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[Riff-Raff] good fffriggin warning response

Last posted Aug 17, 2016 at 01:03PM EDT. Added Aug 04, 2015 at 02:45PM EDT
66 posts from 40 users

Sorry for being a dick you know even tho you have people like Lisa Labo running around this site talking about how horrible Muslims and black people are contributing noting to the site other then her political agenda but god forbid I insult bornies

I can't warn someone for being a dick without banning Lisa first.

Edit: What's a bornies anyways?

Last edited Aug 04, 2015 at 03:31PM EDT
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Lutien wrote:

Kinda hypocritical on how he didn't say "please" or "hello" ether ;^(

I posted that message to Triple Zed. That one I back firmly and feel every mod has an obligation to be polite when correcting someone. And yes it was hypocritical, forgot to say a hello at the beginning.

Max wrote:

epyc wyn is trying to be le ironic but somehow gets super serious when it comes to moderators

Because "mod aboose" it's a serious problem on the internet and they should be regulated by the almigthy users.

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

I posted that message to Triple Zed. That one I back firmly and feel every mod has an obligation to be polite when correcting someone. And yes it was hypocritical, forgot to say a hello at the beginning.

I don't want to imagine how would you have reacted if Loli or Bob were the ones who warned you instead of me: It would make my warn look like blatant dicksucking towards you. And I think I was polite, you don't need to write "please" or other words to not insult a someone when trying to correct him.

Also, don't reveal yourself, I made a huge effort on paint to censor your name D:

Last edited Aug 04, 2015 at 04:12PM EDT

Mom Rivers wrote:

I'm curious now what that user said about Hitler. Morbidly curious is probably the best description, given how he was nearly instantly banned.

Click the image for context

Last edited Aug 04, 2015 at 06:21PM EDT

wat tambor wrote:


Yeah, Mario Party will do that to your character eventually. Along with boiling them in lava, shooting them with cannons, drowning them in shark-infested oceans, dropping them in bottomless pits, sic wild beasts on them so they get mauled, force them to kill their loved ones for money, turn them into inanimate objects, and force them to bake cakes.

Now that I think about it, if Mario party was the least bit realistic, it would be horrifying.

I have no idea why I wrote all this. I'm sorry.

Synge wrote:

What is it with this site and Nazis?
Are you a Nazi?
Am I a Nazi?

We are all Nazis, the real reason he was suspended what for combining a Meme arrow and quotation marks while not making the whole thing green like a Heretic.

Synge wrote:

What is it with this site and Nazis?
Are you a Nazi?
Am I a Nazi?

memes in actuality are just nazi communist propaganda

Especially for newer members I try to give hide reasons instead of warnings, even when they ignore gallery notifications. But some people just want to keep trying even after this.

Last edited Aug 30, 2015 at 12:15AM EDT

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Getting him to say that is the crowning achievement of my time on this website.

While I was the one who screenshotted his nazi-posting and made the "laika confirmed nazi" thread so give me credit.

Loli and Bob aren't the only moderator meanies.

In case any one is wondering, I did explain the warning wasn't a big deal and if they didn't do it again, they should be fine.

Last edited Aug 30, 2015 at 08:14PM EDT

Suspended this guy over sending a death threat to someone:

Then of course gave him a new suspension, to which he replied again:

His vocabulary is some of the most original shit I've ever seen.

Last edited Oct 24, 2015 at 01:46PM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Suspended this guy over sending a death threat to someone:

Then of course gave him a new suspension, to which he replied again:

His vocabulary is some of the most original shit I've ever seen.

Holy Shit

This guy is officially the best user on the site.

pic related I sent a message to a mod because they said something to me and they sent me this and it took my like 4 weeks to get what they mean't

Did he just have an aneurysm in the middle of writing this one?

Like seriously, where did that come from

Last edited Dec 21, 2015 at 07:19PM EST

ShiJo wrote:

Did he just have an aneurysm in the middle of writing this one?

Like seriously, where did that come from

admins change particle's title to "hubrid scum from the tyrant planets" pls


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