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[Forum Games] Nations RP II

Last posted May 10, 2016 at 10:07AM EDT. Added Mar 17, 2016 at 11:49AM EDT
986 posts from 28 users

Only after growing so large can I look at the world and think…such a small and fragile yhing, this world of ours. Every section held together by the gossamer threads of friendship or rivalry that have shaped our countries. Here, in this brave new world, not of the endless possibilities or dreams of old, but of the limitations of land and sea, that one can truly reflect upon their rise and struggles to get here.

The age of embers burns bright. And we will see it either breath a new flame. Or fall to ash. Either way, it has been a good journey here. Thank you…everyone. I will remember your country's fondly, in this new horizon of terror and death.

Last edited Apr 14, 2016 at 04:46PM EDT

Black Graphic T wrote:

Only after growing so large can I look at the world and think…such a small and fragile yhing, this world of ours. Every section held together by the gossamer threads of friendship or rivalry that have shaped our countries. Here, in this brave new world, not of the endless possibilities or dreams of old, but of the limitations of land and sea, that one can truly reflect upon their rise and struggles to get here.

The age of embers burns bright. And we will see it either breath a new flame. Or fall to ash. Either way, it has been a good journey here. Thank you…everyone. I will remember your country's fondly, in this new horizon of terror and death.

Emphasis on the "terror and death", because I feel like shit's gonna hit the fan really fast when we can start researching crazy stuff.

Spider-Byte wrote:

>tfw you're about to miss the turn so you have to send like a 30 word turn

>tfw you remember that Syndic usually takes upwards of ten hours to finish writing the turn so you actually had plenty of time to write a pm but rushed it instead

Took me a while to realize that the world congress office from Ambrosia's side wasn't made. But considering what is going on over there I can understand on it not making the office there yet.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

Took me a while to realize that the world congress office from Ambrosia's side wasn't made. But considering what is going on over there I can understand on it not making the office there yet.

I wasn't motivated enough to make an edit

I established one this turn, and made the World Congress happen in Eeshaven right afterwards.

Shape wrote:

I wasn't motivated enough to make an edit

I established one this turn, and made the World Congress happen in Eeshaven right afterwards.

Don’t worry there is no rush on having it fully made.

Turn 9



Industrial Era
"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." -Henry Ford

The World

-The First World Congress has congregated in Eeshaven, where diplomats from every empire have been invited to discuss the future of the world as a whole. Together they organize the creation of the Red Cross, an international medical assistance group, the World Trade Center, an organization designed to monitor economies and promote trade, and the Eeshaven Conventions, a series of rules and regulations on treatment of civilians and combat prisoners during war.

-The global rise of industry has led to a dramatic increase in exports which, now exceeding exports in almost every industrialized society, are becoming increasingly difficult to find markets for.

Txabesco (KYFPMM)

Defense Forces: Arquebusiers, Light Cavalry, Cannons, Hwacha, Sail Frigates

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Mandatory Service, Free Trade, Secularism, State Beer Monopoly, Chemical Warfare, Spies

Culture: Alcohol Aficionados, Fish Fanatics, Starlove (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-Assistance is given to the Narthurian invasion of East Conshen. The Onvast fleets are on the run, having soundly been defeated in each engagement.

-The first army is sent to the new world and succeeds in claiming Tortuga without opposition.

-A grand music festival is held in Ponchi, putting on display cultural works from around the world.

-For centuries, prostitutes have made some of the best spies in the business. Now, they are officially on the payroll, and Txabesco's government is not afraid of admitting to this fact.

-A pair of engineer brothers, seeking to fly higher and carry more weight into the air with them, build the largest hot air balloon ever made. Unfortunately it does not go very far and both die in a fiery blaze.

Syraus (Stalemate)

Military: 2shot Musketeers, Heavy Camel Cavalry, Medics, Cannons, Flamethrowers, Ironclads

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Inquisition, Spies, Welfare, Mandatory Service, Religious Missions

Culture: Teachers, Entertainers, Xenophobia, Zeist (religion), Krav Maga, Racism

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium), Unitology Rebellion

-The double barrelled musket is introduced to the military alongside the pistol. The navy is also improved with the bringing in of the steam engine, making modern ironclads possible.

-A law is passed affirming a woman's right to join the army. And navy.

-Massive taxes are levied upon Unitology adherents. This, combined with the the Sprawl invasion, has prompted an open revolt in Seahurst, the nation's greatest Unitologist stronghold.

-War is declared upon Sprawl again. A propaganda campaign is launched to support the effort, spawning widespread racist resentment among Zeistists against Unitologists.

-The war with Sprawl has gone poorly; the initial attack has been entirely repulsed by the Sprawlic First Army.

Orobostan (ProfessorRivers)

Military: Riflemen, Camel Dragoons, Cannons, Ship of the Line

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Welfare, Draft, Isolationism, Secularism

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: Great Depression

-The capital is moved to Great Aeris, instead of back to Orobo City.

-The industrial revolution has reached Orobostand, and domestic production jobs are gradually being replaced with steam driven machines.

-Production has gone up so rapidly due to the implementation of the steam engine that manufactories simply cannot market their excess goods to the public at a low enough price to empty their inventories while still making a profit. Thanks to isolationist policies, they cannot export their product either. To stay profitable, many factories have engaged in the process of shutting down production for months at a time, laying off all of their workers and simply surviving on their existing inventory until they need to briefly start up production again. This has resulted in mass unemployment and, thus, fewer people with the purchasing power to empty the inventories of their surplus. Unemployment rates continue to skyrocket as this process hits every sector of the economy, and the nation can now be said to have entered a period of economic depression.

-The cartridge loaded rifle is invented, and rapidly replaced the musket as the primary arm of choice.

-Testing on bullet proof armor has led to the production of somewhat better armors for soldiers.

Onvast (Roarshack)

Military: Musketeers, Light Cavalry, War Carriages, Archers, Galleons

Doctrines: None

Culture: Merchants, Starlove (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-A giant metal box on wheels loaded with ship cannons, the war carriage, is brought into the fight. Many of this new weapon are produced in great haste to give the hopelessly outnumbered armies a bit more firepower.

-To help defend against horse archers, the Onvast cavalry are given arrow proofed armors. Ultimately they have more to worry about by gun fire.

-The Second Fleet is sent to attack the Txabescan blockade of New Khaan, but is only just barely defeated, and forced to fall back to East Conshen.

-The second army makes a brave counterattack to retake Curamble, but fails to gain any ground and is destroyed as the enemy advances upon the capital.

Last edited Apr 16, 2016 at 02:14AM EDT

Ambrosia (Triangle Mare)

Military: Rifle Infantry, Grenadiers, Medics, Cuirassiers, Dragoons, Flying Battery, Polygonal Forts, Ironclads

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Structured Military, Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Spies, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education, Central Bank, Secularism, Grand Army Reforms

Culture: Seafarers, Militarists, Diplomats, Reformed Christianity (religion), Manufactories, Enlightenment

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-Van Hoffman abolishes the Staten Generaalen and consolidates the power of the consulate into a single office. The public largely backs his move, trusting in his wise leadership, and so he takes it one step further by proclaiming the establishment of a Revolutionary Empire with himself as the new monarch. This does not mean, however, that he has contented himself to rule the state, and the moment the crowning ceremonies were completed and his pledges to liberty and enlightenment were made, Vincent was once again off leading the armies. In his absence he has created several ministries to manage the affairs of state, each staffed by ministers appointed directly by the Emperor to ensure their loyalty.

-Cartridge loaded rifles are invented and implemented by the grand army. A new corps, the sixth, is organized using the new weapons.

-To inspire the armed forces to work stronger as a singular unit, awards are being given out to soldiers based more on teamwork than individual accomplishments, each unit is given the right to have their own coat of arms, and new marching songs are conducted, all to inspire the "espirit de corps." One such song, the Song of Departure is made the national anthem.

-The first successful ironclad ships sail out of Ambrosian harbors, adding to the might of the fleet. They are powered by steam engines and prove nearly impervious to cannon fire. A new fleet, the Fifth Fleet, is created using these ships.

-The telegraph is invented, allowing instant communication across vast distances. The military begins laying cables across long stretches of land between important outposts, allowing strategic cooperation between distant units.

-Telegraph lines and railroads are being laid across the country as it rapidly industrializes and these inventions find practical use. Couriers and carriage businesses shut down as rail workers and telegraph operators replace them.

-Universities are encouraged to promote the ideals of the revolution, and many are given grants as rewards for doing so. Most of this money goes towards the sciences, diminishing attention to the arts and putting on display the revolution's pragmatic idealism.

-The Third Corps is sent to the colonies, spearheading a military advance into native land and seizing El Dorado, the city of gold. A hefty "acquisition tax" is levied upon the city, essentially looting it of its treasures. The national coffers have never been more full.

-Sadam Mith, an economic theorist, has published a series of works detailing his observations of economics and arguing that the free market system is superior to any other kind of economic model. This came partly in reaction to the publications of a fellow scholar, Richfred Slegne, whose economic model of socialism greatly angered the capitalist Mith. Ironically, it was the popularity of Mith's work that brough Slegne's "Communist Manifesto" to be known by anybody outside of their academic circle.

-The Ambrosian Ducat is replaced with the Ambrosian Dollar. Citizens of the empire find it very easy to exchange for the new currency, but foreign companies with sizable hidden stashes of ducats find it difficult to swap out all of their cash in time, especially with the ongoing war, and much of it is lost after the deadline for exchange expires. This has resulted in a huge boost to domestic production as foreign trade dips severely. This process, coupled with the ongoing industrial revolution, has resulted in a vast expansion of the infrastructure and a rapid rise of factory production.

-The World's Fair Organization is established, convening first in Ambrosia to showcase the newest and greatest inventions from around the world.

-War is declared upon Cuba, the cassus belli being liberation of slaves and the destruction of the theocracy, both of which are abhorrent to the liberal revolutionary ideology. As a show of allegiance towards Japan, war is also declared on Orientale, dragging Japan into the war with Cuba as well.

-Combined with Japan's fleet, the entire navy sails into the Cuban sea and wipes the Cuban fleet off the face of the map. Having nowhere to fall back to, the Cuban first army is destroyed when Trinidad is finally taken, most of the soldiers being taken as prisoners.

-The First, Fifth, and Sixth Corps, led by Von Hoffman, advance to Trinidad and crush the Cuban armies in their path, completely obliterating their armies and forcing them, with no method of retreat, to surrender..

-General Davout leads the Second Corps into New Jerusalem, effectively ending the war with Orientale and easily encircling the Orientalish armies, rendering their defensive barriers against Japan useless.

Suiyektu (You Are Reading This)

Military: Riflemen, Howitzers, Cuirassiers, Hwachas, Star Forts, Sloops

Doctrines: Mercantilism, Meritocracy, Spies, Draft

Culture: Free Enterprise, Horse Husbandry, Tengrism (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-The howitzer is developed, giving artillery the ability to conduct indirect fire bombardment. Better small arms are also invented, with cartridge loading and a rifled barrel for greater accuracy.

-A goddess by the name of Oddyn Khatagtai has bee declared the patron soul of syncretism. Her traditional sacrifices are required to be offered up habitually by scholars seeking to convert.

-Coal powered industries continue to propagate throughout the country, alongside electric lights and telegraphs.

-An alcoholic drink called Airag, fermented horse milk, has become popular for reasons entirely escaping reason and logic.

-In other news, laughing gas has been discovered, and several notables injure themselves while high on the stuff.

-All of the hordes are mobilized and sent flying across the Narthurian border. Without anything in their path to stop their advance, they tear across the countryside and seize several cities.

Narthuria (Spider-Byte)

Military: Musketeers, Crossbowmen, Heavy Cavalry, Cavalry Archers, Cannons, Sail Frigates

Doctrines: Public Investment, Penal Army, Public Education, Religious Tolerance

Culture: Knights Tharos, Narthos (religion), Warmongerers

Issues: War Exhaustion (high)

-The fleets are sent north to help the troop transports make landfall in East Conshen. With Txabesco assistance, the naval battle is won and the island seized.

-The army is reformed around the use of muskets; pikes and primitive firearms are gradually phased out as replacements are made available.

-The people are tired of war, and are clamoring for peace.

Divus (Taryn)

Military: Musketeers, Flying Battery, Barques

Doctrines: Harbor Mirrors

Culture: Crab Cruelty, Stellar Surveyors, Tower of Babel (under construction), Sunnism (religion)

Issues: None

-The king has awoken, and he is most displeased. Angry about a lack of scientific progress, disturbed by the state of the military, and impatient with the progress made on his tower, he has commanded that the nation get its act together and work harder to propel Divus into the future.

-The first act has been major military reform. Muskets are brought into the armies and cannons are fixed to horse drawn carts, giving them high mobility. The national history of mirror use has also made its way into the ground forces, wherein frosted mirror fragments are attached to the uniforms of soldiers to create a form of primitive active camouflage. Rumor has it that military scientists are also working on a top secret superweapon of sorts that may change the way war is fought forever.

-The king also demands progress on his "space suits" for bringing the tower to new heights. Better pressurization methods are produced using aluminum welding and air filters, allowing engineers to work longer hours before descending.

-As his final act before going back to bed for another ten year slumber, the king commands that rockets be put to use in an attempt to make mankind literally reach the stars. The first test subject is strapped to a four foot tall rocket and fired off the tower; he is never seen again.

Striate (Owen, The Communist Tree)

Military: Arquebusiers, Crossbowmen, Howitzers, Ironclads

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Resource Subsidies, Elite Forces, Vetting

Culture: Militant Patriotism, Unitology (religion)

Issues: None

-The steam engine is independently invented by Striatian engineers, revolutionizing industry. Textile and milling industries implement the invention easily, driving up food and cloth production. Exports are going up, higher than ever before.

-Papers across the country have headlines reading "What the hell is Striatite?" The use of this strange new element in explosives is generating buzz as the country's top public scientists cannot make heads or tales of the stuff. "We simply don't know what its made of" says one prominent chemist. Continuous military tests at bases across the country has led to mass public inquiry.

-The howitzer, a cannon capable of firing explosive shells great distances in tall arcs, is invented. In other military development news, the first successful ironclad ship, driven by the power of steam, has paddled its way out of the drydocks and into the fleets.

Kathian (Twisty)

Military: Zealot 2shot Musketeers, Howitzers, Polygonal Forts, Flamethrowers, Ironclads

Doctrines: Missionary Warriors, Mercantilism, Code of Conduct, Field Promotions, Inquisition, Draft, Spies, Public Education, Veteran Benefits

Culture: Perfectionists, Xenophobia, Kruztatlism (religion), Janissaries, Racism

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-Steam engines continue to change the nation's production methods and standards. The government has taken control of the process by mandating that new machines and tools be subsidized for industries they favor, such as those vital to infrastructure and the military.
-Railroads are increasingly replacing the old carriage drawn logistics of trade and military supply. Civilians use the new trains to vacation around the country at a low expense.

-The Rock and Roll musical genre has become popular, emerging from the ongoing global musical revolution sparked in the Rose country. This uniquely Kathian musical genre has become a minor obsession of people from all walks of life, from the young spawn of wealthy elites fawning over boy bands, to the mourning spouses of dead soldiers turning in their sadness to blues music.

-Naturally, Rock has meshed with jazz to form a unique genre all of its own. A prominent musician, Stank Finatra, has popularized this so called "Big Band" genre.

-A commander named Marcos who appreciates engineering more than leading his regiments, has comitted himself to army reform, bringing experimental new weapons into the ranks. The Marcos Reforms are not limited to the land forces, and new ironclads are being produced based on his designs.

-Among Marcos's projects is the "iron carriage," a gun toting tractor covered from stem to stern with thick steel plates. Still a work in progress, I'm afraid.

-Marcos petitions for the ending of the terror tactics, appealing to moral decency and claiming that cooperation with locals can help the war effort more than inflicting pain upon them ever could. His appeal is accepted; a few of his more bloodthirsty officers resign over this, but their loss is considered "worth having" for the greater good.

-Marcos, using his political sway among the clergy and his popularity as a successful officer, has pushed for the creation of a new rank: Subcomandante. He is, naturally, the only man to be awarded this rank, making him feel very special.

-Free health care is given to retiring soldiers, to help them recover from injuries, both physical and mental.

-The armies in the Sprawl territory get to work digging in, building complex networks of fortifications including trenches, bunkers, and various other kinds of barricades. Rhea is quickly taken and cannot build its defenses in time, unfortunately.

-The marker is destroyed. Demolition crews bring in explosives and set them up at the base; detonation easily topples the structure. An artillery brigade stationed nearby celebrates this symbolic victory by bombarding the ruined marker continuously for several hours the following day, smashing the pieces into small boulders and dust. These pieces are then shipped out of Titan and dropped into the ocean, to make them entirely unrecoverable.

-Violent protests have erupted all throughout the Sprawl territories as a result of the marker's destruction, and the armies are having difficulty putting them down. Supply lines are being sabotaged by civilians and acts of guerrilla terrorism are being committed daily.

-An invasion of Hessaria is undertaken. The fleets just barely manage to scrape a victory away from the enemy, forcing their fleets to pull back, clearing the way for the landing of several armies on the islands. Mistralva, Whitgol, Daggermouth, and New Hessarinam are all seized.

-The Seventh Army and Fifth Fleet are sent to assist Onvast in their war effort.

Sprawl (Sergeant Arch Dornan)

Military: Zealot Musketeers, Priest Corps, Light Cavalry, Camel Riders, Cannons, Ironclads

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Literacy Program, National Bank, Corporatism

Culture: Alien Admiration, Unitology (religion), Knights of Unity

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium),

-Sprawl jumps on the steam power bandwagon, with a particular focus on railroads, helping armies move from place to place and remain well stocked with supplies, and ironclad ships, which greatly strengthen the navy.

-A clergyman named Hans Diedemann, having pledged his support for the fascist party, runs an election campaign in support of himself becoming the leader of the country. Naturally he wins, being that there are no such things as elections in Sprawl and, therefor, no other candidates dare run. The entire election was held in secret, and most of the country remained ignorant of his ascent to power until his "mob army" of loyal supporters stormed the national capitol and butchered the presiding government in an ill-thought coup attempt. Fortunately for them, the timely invasion of Sprawl by Syraus thrust upon the nation a need for leadership, which Hans was more than happy to provide; rather than being arrested by the military, he was put in command of it, with widespread popular support.

-The guild system is abolished under Tiedemann, who oversees the conglomeration of several major companies into corporate entities, for greater centralization in manipulating the economy.

-The second and third armies march into Rhea and liberate the city, driving Kathian out of the mountains.

-The First and Second Fleets make a move against Titan, and succeed in blockading the coastline.

-A priest going by the moniker "SprawlitikZ" has generated a new musical sensation, called rap, which has become quite popular in the cities of Sprawl. The genre is considered by other members of the clergy to be "degenerate" but that can't stop the tide, and soon nearly all of their flock are rapping as well. It has spread against all opposition, like a cancer… like Unitology, actually.

Monarchy of the Roses (Tchefuncte Bonaparte)

Military: Spear Warbands, Light Cavalry, Flamethrowers, Galleys

Doctrines: Egalitarianism, Public Education, Samurai

Culture: Tulip Traffickers, Rose Retailers, Pyramids, Mechanarianism (religion), Egalitarianism, Jazz

Issues: None

-Nothing happens.

Orientale (Starscream)

Military: Musketeers, Lightning Cavalry, Cannons, Star Forts, Caravels

Doctrines: Central Bank

Culture: Christianity (religion), Cat

Issues: War Exhaustion (extreme)

-Japan and Ambrosia have invaded. The Japanese armies, given right of way through Ambrosian territory, have completely bypassed the wall of trenches and forts, and have surrounded the Orientale armies at the border. Without an avenue of retreat due to the destruction of the fleet, the armies are forced to surrender or be destroyed.

Cuba (Major Bummer)

Military: Musketeers, Grenadiers, War Priests, Star Fort, Cannons, Galleons

Doctrines: Penal Slavery, Spies, Inquisition, Public Education, Modern Military Reforms

Culture: Fish Fanatics, Christianity (religion)

Issues: War Exhaustion (extreme)

-Military reforms akin to those implemented in Ambrosia are adopted by the Cuban military. Marching columns, field promotions, and division organizations, alongside the addition of grenadier units are included in the reform.

-The Egyptians are ordered to cease their rebellion. They refuse, and the armies are sent to attack the Pharaoh's forces.

-While the battles are being fought in Egypt, the Ambrosian armies cross the border and a combined Ambrosian Japanese fleet enters the Cuban sea. The Cuban navy is destroyed, with nowhere to flee to as the mouth of the sea has been closed off. The First and Second, similarly having nowhere to run, are destroyed, pinned up against the sea at Trinidad and forced to surrender.

-The Third army moves to the colonies along with the First Fleet as an escort, saving both from destruction in the war. The Fourth army similarly remains untouched by combat, hiding away in the northwestern jungles. Besides these forces, however, Cuba has no military capacity remaining. Furthermore, the capital has fallen, and the government is now held captive by Ambrosia.

-Missions are established among the Onvast islands to spread the Christian faith to those godless reds.

Zaris (Tyranid Warrior)

Military: Musketeers, War Priests, Flamin' Crossbowmen, Flamethrower, Cannons, Caravels

Doctrines: Inquisition

Culture: Engineer Exaltation, Nature Negation, Mechanarianism (religion)

Issues: None

-Carim science teams have formed a joint research group with Zarisian teams to created a steam powered aircraft. Although such a craft fails to be produced, the cooperative has spurred research in the direction of refining the steam engine and innovating upon new iterations of it.

-Unabated mining is now allowed in the mountains. Steam powered factories across the country are now drawing in more ore than ever before, necessitating this relaxation of legislation. Mineral rights are being bought out from under local residents and landowners for "the public good" and being given away to large mining companies that promise to extract every bit of metal from the range.

-The impeached Psion, Donalus Trumpar, has written a book in exile about how amazing Zaris used to be before foreigners caught sight of the land. He has implored all who will listen to build a wall, taller than any mountain visible from any coastline, to keep foreigners from looking at Zaris.

Carim (CrowTheMagician)

Military: Riflemen, Marines, Medics, Lightning Cavalry, Flamethrowers, Howitzer, Ironclads

Doctrines: Meritocracy, Spies, Free Trade, Welfare, Mandatory Education, Natural Rights, Central Bank, Religious Tolerance, Structured Military, Laissez Faire, Grand Army Reforms, Vetting

Culture: Gothic, Olympians, Egalitarianism, Occult Studies, Empire of Bliss, Carimite Heathenry (religion), Unitology (religion), Individualism, Valkyrie Order, Warrior Poets, Spies

Issues: None

-More public funding goes towards the existing programs regarding education, welfare, health, science grants, the military budget, tuition, etc.

-Chancellor Otto von Bismark is pulled through a dimensional portal to lead Carim through these obviously dark times. He is put in charge of the military, for some reason, and ushers in a few reforms to bring the nation up to the international standard. Rifles, pistols, a medical corps, and the howitzer cannon are brought into the armies. The armies are then all centralized, in a way akin to the Ambrosian grand army model

-A con artist turned author, Meike Flynn, has used her experience in the criminal underworld to write a thrilling action adventure mystery series about the exploits of a fictional detective named Shirley Holmes.

-Recreational drugs, prostitution, gambling, and other degenerate activities are made legal, if they were not legal already. Clinics are established to cater to the increased spread of disease and addictions that naturally come with this development.

-Prison system reform is geared towards rehabilitation, rather than punishment.

-Old sailing ships are gradually phased out in favor of the new, nearly indestructible, steam driven ironclads.

-The cities continue expanding as new inventions make farming less labor intensive and job opportunities simultaneously open up in the cities due to new coal powered factories. A consumer culture, centered around urban metropoles, is rapidly emerging across the nation.

-A patent office is created to keep track of inventions and discoveries.

-A bureau of vetting is established to root out corruption in government.

Hessaria (Black Graphic T)

Military: Riflemen, Howitzers, Medics, Flamethrowers, Ironclads

Doctrines: Mandatory Service, Religious Tolerance, Military Retirement & Citizenship, Warrior Poets, Chemical Warfare, National Bank, Mandatory Education, Spies

Culture: Dragon Detractors, Seafarers, Unitology (religion), Muay Thai

Issues: War Exhaustion (low)

-Carimite steam engines are imported and put to use in powering paddle boats. These boats are then plated with steel and named "The Iron Fleet," thus creating the first ironclads of Hessaria.

-Steam diggers are put to work improving the country's irrigation systems, making farms easier to maintain by fewer people, ultimately driving more people to the cities and increasing food output of the fertile rural regions.

-Education is made compulsory through the military; all military draftees are forced to also partake in a series of courses to give them advanced academic skills.

-The camera and phonograph are invented. Together, these inventions have created an entertainment revolution, bringing stories and news to the people through "sounded slideshow" theaters.

-Recreational drugs are "researched" by a government funded focus group. Their findings are… interesting. Most participants agree that these drugs should be legalized without delay.

-In the new world land is made available for large plantations, the likes of which could never be created in the old country due to centuries of complex land trading and inheritance. These massive plantations are drawing in large quantities of sugar and spices, inspiring the chefs of Hessaria to diversify their palates and their menus. Hessarian diets have also changed to be heavier in calories and filled with sugars and salty snacks. As a natural evolution of this process, the government has become involved, imposing hefty health and safety regulations upon the entire industry.

-The guitar is declared as the national instrument as its popularity soars with the propagation of Bossa Nova style.

-The musket is phased out in favor of a new invention: the cartridge loaded rifle. Revolver pistols are also developed, providing a convenient sidearm for soldiers that can replace the powder pistols of old.

-Medieval siege is finally abandoned, and Hessaria makes the great leap past cannons and straight into modern artillery pieces. The new howitzers are able to fire further than any kind of gun yet created, and deliver various kinds of explosive shells many miles outside of view. The concept of chemical warfare is revisited, coupled with this new invention to send diseases and noxious gasses to a greater distance than ever before. To combat their own invention, military scientists have also come up with effective gas masks, capable of stopping most types of gas from damaging the lungs.

-Research grants are handed out like candy. Even cultural research is being funded, allowing teachers and students alike to turn their art degrees into something a little more useful.

-A spy corps called "The Black Birds" is established for carrying out acts of espionage behind enemy lines during warfare. Their capabilities are not limited to this narrow combat role, however, and they also gather intelligence during peaceful times.

-A melee fighting technique known as Muay Thai is created; it has an emphasis on quick strikes, sacrificing grappling for agility.

-An embargo is established with Kathian and all Kathian nationals are arrested.

Japan (ShiJo)

Military: Riflemen, Grenadiers, Dragoons, Medics, Howitzers, Ironclads

Doctrines: Mandatory Schooling, Meritocracy, Biological Warfare, Religious Tolerance, Immigrant Restrictions, Ninjas, Fortified Harbors

Culture: Swordmakers, Closed Society, Christianity (religion), Egalitarianism

Issues: War Exhaustion (medium)

-To prevent future catastrophes akin to the Ambrosian firebombing of the ports, the nation's major harbors are all fortified with large, steel plated, concrete edifices, sporting an array of cannons.

-Modern rifles are being produced now for the armies. Artillery is improved upon as well, with the development of the howitzer, a multi purpose gun for both arcing bombardment and relatively short range attacks. The use of indirect fire revolutionizes the natures of assault and defense as enemy fortifications can be flattened before soldiers even come into view of them.

-Railways are stretching across the country alongside old paved roads, changing the fundamentals of the nation's logistic system. Resources can be moved faster and more efficiently, driving prices down and profits up. Factories further help this economic boom as production skyrockets and fewer employees are needed to produce the same amount of goods.

-War is declared upon Cuba and Orientale alongside Ambrosia. The Fourth Army mans the border front while the First, Third, and Sixth use free passage through Ambrosia to attack Orientale's defenses from behind. With assistance from the Ambrosian Second Corps, Orientale is utterly crushed. Their armies, cornered in the southeastern portion of the country, are unable to retreat overseas due to Japanese naval superiority and are forced to surrender.

-The Second and Fifth Armies march north into Cuba, assisting the Amrosian invasion there. They are not resisted, and Amrosia's forces march into the capital almost completely unopposed.

-The fleets combine and move along the Orientalish coastline, destroying the entire enemy fleet and bombarding coastal defenses as they pass. They continue northwards, engaging the Cubans alongside Ambrosia's fleet.

-Prisoners of war, and sea animals for some reason, are taken to Unit 731 for experiments. As a result of the diversification, the secret unit transforms, being directed more at biological research on the whole rather than focusing entirely on military and disease research. Many of the unit's discoveries bring about innovations in the field of medicine, selective breeding, and fertilizers.

-Several segments of the Great Wall are refurbished and restored, made beautiful once again as a tourist attraction.

New Rules

1) Limit your pm to 250 words from now on. If you send over that limit, I will only read up to the first 250 words of your pm.

2) Armies and fleets may not be used on the turn you build them.

3) If you occupy the capital city of an enemy nation, you may force them to accept a peace treaty of uti possidetis (you may keep whatever you occupy). The war will end that turn, their capital will move to a different city (if you choose to annex the old capital), and any military movements they make that turn against you or your allies will be null and void. You may not move your capital while at war.

The reasons for these changes are thus:

1) You all sent me way too many walls this past turn, and I don't want to spend several days writing a turn. You may notice that many things you tried were not mentioned; this is because I simply ran out of patience. I apologize, but the work load was way too much for this turn.

2) This isn't exactly medieval times; you don't raise your armies when you declare war, but during peace times. Plus, raising and immediately using an army would throw off any plans your enemies might have had, as they could not have considered the extra forces in the equation.

3) It seems like wars are impossible to end because nobody wants to talk to their enemies, so now you have an alternative to just duking it out forever. Do note that, when you and your enemy are both at high war exhaustion, there is a high chance of the war ending uti possidetis every turn, such as what happened between Japan and Ambrosia a few turns ago.

Last edited Apr 16, 2016 at 02:34AM EDT

I'll cut back what I type. Sorry for the added stress, Syndic. I know I contributed to it with my post.

First to make cinema, in a way. First to the revolver as well. And the gas mask. Cool.

Ambrosia would like to announce a few things.

- A peace treaty is offered to Cuba. It would mean complete annexation, including the colonies. Cuban citizens would be treated on par with the citizens of the Ambrosian Empire. No further blood would be spillt, and religious practices would not be disturbed. Prisoners of war would be released, although war criminals would be persecuted accordingly.

- Another peace is offered to Orientale. Their land would be annexed by Japan, and the colony would go into Japanese hands.

- Ambrosia ratifies the Eeshaven Conventions, anlongside the WTO's resolutions.

CrowTheMagician wrote:

What was the name of the site that allows you to see your word count?

Word counter I believe. Just search it up, it should be the first result.

I can surrender
Or I can try my chances 1:7 against more advanced and less fatigued armies

I'm gonna have to sleep on this one


Since Narthuria's war exhaustion is at a high, I'm willing to make a peace treaty. Or, we could just fight each other till we have no armies and your entire country gets swallowed up by Suiyektu.

Black Graphic T wrote:

Does the raising armies rule count if your nation practices mandatory service?

Yes it still counts. The reason that rule was added was for gameplay purposes, not realism. I don't usually make strict gameplay rules like this, but for this particular game I wanted to see how it would go if things were a little less abstract.

James Blunt wrote:

im listening

I would pull my forces out of sprawl and withdraw support, in exchange for the return of my territories and a vacating of my waters.

Roarshack wrote:


Since Narthuria's war exhaustion is at a high, I'm willing to make a peace treaty. Or, we could just fight each other till we have no armies and your entire country gets swallowed up by Suiyektu.

Im good with peace.

Black Graphic T wrote:

I would pull my forces out of sprawl and withdraw support, in exchange for the return of my territories and a vacating of my waters.

there is nothing that i earn from this deal so i refuse

Ambrosia makes peace with Cuba (Negotiated on steam). They retain control over Varadero, Gaspar and La Palma, as well as the land in between of those three cities. All of their other possessions are integrated into Ambrosia.
Government is changed to Revolutionary Republic, and ideals like Egalitarianism, Meritocracy, Religious Tolerance, Compulsory Education and Enligthenment are installed. Slavery and Inquisition are abandoned.

Following that changes, Ambrosia proclaims a guarantee of independence over the reformed Cuban state.

With that, Orientale doesn't exactly have armies, fleets or capital – would full annexation by Japan require a peace deal? (As Starscream didn't seem to respond)

@Carim (CrowTheMagician)
We'd be willing to trade El Dorado and land all up to Arnveld (not inlcuded) for your Fittaland posessions. They are far away, so you recieve virtually nothing from them, nor they are rich in resources. El Dorado will be connected to your capital and gives space for new cities to pop up.

@Hessaria (Big Graphic T)
Ambrosia would like to trade Basura and other newly aquired Cuban colonial posessions for your part of land in Fittaland. Reasons are the same as for Carim.

Mom Rivers wrote:

So, I'm kinda in a great depression due to surplus products. Anyone want to establish trade routes with me? I'm opening the country.

I'm up for it. Just open the trade routes to my non-rebel cities and we're golden.

@Triangle Mare, What other colonial properties are you talking about? I'm intrigued, but i'd like a clear picture of what I'm dealing with.

Black Graphic T wrote:

@Triangle Mare, What other colonial properties are you talking about? I'm intrigued, but i'd like a clear picture of what I'm dealing with.

Basically, Cuban colonies plus a bit of near-El-Dorado land.

Taryn's request

Granted, 1 km^2 (God bless the metric!) in that area is officially yours as a gesture of goodwill.

Triangle Mare wrote:

Orientale doesn’t exactly have armies, fleets or capital – would full annexation by Japan require a peace deal? (As Starscream didn’t seem to respond)

If Japan invades Masjed and succeeds in occupying it on turn 10, they could annex the entire country in the same turn, thus ending the war. As you said, there is nothing standing in the way of such an occurrence, and Starscream does not need to have any input in such a decision.

if the marker works anything like the one in dead space, turning it into dust would basically stop it from working

also sprawl has broken our truce, i will be forced to destroy its entire land

James Blunt wrote:

if the marker works anything like the one in dead space, turning it into dust would basically stop it from working

also sprawl has broken our truce, i will be forced to destroy its entire land

James Blunt wrote:

if the marker works anything like the one in dead space, turning it into dust would basically stop it from working

also sprawl has broken our truce, i will be forced to destroy its entire land

But Syndic confirms it doesn't work like in dead space. They confirmed it pages ago. You basically blew up the Kaaba, and possibly the Masjid al-Haram along with it, and dragged it out of Mecca to throw it in the Red Sea, and then jacked off about it with a hours long shelling session. Or in other words, wasted a bunch of ammo to blow up a dumb rock that didn't do anything and meant a lot symbolically to a lot of people, because you believed in voodoo bullshit.

Black Graphic T wrote:

But Syndic confirms it doesn't work like in dead space. They confirmed it pages ago. You basically blew up the Kaaba, and possibly the Masjid al-Haram along with it, and dragged it out of Mecca to throw it in the Red Sea, and then jacked off about it with a hours long shelling session. Or in other words, wasted a bunch of ammo to blow up a dumb rock that didn't do anything and meant a lot symbolically to a lot of people, because you believed in voodoo bullshit.

It was Dornan's intention all along to eventually get it working. He has confirmed it multiple times in IRC.


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