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Last posted Apr 18, 2024 at 05:25PM EDT. Added Aug 02, 2014 at 01:37AM EDT
1764 posts from 204 users

i always cringed at the german parts in the original. still feels awkward at times, but very listenable. i seem to suffer from some kind of intolerance for german lyrics in general.


Beautiful vocals, and a great synth melody. What more could you ask for?
I can't help but smiling at 2:16, the vocals and the beat make me so happy at that part.

Last edited Dec 17, 2014 at 08:33PM EST

^Emm… first:

I think is deserves a 7 for the song and a 5 for the music video 'cause was rattle silly

Now, where I form its not new year but I gonna celebrate if was 1974, and lets hope 2015 don't bring us too many disgraces to all of us:

U2 had their moments, this is definetly not one of them. started out OK, but turned very meh. i dislike bono's voice too. ooohhhhh, aahhhh choirs killed it dead. good thing i don't have any apple products.

7/10 I've been delving more into electronic music lately, and this is a welcome departure from a lot of the downbeat triphop I've been immersed in. A little heavy on the boopy sounds for my taste, but undeniably catchy, I'll see what else they have to offer. Plus they're from my neighboring town of Denton, TX! Neat!

Here, have some Gypsystep!

Last edited Jan 18, 2015 at 04:48AM EST

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