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A Genuine Concern of KYM

Last posted Dec 17, 2020 at 05:32AM EST. Added Nov 12, 2020 at 04:02AM EST
29 posts from 22 users

Things on KYM feel different now, and not in a good way. No matter what you're doing, everyone seems to almost want to be toxic all the time, at every given opportunity. I feel like the people on here used to be more level-headed and open to discussion and debate. Somehow people's thoughts and opinions got set in stone, and we can't even disagree without going for the throat.

There's also this air of only cynicism being good. I feel like people hate when users on here try to be optimistic, as if it's a weakness to think that things can get better, or that you're allowed to be happy and peaceful.

I think some of it might also be intentionally souring, people who go into certain memes and galleries with the express intent to shit on what others like about it.

I used to have fun and laugh here. I don't anymore.

Moreso that people aren't genuine anymore. There's a level of post-irony and laziness to everything now. Instant-gratification negativity generates a lot of attention and intimate discourse with minimal effort. All you have to do is post bait in the form of a single sentence or an image.

It's the climate. I'd blame half to covid, and the other half to politics being mixed in here and there when most people want to escape from that stuff. Take Reddit for example. Every popular sub is ending up like this here.

And poor ol' me just went on there to find something to listen to.

I think it is less that KYM "wants" to be toxic and more that KYM fails to acknowledge the very flaws it calls out from others, with the most obvious example I can remember being this post. The second top comment is MrLake calling the site "the least self-aware site in history" and, honestly..? He may be right: that was the second time that image was posted, after all.

Reddit is aware enough of its Reddit moments to meme about it, 4chan is aware enough of its Wojak problem to call it out on multiple boards, and even on Twitter, Twitter takes often get ratio'd by people with better common sense. But KYM, though..? It calls out everything wrong with politics while having political entries on the trending entries all day long, and trust me, that is not the frontpage's fault. Tik Tok stuff gets frontpaged just as much, yet it rarely occupies as much time and space on the trending tab as politics do.

The problem you mention is the result of the aforementioned self-awareness going unchecked and mostly uncalled for too long, and the reason for that is, I suspect, simply because we are not a "community" in the traditional sense of the word. No, we are less a community and more just a random bunch of millennials who happen to enjoy similar digital media in our laziest hours of the day. As a result, nobody here feels obligated to care about others beyond bare minimum interactions (and those who supposedly should… well, see your own remark about the air of only cynicism being good), and when the things that keep being pushed forward are mostly politics, those minimal interactions naturally become hostile as time goes on. Indeed, we are a lot less "civilized" than some people have pictured this site to be, not because of being Twitter levels of stupid, but being Twitter levels of reactionaries. Almost all talk and discussion here is a reaction to something that ticked someone off the wrong way, from a literal one user to the very US President himself.

You used to have fun here because KYM used to be the kind of site where the most popular and unifying thing people had in common was a cartoon about magical horses, and the second most popular thing being the random memes of the time, like 60's Spider-Man. Today, the most common things are politics and lewd images, and people over time found a way to fight over both at this point.

I am sure nobody will believe me on this one given my amount of activity seen, but this is mainly why I heavily lowered the amount of time I hang out here compared to my first year, being like a cumulative hour/hour and a half per day on average. In fact, what I enjoy the most here is the rare, but welcome DMs I sometimes get from people who want to talk about random stuff, either asking for my opinion or simply a point of view. It is only on those where I feel like I am at leisure talking, not worried about anything else but the conversation, being the closest to a "human" interaction I have gotten here, since all other public comment spaces here have gotten more and more dense or even tense, as you imply.

So yes, to summarize this overly long point I am making, the fact that we are just a bunch of randoms on a meme site with no real motivation to be more than that has taken its toll on our overall care for being… "nice", to put it bluntly..? Or at least less cut-throat about it, as you put it. It sucks if you expect a community feeling from here, which I honestly doubt many people seek from this site anymore, hence why it goes mostly uncalled save for the occassional post like this one.

I feel like we have an opportunity to turn things around and bring it back to a more "fun" (or at least less hostile) environment. I'm seeing some people start to contribute more often to meme entries they're passionate about, Hololive is bringing in a very popular fandom with lots of low controversy meme potential, the election fever is passing so the moderates will have less will to argue with the radicals on this site, and more importantly some key toxic users are now banned opening up room for more civil discussion. Even during the "golden days" of KYM (if you can even call it that) there was still a lot of cynical toxicity lingering (the older riff-raff threads come to mind).

It kind of just reiterates what everyone else in the thread is saying but we need to positively contribute to the nontoxic content if we want to enjoy nontoxic discussion/content.

I would say that in recent times I've noticed so many users coming back from a long absence just to be the most obnoxious people on the website. Even more than those who make a new account just for that.

And when they do it,they go all out. Maybe they're extremely bored given the current situation but there are far more constructive way to spend that time.

Doesn't help that memes in recent times have been less creative and more the usual tired stuff.

Seems like for about two or three years there's been a little more negativity than I expected. I've always seen some angriness in the comments but it feels like it's kinda grown some in recent times. Like, you see some guys that are almost exclusively coming to the site just to get mad and argue, and I just don't quite get it.

All the comments arguing makes me more glad I mellowed out a lot over the years online and off and only rarely post anything political ever like the example Nedhitis posted up there and even then mostly just watched the comments on it fly around.
Even I have noticed it a lot more as 2020 and US elections got closer and closer. I bet neither of those helped in the least.

This is one reason I don't use the site much anymore. I swear everytime I look at a meme entry's comments it's just people shitting on it. Ironically, this place hates twitter so much, but twitter is the one place I see now where people just have fun with memes.

Edit: Now that I think about it, memes on twitter are a lot more fluid. There aren't huge memes, but rather countless small memes that only have a handful of variants, which add up over time. So, it might just not translate well to the article format KYM has, where it expounds a meme's origin, spread, meaning, etc. only to post like 10 good examples. Which can then contribute to people here feeling like memes are becoming less good. But really, I'd just say memes have become a lot more dynamic, to where specific memes aren't noteworthy on their own, but contribute to an overall flowing of memes that is still entertaining, at least to me. Hell, I'd say the flow of reaction images on twitter is just as good if not better than 4chan's ever was, from my browsing of it

Last edited Nov 17, 2020 at 06:40PM EST

Well the political diversity has certainly died last few weeks, used to be the comments sections flipped around the spectrum depending on the articles now it's jammed on the anti-trump bus.

Part of the appeal was the inconsistency in the takes on offer, a political schitzophrenia that stood out in a sea of sameyness, now its going one way only and starting to get boring.

Last edited Nov 17, 2020 at 08:14PM EST

Greyblades wrote:

Well the political diversity has certainly died last few weeks, used to be the comments sections flipped around the spectrum depending on the articles now it's jammed on the anti-trump bus.

Part of the appeal was the inconsistency in the takes on offer, a political schitzophrenia that stood out in a sea of sameyness, now its going one way only and starting to get boring.

Wow, people from wildly different ideologies managed to agree on something! Could it be that what they agreed on was overwhelmingly true? Nah, it must be that they just all suddenly changed their entire ideologies

A Miracle! Especially in the face of the last few months.

No, I think its more likely a simple trend of disengagement in the face of vitriol; an understandable reaction but makes comment sections less interesting.

Good thing we've still got Humor, Tits and Niche Interest, 'cause political insight left the building.

Last edited Nov 17, 2020 at 11:35PM EST

Master Pain wrote:

This is one reason I don't use the site much anymore. I swear everytime I look at a meme entry's comments it's just people shitting on it. Ironically, this place hates twitter so much, but twitter is the one place I see now where people just have fun with memes.

Edit: Now that I think about it, memes on twitter are a lot more fluid. There aren't huge memes, but rather countless small memes that only have a handful of variants, which add up over time. So, it might just not translate well to the article format KYM has, where it expounds a meme's origin, spread, meaning, etc. only to post like 10 good examples. Which can then contribute to people here feeling like memes are becoming less good. But really, I'd just say memes have become a lot more dynamic, to where specific memes aren't noteworthy on their own, but contribute to an overall flowing of memes that is still entertaining, at least to me. Hell, I'd say the flow of reaction images on twitter is just as good if not better than 4chan's ever was, from my browsing of it

The reason is that now more than ever before memes have become more stale and repetitive.
While this place has plenty of idiotic moments I still take them over Twitter,they're easier to avoid when I browse a website.

But that's not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing the same level of creativity and vibrancy, if not higher than it's usually been. And again, the memes aren't noteworthy on an individual level, but interact and combine to where it's just memes in general are good. But it won't come across on this site, where each meme gets its own article and makes it seem bigger than it actually is

For what its worth, at least the people on this site (at least the ones I've tried to contact) have been more civil than anyone on Twitter. Sure, we still have people like Kups or Poochyena, but at the end of the day, this site is honestly lower on the "hell site" scale compared to my other options.

"There's also this air of only cynicism being good. I feel like people hate when users on here try to be optimistic, as if it's a weakness to think that things can get better, or that you're allowed to be happy and peaceful."

Welcome to the club.

Last edited Nov 19, 2020 at 09:56AM EST

if you really think we're more civil than twitter then you have some rose tinted glasses, theres tons of users calling for the deaths of people, being sexual weirdos, or getting overly angry about fucking tik tok.

No Original Names wrote:

if you really think we're more civil than twitter then you have some rose tinted glasses, theres tons of users calling for the deaths of people, being sexual weirdos, or getting overly angry about fucking tik tok.

Have they been reported or banned?

@Master Pain

I disagree with your point but I respect that.
I don't think every single meme deserves an entry while it could easily fit more in the main one with an update,this happens more with subculture memes.

@No Original Names

Even with all the criticism I gave to Twitter I admit that this place has its fair share of really embarassing moments from the community. It becomes so painfully predictable on how they're gonna react to certain things for the most part.

In response to op
it's the world we live in
when things go to shit people reasonably get cynical

I do agree though that people here are getting as hard headed as other sites and that's a problem

And as far as I remember people have gone to galleries they don't like to shit on it since I joined in '14

Discord cabals spamming soijaks and pollical memes aren't helping either.
Everyone has a chip on their shoulder, gathering everyone else with a similar vendetta to see it vindicated.


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