une souris un chien ou un cheval, nous y accordons autant d'importance 06 88 19 86 96 (pas de SMS MERCI) ou Lydie 06 01 67 91 37 Celebrian Oronar, Liliane Courtecuisse, Patricia Mathieu en 344 anderen vinden dit leuk Mathieu en , Meest relev 418 keer gedeeld Hure Martine andaleux ce que vous isĂ©e et demander 195 euros! vous n'avez pas honte? vous avez fait une prise ang prouvant que le chien Ă©tait droguĂ©? donnez les rĂ©sultats en tout cas, je ne vous soutiendrai 034 Gisteren om5 Cause Animale Nord Les vĂ©to ne stĂ©rilise pas Ă  cet Ăąge-lĂ , un fois adoptĂ© il y aura une place pour accuellir un autre al malheureux 21 uur Meer reacties weergeven

On September 23rd, a petition[2] was created asking to "investigate the functioning of the association Cause Animal North" as a result of the video. In less than 24 hours, the petition was already signed over 75,000 times; which increased to over 125,000 signatures by the end of September 24th (local time).

Petitioning Tribunal de Grande Instance de Lille Ouvrir une enquĂȘte sur le fonctionnement de l'association Cause Animale Nord en colĂšre CITOYENS SOLIDAIRES France Sign this petition 75,128 supporters UnSDF qui a perdu son chien Ă  Paris cause de "Cause A..。 く 74,872 needed to reach 150,000

Between September 23rd and 24th, various videos of the scene were uploaded to Imgur, reaching the site's most viral images section on at least 3 occassions. The most popular video managed to gather over 850,000 views and 8,000 points within 18 hours;[6] following by the other 2 receiving respectively over 730,000[7] and 113,000 views,[8] 7,000 and 3,000 points, within less than 14 and 9 hours. Each of the posts also promoted the petition. The video was also shared on the r/videos subreddit,[9] where it received over 3,200 upvotes in less than 14 hours. The story was subsequently picked up by various non-French news outlets as well, including SBS,[10] LiveLeak,[11] BuzzKeys,[12] 9news,[13] DailyStar[14] and DailyMail.[15]

Homeless Man Found

On September 24th, French resident Vincent Defives uploaded an Imgur photo of himself and the homeless man from the video,[20] claiming he found the man after discovering the location of the recording. Despite a language barrier between the Romani man and Defives, he was able to figure out that the man had a lawyer since that day to help him press charges against Cause Animale Nord to retrieve the puppy, which he missed a lot, and shared that the man was very delighted by the support he got. Defives' Imgur upload managed to become the top trending image on the site by September 25th with over 20,000 views in 13 hours. Defives subsequently also created a donation page on both[21] and GoFundMe[22] to financially aid the man, which managed to gather respectively over 1,400 and 240 euro in the next 13 and 10 hours. Defives later updated the image with details on the funding and the homeless man's name being Uliane.

"After some detective stuff, some luck and knowledge of Paris, I found the place where the video took place and found the homeless there. He and his friend are very kind and appreciate a lot the print of the imgur post I make for them (the one were I was commenting on).

I explain to them that a lot of people across the world would like to know more about him and his story and that they are ready to help him find his puppy and financially.

But he wasn't speaking french nor english and his friend was talking a little french.

I understood that he misses his puppy very much and would love to have him back. They have a lawyer since today who help them to press charges against the association "Cause Animale Nord" to retrieve his dog.

I explain to him that I didn't achieve to find where his puppy is even if I make contact with a person of the association which stole it from him.
When I assure them that a lot of my friends on internet were ready to give him money he didn't understand well and after some explanation he praise the sky for that.

Edit 1 : I have the phone number of his lawyer and will try to get in touch with him and update you all on if he got back his dog or not."

Official Investigation

By the end of September 24th (local time), the official Facebook page for the French National Police created a post in which they informed readers that they had been informed about the video various times, and subsequently opened an investigation towards the assault and theft by Cause Animale Nord.[17] In two hours after creation, the post had already received over 5,000 likes.

Police Nationale 46 min [SIGNALEMENTS] Vous ĂȘtes nombreux Ă  nous signaler la vidĂ©o d'agression d'un SDF par des dĂ©fenseurs de la cause animale pour lui retirer son chiot. Un enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© ouverte. RAPPEL: Victime ou tĂ©moin d'une agression, contactez immĂ©diatement police-secours en composant le 17. 2 564 J'aime 352 commentaires

"[REPORTS] Many of you reported the video of the assault of a homeless man by animal rights advocates to remove his puppy.

An investigation was opened.

REMINDER: Victim or witnessed an assault, immediately contact Police -secours by dialing 17."

A week later, on October 1st, the police took the President of Cause Animale Nord, Anthony Blanchard, into custody for questioning. A police source claimed towards the French commercial radio network RTL,[23] "The president of the association Cause Animale Nord, who admitted the theft of the animal while in custody on Thursday afternoon, had placed the puppy in a foster family in Wattignies (in the Nord department)." Blanchard however denied any accusations of violence, but promised to return the dog as a condition for his release.[24][25]

Puppy Returned

Following Anthony Blanchard's release from police custody under the condition of returning the dog, the homeless man and the puppy were reunited with each other on October 2nd.[26][27] By the time of reuniting, the petition had been signed over 240,000 times.[2]


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External References

[1] YouTube – Un SDF qui a perdu son chien à Paris cause de 'Cause Animale Nord'

[2] – Ouvrir une enquĂȘte sur le fonctionnement de l'association Cause Animale Nord

[3] Facebook – Cause Animale Nord Post

[4] Facebook – Cause Animale Nord Post

[5] Facebook – Cause Animale Nord Timeline

[6] Imgur – Three french took violently the puppy of an homeless person.

[7] Imgur – This is unacceptable.

[8] Imgur – I am so fucking angry right now

[9] r/Videos – Homeless man's puppy gets stolen, put up for adoption under the name 'Vegan'

[10] SBS – Animal rights group defends stealing homeless man’s puppy, puts it up for adoption

[11] Liveleak – Homeless man's puppy gets stolen, put up for adoption under the name 'Vegan'

[12] BuzzKeys – 3 French animal rights activists steal puppy from homeless man

[13] 9news – French animal rights group steals pleading homeless man's dog as shocked bystanders watch on

[14] DailyStar – Gutless officials drag homeless man to the ground and take his PUPPY

[15] DailyMail – Heartbroken homeless man wails as 'animal rights activists' wrestle him to the ground and steal his dog in footage that has caused outrage across France

[16] Reddit – Activists from "Cause Animale Nord" take a homeless' puppy by force in Paris

[17] Facebook – Police Nationale

[18] Le Figaro – Begging: Using Puppies Mobilizes Police

[19] Sudinfo – Some homeless drug their dogs to soothe and soften the passersby

[20] Imgur – I found him !

[21] – SolidaritĂ© envers le SDF qui s'est fait enlever son chien

[22] GoFundMe – Homeless man lose his dog

[23] RTL – Paris : le chiot enlevĂ© de force Ă  un SDF va lui ĂȘtre rendu

[24] Telegraph UK – Animal rights group returns puppy seized from Paris homeless man

[25] Examiner – Puppy seized from French homeless man to be returned by animal rights group

[26] Mirror UK – Homeless man reunited with puppy after animal rights activists seized his pet and left him weeping

[27] The Dodo – Stolen Puppy Happily Reunited With Heartbroken Homeless Man

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