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Policies of Fanart and Subculture galleries on KYM

Last posted Jan 27, 2017 at 10:57PM EST. Added Jan 27, 2017 at 10:57PM EST
1 post from 1 user

Now I'm sure you noticed a thread or two about the appearance of certain art in the galleries.and the reason why one of them was locked. An interesting point is brought up on that thread that I think warrants a second discussion. Why is there fanart here?

Its there for documentation, but of what? fandom growth? quality of fanwork? It isn't really specified, nor is it relevance to the sites mission of documenting memes explained. And while I'm loathe to admit it, I think it might had been the crux of the issue at hand. Not just with porn, nor with specific genre of porn, but in general.

If you take a look of the trending images tab you would see either images related to the current trending meme, social media posts that might be memes or jokes…or images in subculture galleries. Now while the art is usually high quality. It doesn't have any apparent relevance most of the time. Its gives the impression that the users are given license to upload anything they want there. And I think this is the reason now just for the loli-porn debate, but for other problems with the galleries.

For example. The infamous "Cringeworthy" gallery. The gallery had a problem about it being one to a meme that is inherently subjective. This means that anything they deem as bad by one user is treated as fair game. Resulting in images that attacked everything from fiction to actual groups of people. While this is different from the problem of fanart, it is an example of the attitude users have regarding galleries. That anything is fair game as long as they consider it to be relevant to the topic on hand.

Cringeworthy is however an extreme case. Subculture pages, while still nebulous, have the advantage of a more objective definition (Being about the work the subculture is formed about). But the images there still don't seem to have any relevance to memes. As in they are examples. In fact they tend to be the places where non-meme examples or budding memes go. An Image of Mallow without that prompt for example is just an image of Mallow. An anime screenshot is likewise just an anime screenshot.

At the same time, the Subculture pages are useful, as their activity would denotes their popularity in comparison, and that popular works would spawn memes. At the same time serving as a hub for related but otherwise disconnected memes. And the galleries are also used to share art a particular submitter likes, which might be useful in case the artist becomes memetic for one reason or another, but the question is in that case is "should that still be allowed?"

I would like to start a discussion on the policies of fanwork, subculture page galleries, and whether or not they should change, as well as ask what the purpose of fanwork is in relationship to memes. (And before anyone asks, I'm on the fence about such changes. I personally don't want them to go, but I can see how they can be abused.) I hope I gotten into enough detail with this. Also while they are a factor, this thread should not be derailed into being solely about NSFW images.

Last edited Jan 27, 2017 at 11:26PM EST

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