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Gonna be honest and say it legit bugs me stuff like this ends up in trending and that anyone who calls out the legit strawman or bigotry gets downvoted

Last posted Jun 13, 2020 at 03:23PM EDT. Added Jun 05, 2020 at 06:58PM EDT
16 posts from 15 users

Here's the two most recent examples I've seen:

Like I said in the comments for the top pic, I'm sure you could get the point across without resorting to extremely over-the-top strawmen or use of slurs and/or actual bigotry, and it bugs me that when I see people calling out the strawmen and whatnot they just get downvoted.

EDIT: Also gonna be honest and say it seems almost suspicious to me these two pics shot up to the top of trending as fast as they did…

Last edited Jun 05, 2020 at 07:00PM EDT

Hey so just a heads up to people, but according to the official site rules (here: "Not Cool" content – that is, content which isn't allowed even with a NSFW tag – includes the following:

-Any content that is unwarrantedly racist, sexist and homophobic or transphobic in nature
-Advocating violence against a person or group

You might be surprised to hear this, but we here do pay attention to the world outside KYM, where this "rescue the tomboys" nonsense is a pretty obvious dog whistle to marginalize trans men, as is the rhetoric about "mutilation," which shows up in TERF posts all the freaking time.

That shit is plainly against the site rules, so don't be surprised if it gets taken down.

Last edited Jun 05, 2020 at 10:54PM EDT
You might be surprised to hear this, but we here do pay attention to the world outside KYM, where this "rescue the tomboys" nonsense is a pretty obvious dog whistle to marginalize trans men, as is the rhetoric about "mutilation," which shows up in TERF posts all the freaking time.

I would agree with you here if it wasn't for shit like this:

Granted this comes from twitter and it was probably said by a clown but these days you just don't know…

The obsession with tomboys around here is obsessively creepy, like the sight of short hair sport girls inflicts users with baleful polymorphism that turns them into eternally horny rats pressing their noses against posted artwork on their screen at comically rapid intervals of breathing and sniffing
Also some of these trans conspiracies get pretty far out, both the ones about trans incursions and secret manipulation and the ones about how boyish women are abominations in the eyes of trans people

elmashojaldra wrote:

You might be surprised to hear this, but we here do pay attention to the world outside KYM, where this "rescue the tomboys" nonsense is a pretty obvious dog whistle to marginalize trans men, as is the rhetoric about "mutilation," which shows up in TERF posts all the freaking time.

I would agree with you here if it wasn't for shit like this:

Granted this comes from twitter and it was probably said by a clown but these days you just don't know…

Yeah, I've seen it too but thankfully it seems people are trying to shut it down

Nothing against gays or trans, but I personally feel telling tomboys that they must be gay or trans just reinforces gender stereotypes.

elmashojaldra wrote:

You might be surprised to hear this, but we here do pay attention to the world outside KYM, where this "rescue the tomboys" nonsense is a pretty obvious dog whistle to marginalize trans men, as is the rhetoric about "mutilation," which shows up in TERF posts all the freaking time.

I would agree with you here if it wasn't for shit like this:

Granted this comes from twitter and it was probably said by a clown but these days you just don't know…

I was just about to comment "oh, i'm sure someone will find some absolute nobody on twitter saying this to prove its not a strawman" and I guess someone already did.

Yea, see, here is the issue, its still a strawman. If you want to attack what that person said, go at it, but thats not whats happening. No one cares about what some nobody on twitter says, so what they have to do is create a strawman and insist its a big group of people it represents, when in reality, its not even remotely a popular opinion. The purpose is to create a big evil boogeyman to distract from real issues.

Tbh given how at the very least how noisy the pinkpillers (and groomers) can be, this stuff shouldn't be a surprise.

I do know that one reasonably popular pinkpiller tried to drug a self-described trap at an anime convention…

elmashojaldra wrote:

You might be surprised to hear this, but we here do pay attention to the world outside KYM, where this "rescue the tomboys" nonsense is a pretty obvious dog whistle to marginalize trans men, as is the rhetoric about "mutilation," which shows up in TERF posts all the freaking time.

I would agree with you here if it wasn't for shit like this:

Granted this comes from twitter and it was probably said by a clown but these days you just don't know…

What if I told you a girl can have traditionally masculine hobbies and still identify as female…

These are just slurs. No need to get worked up over slurs.

Although what could be the reason for people trans people? Uncanny valley or something more?

Last edited Jun 07, 2020 at 11:55PM EDT

imnotgivingmynametoyou wrote:

Yeah, I've seen it too but thankfully it seems people are trying to shut it down

Nothing against gays or trans, but I personally feel telling tomboys that they must be gay or trans just reinforces gender stereotypes.

Same. Telling a tomboy they must be gay or trans would just reinforce some sort of gender stereotype just because they're into something. I also feel that can also be denying their agency (or whatever the word is) the same way one telling a transwoman that she's just a delusional man is denying her agency and the like. Not to mention, we all can like things that our opposite of our sex or gender and still identify as what we see, feel, and think as. A man, cis or trans, being into something feminine makes him no more a man than a ciswoman or transwoman being into society perceives as masculine such as fishing or full contact football.

That said, getting this sort of thing from Twitter also gives me the idea I'm just stumbling upon other echo chambers that'll have their own crappy toxic people.

Also to back up what Poochyena said: the people going "transition or get out" are more or less just a handful of idiots from Twitter. And the memes going "REEEEE get a meattube" are still gonna come off as transphobic. This would be less of a strawman if you had more people go at it, not a small handful but if you had this being regurgitated on other places like Reddit. Though that can still make the memes come off as strawman.

Last edited Jun 08, 2020 at 12:30AM EDT

Because a shitload of people are transphobic and they genuinely don't understand it in the slightest, so instead, they base their views on the most biased and extreme examples they can find.

It is the exact same kinds of things people did (and often still do) to homosexuals. Like when people think of a gay man, what do they think of? Probably someone effeminate with a lisp and a FABOULOUS fashion sense. It is a stereotype. And the stereotypes used to be much worse. What does the average person think of when they think of a trans person? Probably a man in drag (which isn't even the same as being trans).

They said gays were pedophiles, mentally ill, degenerates, and perverts. They said that they would corrupt children and lead to society rotting morally. They said accepting them would destroy the natural concepts of sexuality. They said that being gay is a choice and that all humans are straight. That being gay as a concept didn't actually exist, it was a lifestyle. They said "I don't hate gay people, but I don't think they shouldn't shove it in my face" or something similar. If we let them get married then who knows what people will get married with next! Trees???

Now, what do they say about trans people? They are pedophiles, mentally ill, degenerates, and perverts. They corrupt children and rot society. Accepting that being trans exists destroys the idea that there are only two genders. Being trans is a lifestyle, there are only two genders. "I don't hate trans people, but…". "If people can 'choose' their gender then people will identify as attack helicopters!".

It is the same old shit with a different target. Except unlike being gay, being trans is a genuinely hard concept for people who aren't trans to understand. So they try to understand it in completely inaccurate ways, such as "choosing to be trans" or "don't they know they have X genitals??" or its when a boy likes feminine things or vice-versa.

People genuinely hate or are creeped out by transpeople. So when they see some idiot only like posting something stupid that confirms their pre-existing biases, they latch onto it and use it as ammo against trans people despite the fact they are in the extreme minority. The post above exemplifies this.

It is not different than seeing a black criminal on TV and claiming that it is clearly an exemplification of black people.

The worst part to me is that these people try to pretend that they are not bigots. At least own your shit and stop lying to yourself and others. Like a racist who claims they are not racist but constantly rambles about all the things they hate about some minority group.

Last edited Jun 12, 2020 at 04:03PM EDT

iBlewupthemoon wrote:

What if I told you a girl can have traditionally masculine hobbies and still identify as female…

same goes for feminine guys. i'm tired of femboys being confused tran girls for the fifth time lol..


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