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Pro Wrestling/WWE (NJPW, ROH, etc.) General 2.0: A New Era

Last posted May 07, 2018 at 11:41AM EDT. Added Aug 09, 2016 at 10:16PM EDT
385 posts from 22 users

I don't watch only Smackdown because I don't like Raw. I like a lot of the guys on Raw. It's just that I don't want to watch 5 hours of wrestling every week and Smackdown was the show that introduced me to wresting so I just stuck with that out of past history.

With that said, I really, really want to see Slater and Rhino to the end of the Smackdown tag team tournament.

Slater's been getting over pretty well with the crowd in recent weeks. A lot of people are eager to see him land a spot on the roster somewhere. Maybe this tag team will take him to a spot on Smackdown.

Space Cowboy wrote:

WWEMusic uploaded the version of Nakamura's theme used in Takeover: Brooklyn, and to borrow from Bobby Roode, it is GLORIOUS!!

I can only imagine how his theme will sound at a wrestlemania.

Shoot me: Owens is the champ bah gawd this is incredible

Kayfabe me: Owens is a cheap bastard, damn him and damn Triple H for helping him! I demand answers!

During the match I figured that the match could go to either Owens, Roman, or Rollins. Big Cass was the odd one out he but on a good show and everyone of his big boots connected beautifully. I did not see HHH coming at all so that added several factors of excitement/bewilderment. Betraying Rollins was a shock but I'm really glad we won't see authority Rollins for another 8 months. Owns as a champion sets a very interesting stage for the weeks to come but I was kind of hoping that Kevin would win without help, but wnningbin this manner helps him with his heel-ness. Hopefully Kevin will do something to piss off the fans so that he can get some good heat.

My one problem with Owens is that he's not a great heel. Sure he talks like a guy you would totally hate during his promos but his Moveset, hybrid wrestling style and amusing mannerisms (HEADLOCK MASTER!) are too crowd pleasing. A good heel should be able o get heat during a promo and during a match. I partially blame the audience braise the seem to cheer him no matter what he does. Even putting Sami Zayne through a table backstage, knocking him out of a future match, did nothing.

I'm wondering if Roman and Rollins will team up, causing Roman to become more popular by association.

I was aware that had Balor not got injured, his match at Clash of Champions would be against Kevin Owens.

I'm glad that they decided to give the Universal Championship to Owens instead of Rollins. I was hoping the championship would go to someone new. I had enough of Rollins as champion from last year but there wasn't really enough to choose from from the 4-way besides Kevin Owens. I assumed it would go to Rollins for being a safe choice as champion.

With Triple H giving Rollins the pedigree, here's hoping Rollins turns babyface overtime.

The Headbangers? In 2016? Any other oldfags remember them?

They actually did alright lol, I was pleasantly surprised. Shame they didn't have their old music and obviously no tron has been put together for them on the new stage system, but they looked good considering they must be bloody old by now.

Slater's story and Rhyno as the "weird friend" is just getting even better.

Anyone see the CWC episode this week? Both matches were great, but I think the main event match with THE Brian Kendrick and Kota Ibushi was an emotional one, especially with the way they've been building up Kendrick.

Me and my bro were almost crying too over The Kendrick's emotional defeat.

CWC has been a rollercoaster of emotion! Why isn't all WWE this good?

Right lads and lasses, let's have your Backlash predictions.

- The Miz versus Dolph Ziggler (IC Title)
I predict Miz to retain.

- Randy Orton versus Bray Wyatt
Orton to win.

- Usos versus Hype Bros
I predict Usos to win

- Slater & Rhyno versus winner of Usos versus Hype Bros (Smackdown Tag Title)
Slater & Rhyno to win.

- Six-way Elimination Match (Smackdown Women's Title)
I want Becky to win but I predict Nikki will take home the gold

- Dean Ambrose versus AJ Styles (WWE World Title)
I predict AJ Styles to win and become the WWE Champion (just in time for the house show I'm going to in November ;P)

Although Becky is the most popular woman on Smackdown I've been a bit underwhelmed by her performance. She seems like she should have a lot of explosive energy to me but she just seems to move a bit slower to me. Her the run for her flying forearm looks more like a jog. I remember Becky Lynch putting on great performances so I'm not sure what's going on.

As long as I'm talking about the women's division I just want to say I really love Naomi's entrance and I think it's one of the more exciting entrances the WWE has right now.

My predictions:
Miz vs Ziggler
Miz wins clean
Dean Ambrose vs AJ Styles
AJ wins
Smackdown tag team championship match
Heath Slater & Rhyno.
Woman's championship Elimination match
I want to believe that Becky will win.
Orton vs Bray Wyatt
Bray needs to win. I like Orton, but Bray Wyatt needs this victory a lot more.

If Dolph Ziggler looses this match he would have lost two straight title opportunities as well as an opportunity to compete in a triple threat.

Should he lose, is there anywhere he can really go other than turn heel? While a double turn involving Miz is unthinkable because he's one of the best villains they got it may be possible that Ziggler jumps into the world title picture again as an extremely frustrated and desperate heel.

H.UNgrammar wrote:

Looks shopped as hell.

Anyways, everyone's been making Backlash predictions, and I haven't had the chance to weigh in. Basically, my predictions are the same as Egla's, though I'm still unsure about AJ winning the belt. Though I want AJ to get that title, I think it's a bit too early for him to be getting it. But hey, if he wins, I'll mark out.

Btw, did anyone see the latest CWC episode? The two matches they showed were great, especially the last one with Rich Swann and TJ Perkins. Both guys are super talented in the ring, and both managed to tell a good story throughout: Rich Swann really did a great job selling the knee injury throughout the whole match.

Last edited Sep 11, 2016 at 01:27PM EDT

If I was a woman I would want to have Rich Swann's children

And that is about as gay as I'm prepared to be for any wrestling-related thing.

ballstothewall wrote:

Right lads and lasses, let's have your Backlash predictions.

- The Miz versus Dolph Ziggler (IC Title)
I predict Miz to retain.

- Randy Orton versus Bray Wyatt
Orton to win.

- Usos versus Hype Bros
I predict Usos to win

- Slater & Rhyno versus winner of Usos versus Hype Bros (Smackdown Tag Title)
Slater & Rhyno to win.

- Six-way Elimination Match (Smackdown Women's Title)
I want Becky to win but I predict Nikki will take home the gold

- Dean Ambrose versus AJ Styles (WWE World Title)
I predict AJ Styles to win and become the WWE Champion (just in time for the house show I'm going to in November ;P)

4/6 ain't bad.

AJ Styles is the champ! There's a sentence I would not have believed possible before 2016.

My only problem with the entire PPV was Kane vs Bray Wyatt.
Why did Kane have to go over? He doesn't need it. Bray does.
Other than that, I think every other match was pretty much done to perfection. I enjoyed Backlash a lot. Here's hoping Clash of champions will be just as good if not better.

A bit late in saying this, but Backlash was pretty good. And I'm glad AJ got the win. He's got another nickname too: The Champ that Runs the Camp.

Wew, the CWC Finale though… Twas amazing! Great from start to finish. And I'm incredibly happy for the winner too.

Great to see TJ Perkins walk out as not only the winner of the CWC, but also The first Cruiserweight Champion. I'm not usually one who shows pride for his ethnicity, but as a Filipino, I'm glad TJP won the tournament.

That being said, all the other competitors were great too. Zack Sabre Jr. put on a great match with Gran Metallik, as did Kota Ibushi and TJP. And the final match itself was a sight to see. I'm glad the CWC is a thing, and I can't wait for more.

For anyone who saw RAW and NXT this week, I have to say: they've really done a great job in handling Cedric Alexander. On RAW, they made him look strong, despite ultimately eating the pin to Brian Kendrick, and on NXT, the Full Sail crowd was totally over for him (perhaps to the detriment of Andrade Almas, but that's another story for later), and he put out a great match against Almas. The guy's a great wrestler, and I'm glad they've found potential in him.

ballstothewall wrote:

Chiptunes? In my wrestling?!

Great entrance theme. As Kotor said, very Mega Man-esque (reminds me of Wiley's Castle, but I could be wrong).

Anyways, I wanna talk briefly about Clash of Champions. It was decent PPV, with some good wrestling and mostly good matches. However, the finishes for most of the matches were rather disappointing (still kinda bummed about the results of the first match on the card tbh, even though it was a great match overall). Compared to Backlash, I have to say CoC was lacking, booking-wise. Here's to a better RAW PPV next month.

A bit late in saying this, but I thought Smackdown was great this week. Totally blew RAW out of the water. And in relation to what Volga was talking about, I thought the Miz/Dolph Ziggler segment was amazing. Dolph delivered a hell of a promo.

Space Cowboy wrote:

A bit late in saying this, but I thought Smackdown was great this week. Totally blew RAW out of the water. And in relation to what Volga was talking about, I thought the Miz/Dolph Ziggler segment was amazing. Dolph delivered a hell of a promo.

Of course he did a hell of a problem. hE'S DOLPH ZIGGLER!
I just think neither of them should win, because it would mean either Miz losing his title or Dolph retiring. It's a fantastic stipulation, but i fear what's going to happen with dolph's career.

I would kill for TNA golden years on the Network, despite not having watched that fed since roughly mid-2011. I also want to rewatch Fourtune, they were one of the only good things about the Hogan-Bischoff era.

I would love rewatching some of the old days of TNA in the network, but I kinda don't want Tna to be bought. Thanks to it, i have seen some amazing talent in there, and even today there's still great talent underused in that company.
It introduced me to AJ styles, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Abyss, etc.
And some old legends got to shine there as well like Sting, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarret. Plus it was still interesting to see Kurt Angle, Booker T when he was there, the "Broken" Hardy boys, Mark LoMonaco's "Bully Ray" gimmick,etc.
If that's what happens to TNA, some part of will be very happy, but another of my sides will die.
I feel emotionally conflicted about these news. But we'll have to see.

Amongus wrote:

Is WCPW allowed too?

My favourites are King Ross and Martin Kirby, discuss

But real talk the in-ring work is honestly great, and it's a new way to reach an audience. Their cards are now consistently stacked and they make use of popular talent. I only hope their homebois don't fall by the wayside because we have some really great wrestlers.

I really like that the British Indies could be in line for a serious comeback.

Last edited Oct 03, 2016 at 02:40PM EDT

ballstothewall wrote:

My favourites are King Ross and Martin Kirby, discuss

But real talk the in-ring work is honestly great, and it's a new way to reach an audience. Their cards are now consistently stacked and they make use of popular talent. I only hope their homebois don't fall by the wayside because we have some really great wrestlers.

I really like that the British Indies could be in line for a serious comeback.

The Match between Bea Priestley and Nixon Newell at WCPW Stacked was brutal. Also, Adam did a good job being a Heel. I'm totaly excited to see Adam vs Rampage.

Last edited Oct 03, 2016 at 03:01PM EDT

We weeb on SD now

Overall it was a decent episode, final segment was very good and I feel Ambrose is stepping his game up as a main eventer.

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