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Hrom Appreciation Thread

Last posted Jun 19, 2017 at 11:07PM EDT. Added Nov 15, 2015 at 02:51PM EST
39 posts from 25 users

When serious gamers on the internet congregate in their own circlejerk social hubs like the GamerGate comment section, users typically try to mask the group's problematic aims under a layer of subtlety--for example, asking people to go to the forum thread to don't get the comments locked again or things like not wishing to lay death to SJW--to present a friendly, non-threatening front for the media. Of course, this never works, because the media is run by SJWs and won't so much as blink when Brianna Wu posts retarded shit on Twitter. Still, pro-gamergate figureheads like TotalBiscuit believe the movement should put on a PR-friendly smile of submission for a "ethical" journalism that would never report correctly their sorry asses.

Hrom, on the other hand, holds back no punches. The prominent anti-SJW KYM commenter, better known in GG circles by his nickname Chromium (because his ideas are as hard and resistent as the element and they couldn't come up with a better name) has personally vowed to annihilate every SJW, indie developer and video game journalist under the banner of Vivian James--through tweets or empty threats. Scholars from Missouri's University's Center for Equality Studies have ominously described him as the most problematic man in the universe, and the biggest existential threat to the Social Justice since Frozen's whitewashing.

Today, our hero has been unfairly suspended by the Social Justice loby formed by moderators. In this hard moments, we need to stay strong and pray for Hrom, so his comeback will shut those culture traitors down. Reports say he'll send a bomb to Zoe Quinn and stone people in a mosque while shouting "IT'S TIME TO REMOVE CANCER, EVEN IF WE NEED TO DESTROY SOME HEALTHY TISSUE AS WELL". While the plan is most likely to fail because he's a huge pussy IRL he can't fight against a system corrupted by SJWs, we send him our support. STAY STRONG!

TripleA9000 wrote:

Best user 10/10. Looks like we got a definite shew in for next database mod.

At the rate he's going, I'd offer him a job as an admin.

>get home from middle school
>grab my hungarian pc from 1997
>get on knowyourmeme
>read paris attack entry
>the damn sjws are at it again
>scream and punch my george w. bush body pillow in rage
>spout my words of fiery anger in the comment section
>mom opens basement door, tells me to shut up and do something with my life
>kick her and tell her to fuck off
>she cries and runs to her room
>check back on comment section
>fucking terrorist mods suspended me
>lose my shit
>mom calls the cops
>they arrive and handcuff me
>“come to me again when you are being stoned to death”

Last edited Nov 15, 2015 at 04:13PM EST

>in middle school
>maths class
>not paying attention; too busy plotting destruction of sjws
>teacher introduces new kid
>looks like a sjw
>pulse increasing
>i'm sitting by myself as usual so i'm surrounded by empty tables
>he sits down next to me
>"hi, I'm Muhammad"
>practiced for this moment for months
>whole class is looking at me, kid is about to cry
>i stare right into his soul
>"When removing cancer, you need to destroy some healthy tissue as well."
>kid is crying his eyes out
>teacher sends me to see the dean
>i get expelled
>don't have to sit next to Muhammad anymore
>no Muslims in my personal circle
>loyal to my culture

Last edited Nov 15, 2015 at 04:04PM EST

Don't be such a party pooper, Bob.

Where were you with my "birthday" thread, or Furret's thread about himself, maybe all of the Mare threads, or perhaps even your own roast threads?

Gotta be more specific here, cus this general vague description ain't gonna cut it.

Hit me up on the mod forum.

Last edited Nov 15, 2015 at 05:48PM EST

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

Threads made about specific users are not allowed. I figured you idiots would have remembered that by now.

Coming from the founder of roast of the week.

Plus where does it say that anyway?

Spider-Byte wrote:

Coming from the founder of roast of the week.

Plus where does it say that anyway?

I made the roast of the week threads because I knew full well that putting people in the spotlight would keep them from being hit with anything too serious. Mostly because of the obsession with bizarre ironic shitposting you people seem to derive masturbatory pleasure from.


I wasn't around for the previous two and I've already explained my roast threads.

You know what? I'm gonna let this thread stay open. Speaking to Spider has made me realize that admins never really did put the rule anywhere. An unwritten rule is just as good as a non-existent one, and all that.

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

You know what? I'm gonna let this thread stay open. Speaking to Spider has made me realize that admins never really did put the rule anywhere. An unwritten rule is just as good as a non-existent one, and all that.

Where the fuck was that logic when you guys were arguing over NSFW shit last year

What is this nonsense?

Why are we allowing these dumb meme mods, sitting in their mod forum like kings, to decide whether this thread should be locked? We live in America! This is a democracy!

Vote here!

except you randomman, you don't live in america so you can't participate in democracy

Ah, you silly kiddos finally fount my alt. You thought I was simply inactive, but it was all an elaborate ruse! Now, get ready to face the full destructive force of THE OPINIONS OF A DISGRUNTLED LONER.

Girls are gross.

Roarshack wrote:

is making fun of gamergate relevant again

Grabs fun police hat

Puts on eye black and headband

you try and make a GG joke you're going to get rejected kiddo

MiloticExalted wrote:

Where the fuck was that logic when you guys were arguing over NSFW shit last year

Crimeariver wrote

No, he’s way too active to be an effective admin.

I cannot tell you how much these two posts are related.

Anyways, back to thread.

>Promoting Fascism
>Is not a mod with le ironic "Nutzi Modz"
>Is not le ironic Grammar Nazi
>Is not legit Nazi Mod or Grammar Nazi who takes things too seriously (-Particle Mare-)
>Is not Laika
>My Face When

>My Brain When

>My Pencil When

>My Computer When

>My Phone When

>My Camera When

>My Coffee Mug When

Last edited Nov 16, 2015 at 01:57AM EST

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