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KYM Team Fortress 2 General

Last posted Jul 31, 2016 at 02:38PM EDT. Added Apr 22, 2012 at 10:44PM EDT
1057 posts from 134 users

fml. Spent 2.33 ref in 9 piles of ashes.
And what did I get?
The prices of all the items I couldn't sell are dropping like they're hot.

And on friday, I saw a 8 y/o kid (first time playing ever) buy 2 booster packs of magic the gathering and get 2 mythic rare cards plus another rare one, and among them 3 that I've been looking for desperately.
And I might lose my job because I have trouble waking up in the morning (actually 4 pm) and tend to sleep through and arrive late/not going, and no one in my family at least try to help me wake up.
And I also missed two appointments with doctors and now have to wait at least a month till I can see them again, and I ran out of pills…
and there's no steam summer sale this summer
and homestuck is in hiatus (wont get a cool flash update for my birthday 7/13 like I wished for :( )
so, yeah, I'm accepting charity now.

Joe Amethyst wrote:

Borrowed my friend's copy of the Orange Box…
Started up TF2…
Fell in love.

well the demoman was doing the medic's wife anyways

Last edited Jul 08, 2012 at 08:09PM EDT

I got the best training on the offline mode. On easy is the best to start with, but the bots will be so very bad. Make sure to pick a short gamemode.

Last edited Jul 29, 2012 at 08:17PM EDT

It seems everyone here (including myself) is a scout. I thought I was unique.

Anyways, I happen to have a spare one of these:

(Image links to wiki page)
It's in Outdoorsmen style. Any offers? I would love some scout weaponry or headwear (that I don't have already, obviously).

Also, this is my inventory. I'm not looking to trade much (other than the shirt) at the moment though. I generally tend to immediately smelt weapons into tokens or scrap, so I don't have much to trade anyways. Still, its there if you want to look.


The best advice I can give is go look up some tutorial vids on Youtube. I'm not very good at giving advice unless it's class-specific.

Last edited Jul 29, 2012 at 08:22PM EDT

As a heavy, jump before you spin up, So you can travel a bit farther. As a medic, fully heal people and stay behind them so you wont take as many bullets.

Zipperbars wrote:

Heavy/Medic advice pl0x.

Medic – The most important thing is to try not to die. Since there is only about one on the team at a time, your survival is more important than anyone elses. So if you're about to die, run, even if it means abandoning your teammates. Your team needs those ubers! They can often change the tide of the game.

Also, don't overheal a single teammate. Juggle between all available teammates. Not only does it make your entire team extra-strong, it also builds up your uber faster. It also can't hurt to juggle your uber on multiple teammates.

Your medigun can extinguish fires. Common knowledge, but just in case.

The medics bonesaw is also a very powerful melee weapon (high crit chance). That doesn't mean charge them, but if you're being harassed by a scout or there is a spy, you can easily kill them with it. Also, your syringe gun is pretty effective against scouts.

Also, be careful not to heal spies. Just walk into someone before healing them. If you can't walk through them, it's a spy.

Heavy- Can't help you there, I suck at Heavy.

This video might help instead:

Kairos offered some good tips. I'm gonna repost some of my Medic tips from an older thread too.

Pocket Medic is what bad medics do. Heal EVERYONE. If a heavy can’t keep himself alive long enough for you to heal someone else, he’s terrible and deserves to lose. A full team with overheal beats a heavy with overheal any day. Give demo or soldier an uber if you need to take out sentries. Give Heavy or pyro uber if you need to clear out huge crowds quickly,heavy in open areas, pyro in close corridors. if you have a kritzkrieg, take note of your teammates loadouts. PROTIP: Sniper may not seem like the guy to uber, but his SMG is fast, accurate, and does about 45 damage from any range with crits. Also, kritzkrieg effects the sniper rifle, guaranteeing 150 damage with just a blindfire. Other than that, kritz uber heavies, demos, soldiers, maybe even a scout if you find one that’s a good team player (but that’s rare, so don’t count on a scout unless you are 100% sure he’s awesome). Pyro, generally just okay with the kritz. Most of ‘em will W+M1, thinking nothing can defeat them with their massive damage. Which usually works in very, very close quarters, but these jackasses will usually get you killed by bum-rushing if you’re in an open area.

One last medic tip: Despite what many think, Quick Fix is NOT useless. Just situational. Use it when a LOT of your teammates are clumped together, taking on the enemy as a group. The quick-fix allows you to heal one person very quickly, so they can get back out in the fight quicker, making it suitable for healing large crowds because of its speed. Also, the speed makes it the best medigun for battle medics, especially with the overdose due to the fact that the uber is not that useful. And the overdose's speed boost allows you to get from one teammate to the next quicker, so you can get to your heal target faster.

As for heavy, he is my least played class. Just watch the video in the last post. That guy is a pretty good heavy, judging from the looks of it. Also, the shotgun is good when you're in tight, winding corridors and don't have time to rev up your minigun around every corner. It's also great for harassing snipers when you're out in the open and it's too dangerous to spin up. If you're a good shotgun heavy, you can even trade out your minigun for a brass beast. Use the shotgun while going through the sneaky routes that spies usually take, get behind the enemy, and while they are distracted with the rest of your team, mow them down! Also, Natascha is pretty terrible, but it's great for all the obnoxious classes that just rush right in your face like pyros, demoknights, scouts, etc. If you stick with another heavy or a soldier, using this makes for great teamwork, slowing the enemies while they deal the damage.


Also, your syringe gun is pretty effective against scouts.

I don't know how it works, but it works. That syringe gun is oddly dangerous to scouts. Which is important because scout players will try and go for medics. Their role is to harass support classes when not capturing objectives


Let’s talk about this weapon. Anyone else like flying across the map with it?

Some says its OP, some say it's UP. I got one from a scorched crate but I have not really used it much since. It was useful in a map where I had to lay down constant suppressive fire on a chokepoint. The Beggar lets you just keep on constantly firing without every stopping to reload but that's only useful if you don't have to adjust for the .5 second fire delay after you click M1.

The poor accuracy, delay and the fact you cannot restock from dispensers really negates its usefulness in other situations for me. But I might try using it more. Perhaps I had not explored its full potential

Lets have another discussion topic: Post your favorite class and setup. Here's mine

I threw in the stats too just for the hell of it.

I am great at Heavy and sniper so I will gladly shed some light on the issue of the use of the heavy.
1. Never use the Brass Beast on offense, it is to slow and it will waste your progress with an Uber, it is mainly used for defense
2. The Natasha is used only for supporting fire, I would mainly use it in conjunction with a massive attack to slow down people who are making a push or who are retreating
3. The Tomslav is mainly used for close quarters where you want to surprise the enemy and always keep it spinning, if you do not you will most likely lose on a 1 on 1 with a default heavy.
4. I personally find the default the best, it is mobile and deals a a good amount of damage. Again when ever you are on the offense or defense keep it spinning so you are ready to deal damage to you opponent.
5. To make a quick attack forward, jump while spinning the mini-gun, it will propel you faster forward and you will be ready to deal damage to anything that you are targeting.
6. Kill Pyros as they move towards you, do not give them the opportunity to air blast you, it is hard to re-target them while in the air.
7. When pushing against a sentry get the ubered medic to stand in front of you so you can advance forward without being knocked back so you can deal more damage (allot of medics are terrible because they do not do this). FYI: the quick fix is terrible, it is only to be used on multiple people, not on offensive pushes.
8. Spy check, as a heavy you are a large target to the spy.
9. Try to get close to the sniper to dispose of them, you mini gun sucks at long range and obviously try to avoid their line of fire.
10. Keep moving forward, you are the tank, crush them like the ants that they are.

Last edited Jul 29, 2012 at 11:07PM EDT

I have about three favorite classes.

Medic is probably my favorite. I usually wear the Tyrolean, but I recently found the Mountain Cap as a random drop.

Scout is my second favorite. Yes, I have been obsessed with getting kills with my Atomizer.

Finally, I play Sniper when the situation calls for it.

Despite having gotten TF2 from the Orange Box, I haven't been playing for nearly as long as everyone else. Thus, I'm still experimenting with my loadouts and they may not be the most efficient.


I prefer the default scattergun. It has a large clip and does a pretty good amount of damage. The only downside to it is it's reload speed (quick reloads are essential for a scout's life).

As for the secondary, I switch things up a bit. Right now, mad milk is there. It's useful for when you get the drop on someone and can be used for a quick refill on health. I also like throwing it randomly into crowds of enemies for my teammates. I've mainly used it to extinguish myself and my teammates though. Mostly the former.

And the sandman is my favorite bat. You lose health, but the idea is that you're supposed to be hard to hit anyways. It's great for stunning medics with prepared ubers or leaving enemies vulnerable to your teammates.

Also, behold my Fast Learner. Yes, I bought it (on sale), but I still love it.

The class I play the most, the medic:

Usually, I'm retreating while firing the syringe gun, so the Blutsauger's reduced range can be a bit useless in that regard. But it can fill you up with some health if you manage to get a few shots off a scout or an unwary heavy.

Usually, I use the standard medigun, but the Kritzkrieg can still be a great help to your team. It charges really fast, so if you live long enough you can do quite a bit of assist-damage.

I'm not really sure about the ubersaw though. Sure, it can build up an uber, but you should only really be using it if an enemy happens to be where you are. The one that saves 20% of your uber might be more helpful for me.

And the soldier:

The only good launchers I have are the stock and the Direct Hit, and since it's hard to get a direct hit on someone, I just go with the stock.

I use the reserve shooter mainly to increase my weapon switch speed. I might switch back to the stock. It's too hard to hit someone whilst they're in the air for me.

Also, remember people: spare Apparatchik's Apparel. Outdoorsmen style. Up for trade. Yup. Heavies will love it.

Last edited Jul 29, 2012 at 11:42PM EDT
FYI: the quick fix is terrible, it is only to be used on multiple people, not on offensive pushes.

Ubers are great for making a push, but if there's not an engie nest, it's not typically necessary. You can usually just stick with the quick-fix and keep everyone healed and make a push anyway. Not having overheal sucks, but the boost in healing speed makes up for it. You can heal one guy and be on to the next one easily, whereas other medi-guns take forever, especially on classes like heavy and soldier.

Also, EVERY medi-gun is meant to be used on multiple people. But you can still pocket people. Instead of Heavies, try scouts. Also, the update allowing you to mirror explosive jumps makes it effective (and fun as hell) to pocket soldiers and demomen.

As for my favorite class and setup, my favorites change from time to time. My current favorite class is Medic, and I use the full Clinical Trial set. Like I said in my last post, you move fast and heal fast. In addition, the piss head lets you see an enemies health, which is great for close range one-on-one scuffles. Since you can see the opponents health, you know if you should avoid the enemy and fire away with the syringe gun, or if you should rush them with your melee.

I figure I'll leave a link to my inventory. I'll sell any duplicate weapon for a scrap. SERIOUSLY, I HAVE FOUR AMPUTATORS, PLEASE BUY ONE. Also, I have a stout shako now. Any takers?

BSoD said:

I don’t know how it works, but it works. That syringe gun is oddly dangerous to scouts.

It does around 10 damage at any distance the scout is even remotely effective, and it's rapid fire. Also, the rapid fire makes it hard to avoid, even when jumping around. You may do more damage, but you have 6 shots in comparison to 40, so you can't afford to miss. With 125 health, you can't afford to be hit either, making the syringe gun all the more menacing.

Post your favorite class and setup.

I already mentioned Medic, but I figure I should mention spy. He's my most played class. I prettty much always use my strange loadout. I have a strange Conniver's Kunai for my knife. Up to 484 in the few months I've been playing! :) Hard to use, but makes escaping easier if you're caught after a backstab. I used to use the Ambassador with it, but I'm not that great with it. I recently traded it off, and bought a strange Diamondback. It suits me better. Also, great for gunslinger spammers! Only 6 kills, but I've only had it for an hour. :P Also, stock cloak is my favorite. Cloak and Dagger is VERY limited by comparison once you know you can refill the stock watch's charge with ammo and dropped weapons. And, personally, I don't care much for dead ringer. It makes playing spy WAY too easy.

Maybe. I'm pretty sure there are numerous Mario Kart maps, though, so it might've been a different version. They're fun to goof off in for a short while, but I can only piss around for so long. If they're not just pissing around, I don't care for this map. Way too open.

Favourite class and setups? Okay then.

Medic is my second most played class. Feels good to help out your team and I freaking love the Medieval Medic set

This was tough, it was either my regular set up or the Gas Jockey set up. In the end, I went with the regular set up because I like my Touhou themed hat better than my KS themed hat (Sorry Hanako)

Demoman holds the honour of being my favourite and most played class. I prefer the vanilla loadout with a Pain Train or Half Zatoichi as my melee. I also have no problems with Demoknight and I sometimes go with my HHHH/Targe combo.

Sniper is a class I used to play as a lot, but over time I started to sorta ignore him. These days I still play as him regularly, but not as much when I first started.


I counted the duplicates you have that I don't

-Cleaners carbine
-Southern hospitality
-Direct hit

For 2 scrap I could take those off you, however what I am really interested in is the strange sandman. It wouldn't be for sale by any chance would it?

I'm also looking for a name tag but apparently they cost 1.22 refined. I'm nowhere near able to afford that. Darn.

88y8y8 wrote:

Let's talk about this weapon. Anyone else like flying across the map with it?

Oh boy do I love this weapon. Call it OP or cheap, whatever. It isn't by far and it's so much fun to use. And if you so happen to get a kritz uber with this weapon, then the other team can kiss their asses goodbye. IMO, the best weapon from the Pyromainia update.

Thanks Jackal. Now my entire scout loadout is completely strange

Also the Southern Hospitality is amusingly practical in degroots keep. Makes for some hilarity because you don't expect an engineer to cause a lot of damage on that map.

@This thing

Going back to my last post on this, I said that I didn't find it very useful but I decided to try it again.

This time I used the Beggar to break up a camping situation where my team was boxed inside their spawn. The Beggar worked wonderfully well as you can dive out of spawn and unleash 4 rockets before the campers can react. If you time yourself correctly you can guarantee a kill on anyone who gets too close to you.

Also the Beggar is the only rocket launcher I have used so far that is capable of taking out a level 3 sentry under engineer repair. So the beggar has its uses after all, just not in long distance situations or ammo scarce ones.

Alright, I worked myself out of the rut I've been in since before the Pyromania update in which I played like total shit. I'm still worse than usual, but getting back to where I was before.

I used to be a die-hard Soldier with a Direct Hit that rarely missed and a Shotgun that never missed. My accuracy is shakier since the rut, but it's returning. The problem is that Spy is slowly taking over in my mind. The subterfuge, satisfaction, and ability to flip the tables quickly is entertaining, as is getting to utter "Feel familiar, gentlemen?!" in my best fake French accent. Same deal with Fat Scout (Shotgun Heavy), who is unconventional, situational, and ridiculously fun.

I'm also starting to get a lot more playtime in multiple classes, instead of sitting in the Soldier spot the entire game.

This is like Deus Ex all over again. All-new, non-community weps for pre-ordering a game.
That new Pyro melee was made for the Plan B achievement.

I'm a F2P who doesn't have but 20 items so far.
I mainly use stock weps.
But, I do favor one class: Soldier.
Direct Hit with a shotgun and an Equalizer.
That's basically it.

Last edited Aug 02, 2012 at 10:45PM EDT


Critical hits vs stunned players, plus it is a secondary weapon so I can use it with my sandman. If I get my hands on that, I'm going to make people complain that it is overpowered.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


Critical hits vs stunned players, plus it is a secondary weapon so I can use it with my sandman. If I get my hands on that, I'm going to make people complain that it is overpowered.

Good news about that cleaver thing! I managed to craft it, and I'm already in love. The combo with the Sandman is a bit tricky to pull off, but it's good practice for arching weapons, and it's powerful enough to down a SOLDIER.

Diagnosis: awesome.

3 mad milks and a reclaimed to craft the flying Guillotine? Friggen heck, where am I going to get those mad milks!?

Does it have a trade price yet? (Probably something ridiculous like 2.66 ref)

Also is it throwing only or can you actually swing it?

Last edited Aug 03, 2012 at 01:53AM EDT

Kipp wrote:

Why is the Dr. Enforcicle Loadout(Enforcer, Spycicle, Dead Ringer) looked down upon?

Because all three items work well with each other to the point where the only downside Spy has is low health.

Pyros are no longer a problem, DR and Spycicle give you two safety nets.
Spy can still defend himself thanks to the enforcer, which is powerful enough to take down light classes in two shots.

Thankfully the Enforcer got a slight nerf, but the set is still considered pretty cheap.

Disregard all that fuss I made about crafting the flying Guillotine earlier, I finally scraped together enough scrap and milk by the end of the day. I sold a strange pistol to do it but I wasn't using it anyway, nor was it something I unboxed so it doesn't matter

What matters is that I now possess the cleaver. MUAHAHAHAHA. William Schell is right; getting instant kills with it via the stun crits is so much damn fun. Plus according to the most recent update, you can use it in Medieval mode now and that makes it even more viable. Finally scouts might actually have some stopping power in Degroots Keep, we shall see.

Also big thanks to Burning Phoneix for gifting me the Boston Boom-Bringer. We had a pretty good game on his Australian based [AuB] server last night. Always fun to play with other KYM forum members

Last edited Aug 04, 2012 at 12:31AM EDT

Today I played against a Huo Long Heatmaker Heavy.
Damn that thing is OP. Just 3 or 4 seconds of sustained fire at close range (close enough to set you on fire, that is) are enough to kill a full health heavy.
I want one.

Nonofur Bzns wrote:

Today I played against a Huo Long Heatmaker Heavy.
Damn that thing is OP. Just 3 or 4 seconds of sustained fire at close range (close enough to set you on fire, that is) are enough to kill a full health heavy.
I want one.

There is nothing special about it, I killed 2 heavies with it and they died just as fast as anyone else and I only took 150 damage each time (at both long and close range). One of them ran out of ammo before I killed him. Sure I want one but I don't think it is op, as long as they have limited ammo then it is pretty balanced.

Last edited Aug 04, 2012 at 05:59PM EDT

Team Fortress 2 is probably my favorite game of all, next to Portal/Portal 2. Such a great game.

Also, relating to the new items, I actually am fond of them. Not that I have any of them. I don't want to take the time to craft weapons. Just lazy. Or even buy them. Too expensive.

Meanwhile: I bought the Awesomenauts game and I got those new promo items. More specifically, these things:


Actually 3-4 seconds is about the amount of time it takes for any minigun to kill a heavy at close range. The bullets from the Heatmaker do not do any more damage than the stock minigun unless you are close enough to take the additional fire damage

The Heatmaker just has the added bonus of igniting spies that try to backstab the heavy. The downside to the Heatmaker is the increased ammo drain but that downside is irrelevant if you can just walk alongside a dispenser or the payload. Then it just becomes a straight upgrade to the stock minigun. A heavy that spies cannot counter is what causes the OP complaints rather than a heavy that other heavies cannot counter.


Hey can someone give me soldier/demoman advice?

For Demo, I'd recommend sticking with the stock loadout, because it's overall the best for every situation. Demoknight is fun and all, but it's far inferior to stock.

Your primary objective is area denial. Lock down important spots with your stickybombs and harass approaching enemies with grenades. Practice with directly hitting them with grenades before they bounce so you can kill them easily (eventually getting to the point where you can use the Loch n Load). If you're holding one specific area, such as a flag or capture point, you might want to use the ScoRes to have better bombs. It's also more useful for holding down two or more separate corridors, because you only have to blow one set.

Beyond that, you're primary objective is to trash sentry nests in defended areas by loading stickybombs and blowing them simultaneously for enough burst damage to beat the Engie's repair. You also need to keep close to Medics, as usual, because Demos are amazing when ubered or kritzed.

Sticky-jumping is a risky, lethal form of super-advanced mobility. Place one or two stickies, hop in your desired direction, detonate, and go flying. If you know the map and your distances well, you can get up to sniping nests easily and rain hell from your stickies and grenades from a protected area.

Finally, you need to know that you can charge up stickies to get more distance if you hold M1 down before launching. Helps to blow sniper and sentry nests from safer areas.

Soldier, on the other hand, is a more aggressive playstyle. You should usually be spearheading the offensive. I'd recommend sticking with the stock loadout, or using the Direct Hit and Escape Plan with the Shotgun. The Rocket Launcher is better if you're dealing with dodgy enemies or if you don't have the precision to use the Direct Hit effectively, but eventually the Direct Hit will become amazing.

You'll be constricted pretty heavily to mid and close ranges, to a slightly lesser degree if you do go for the Righteous Bison, but it's hard to use effectively at a long range, so try to get your enemies in enclosed areas. It's important to manage your ammo so you're never caught reloading both your shotgun and launcher, as reloading time is one of the Soldier's main weaknesses. Switch to your shotgun to finish hurt enemies if you run out of rockets, or vice versa.

If you're in smacking range, use your Shotgun and get meatshots or rocketpunch them with the Direct Hit if you don't mind eating some splash damage. Soldiers are pretty lethal in close range, and can close the gap easily if they can rocket jump and propel themselves off wells correctly. It takes some practice, but it makes the Soldier very mobile, especially if you're overhealed or don't care about taking some damage.

You'll also be on sentry-smashing duty if your Demos are absent, and it's fairly easy to angle your rockets to splash sentries out of their LoS. The Direct Hit is especially effective at taking sentries down, since there's very little possibility of a miss.

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