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Post uplifting/happy songs

Last posted Apr 15, 2016 at 04:31AM EDT. Added Feb 07, 2016 at 04:45PM EST
51 posts from 38 users

I need some happy sounding shit.
So post some happy and/or uplifting songs.
No "kinda melancholic but happy" music please, just pure sunshine stuff! But whatever, just post whatever makes you happy I guess.

I'll start.

The Aquabats album, Hi-Five Soup, never fails to lighten my mood. I used to listen to it a lot when I worked at an imaging company, scanning criminal records into a database eight hours a day. Pretty depressing work. Favorite songs from that album are The Legend is True, Just Can't Lose, and Pink Pants.

Pink Floyd songs tend to be a bit… cynical, or moody. This, however, is not that, as this song is quite cheerful in a pleasant, calm way:

Whenever I finally finish up with something hard or stressful and all my problems are finally going away, I feel like I've finally crawled out of the deep dark abyss and see the bright and beautiful blue sky again after a long time.

This song, more specifically, this scene taught me that I shouldn't worry a whole lot about what happens in life and that I should just do my own thing without worrying about the consequences. So basically, carefree life=happiness. It also helped cure my depression to.

Last edited Feb 08, 2016 at 09:15AM EST

DJKing wrote:

Anamanaguchi – Space Wax America

. . .

By the by, the massive amounts of embedding is putting an absolute stranglehold on my PC. Might I suggest linking instead?

yes sir! Thats a good idea.

I'll give you an example to understand what you mean!

Picard Song:


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