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Good Twist Endings. Vidya, Movies, Tv [SPOILER]

Last posted Aug 05, 2020 at 10:44PM EDT. Added Aug 05, 2020 at 04:06AM EDT
4 posts from 4 users

Good completely or mostly out of nowhere endings

Despite the game being mediocre at best this ending really fucking hit hard
When I was a kid I was always afraid of nuclear war, so to see it happen in a small town set in the modern day hit close to home

The ending of the film "Oldboy" did mess me up, when it saw the twist I was like:

Black Mirror's "White Christmas" also holds for a genuine "horey shieet!" moment, specially the ending, in that what I call, "twitter wet dream".

The Usual Suspects twist still gives me goosebumps. Primal Fear is another good one. Fight Club's twist really got me the first time, but its a little too obvious after having rewatched it a few more times.

For games, Bioshock and Silent Hill 2 immediately come to mind. I'm tempted to say Spec Ops, but I'm not sure if it really applies. Its narrative twist isn't as particularly as strong as the meta one.

Oh one more, Hotline Miami, not so much for being good, just for being kind of random and out of place.

Last edited Aug 05, 2020 at 10:49PM EDT

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