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How could linking one image to multiple galleries be implemented?

Last posted Apr 07, 2017 at 01:10AM EDT. Added Mar 05, 2017 at 10:53PM EST
10 posts from 4 users

I didn't realize that there was a suggestion forum, so I'm reposting this from the General forum.

I was thinking about duplicates of images posted to multiple galleries, and how we could possibly remedy that. With my rudimentary knowledge of coding and how things work, I’ve come up with a possible solution to have less duplicate images on the site.
I got most of my inspiration by browsing 1d4chan, which is similar to a wiki in format. If an image is used on multiple pages, they all lead to the same page used for holding the file.
Of course, having the links on the bottom of the page isn’t the most user-friendly UI option, but we already have a perfect place to put it; the “Origin Entry” slot.
I feel that having a link to the first gallery where the title is would be redundant, so in my mock-up, I removed it.

So it’s a subtle change, but I think that it might reduce reposts.

Q: How could linking one image to multiple galleries be implemented?

A: Barely.

I'm going to be honest, I'd be 100% in full support of this idea. Reposted images have always been one big, gross grey area in terms of how to handle them. The fact that the policy differs between images and videos only makes me want to bomb an embassy.

Your suggestion to having a section on the image page which links to one or more of the related galleries is actually very doable. We've already changed the layout of image pages with the addition of the source field – I'm sure it could be done again. This is just a matter of adding a link or two.

That being said, this is as much as we could reasonably hope for. With the way KYM's galleries work, an image must be in the gallery that "belongs" to en entry. In your example, all the images would be under no entry, and instead link back to the entries it is relevant to. This means that users can go from an image to its entry, but not from an entry to its images. It would be a mish-mash of user gallery nonsense; the "top trending galleries" and "most viewed galleries" feature of the site would be completely unusable. If we're pretending that the galleries of KYM exist as a way to "view examples" of a current meme, this is counter-productive.

You're more than welcome to contact the usual nerds about this, but the KYM gallery system is pretty inflexible as far as major changes to the way it organizes things.

Last edited Mar 06, 2017 at 12:45AM EST

Hmm… Perhaps a search by entry tag might be useful? Taking a page from H sites, the doujins are all in one database, but you can search the artist, tags, circle, and what it's a parody of. Having a search parameter outside of tags would make this possible.

In a perfect setting where KYM users actually tag their shit properly, everything you've said would be possible. Broadening the use of the tagging system is almost always easier than trying to find ways around it.

For example, in situations where an image is extremely relevant to more than one entry, such as "crossover" works, parodies, or photoshop memes, the tags should refer to every work involved. Take this image for example; both the character being used, as well as the meme in reference, are tagged. In addition, a search for the artist's name or the site on which it is hosted will bring up the image. The only situation in which a user would be unable to intuitively find the image is if they were browsing the entry gallery for the meme to which the image was not uploaded to. (So in this case, a user browsing "Rikka Finger Spin" would not see this image listed, despite it being relevant to the entry. If I were to instead browse "Ellen Baker", I would see the image). In all other cases of searching, the system works fine.

As for things like multiple artists/circles, the change to the "source name" and "source link" fields on the upload page are meant to reflect this. A search for [artist name] should bring up the artist's work; the ability to then organize by circle or group seems outside of KYM's scope. In these cases, credit would instead be given to multiple artists.

The tagging system isn't perfect by any means. KYM lacks the uniformity in tagging that Boorus and similar sites possess, and our ability to enforce proper tagging is severely limited. We don't differentiate between artist, source work, and content tags, nor do we have conclusive standards for how things should be tagged. That being said, none of this should (in theory) obstruct a user's ability to find relevant content. If users tagged content properly, there would be no issue in finding it.

TL;DR Instead of a search parameter outside of tags, we should just make the tags better.

Last edited Mar 06, 2017 at 02:52AM EST

>"this discussion"

There is no media policy discussion. People ask "can we have this" and myself or one of the experienced mods tell them one of the following:

  • "We can't do that."
  • "We won't do that."
  • "We are trying to do that."

If there was a change in policy actually notable enough to warrant the users' attention, a mod announcement would be made. The maintenance board is dead for a reason. If you're looking for a conversation with real humans, try the Discord, seeing as the IRC and Skype have declined in activity.

Last edited Mar 10, 2017 at 02:56AM EST

Doeoeod wrote:

>"this discussion"

There is no media policy discussion. People ask "can we have this" and myself or one of the experienced mods tell them one of the following:

  • "We can't do that."
  • "We won't do that."
  • "We are trying to do that."

If there was a change in policy actually notable enough to warrant the users' attention, a mod announcement would be made. The maintenance board is dead for a reason. If you're looking for a conversation with real humans, try the Discord, seeing as the IRC and Skype have declined in activity.

Yeah… about that… I have no clue what Discord is, and I don't use IRC or Skype.


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