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[General] 2016 U.S. Presidential Election General

Last posted Jan 01, 2017 at 06:26PM EST. Added Aug 01, 2015 at 05:35PM EDT
2929 posts from 147 users

For those of you who want to watch the debate, the undercard debate with Huckabee, Christie, Jindal and Santorum is at 7 EST, and the main debate at 9.
This one is looking to be different than the others. There will be only 8 people on the main stage. Each person will be given more time to respond to questions (90 seconds) and more time to rebut others (60 seconds). It'll be hosted on Fox Business Network and streamed on their website, if you didn't know where to find it. It'll have names behind it such as Neil Cavuto and the Wall Street Journal, so I expect it to be the best yet in giving us real questions and answers, not if they're running the comic book version of the presidency and having them fight like it's a verbal cage match.

Okay, so I just had on some of the shows before the debate, and I have to say, they're acting like Rand Paul doesn't exist. Who's going to cut government a lot? Kasich of course! Not the quasi-libertarian, of course. Who will get government out of our lives, and realize government isn't the answer? Carson and Cruz! It's so stupid. He's the candidate who believes in the smallest government…

Well I did make a moderate sized post about it at the top of this page, but:
It's hosted by the Wall Street Journal and Fox Business Network. There'll be two debates, one with four candidates polling between 1 and 2.5 percent, and one with eight polling 2.5% or higher. The smaller one is going on now, with Jindal, Santorum, Huckabee, and Christie. The debate will have an emphasis on economic issues. It looks like it'll be much much better than the last few debates because of some good names behind it such as the Wall Street Journal, and good sounding moderators, as well as notably longer talking times for the candidates. You can stream it on the Fox Business website for free, or watch it on the Fox Business Network. The second part of the debate starts at 9 EST. Also of slight note, there'll be libertarian analysis of the debate at midnight EST; a bit unique in the political world. Hope that answered your question!

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 07:24PM EST

Stop the slaughter of… Christians? Keep ignoring the fact that all sorts of people are being killed by ISIS, Huckabee. Talk about insensitivity.
It's fine, poochyena. No problem ^^
China is doing this, China is doing that. Correction, some Chinese are doing that. China is just a quick way of referring to an entire, gigantic country. They aren't completely homogeneous.
That sounds really cool Christie, but how are we going to do that? We can't just say we're going to do something and then it'll happen.
You go Jindal, pick up that upset people have over establishment politicians. If only you weren't included in the people you're criticizing.
Jindal: We can't just have another Hillary!
Christie! We just can't have Hillary!
That whole exchange summed up.
Jindal: "I'll give you a ribbon for participation, and a juice box" what the heck Jindal that's just rude.
Nice try Santorum, but no dice.
No, this isn't a waste of time, i really want to hear the answer to this question! What do you most admire on the Democratic side? Can you take a moment to stop bashing each other and have a bit of decency?
There we go, that's smart Santorum. Take advantage of the time to answer the question you ignored, and then answer the real question.
It upsets me how the only place of agreement I have with Jindal is economically, and it's pretty strong how much I agree with him there.

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 07:52PM EST

I actually kinda lost interest about 3/4ths of the way through. Nothing exceptional in this undercard debate. Just gotta wait 40ish minutes for the real debate to start.

Who is applauding for Paul Ryan and why?
I turned it on and the camera was on him in the crowd and people were clapping. :|

Before a debate supposedly meant to focus on business, Cengage Education becomes the latest company to fire a significant number of tech workers who are then forced to train their foreign H1B replacements. The Obama Administration is still "investigating" these abuses of the visa system.

holy shit bruh are we watching a movie? Check out this intro.

haha I was wondering if I was the only one thinking he was being like… super dramatic.

If Trump can articulate it, his plan is literally what Rubio is talking about. Rubio's a scumbag liar, this is the guy who wants to triple the H1B visa limits!! I hope they ask him about THAT!

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 09:13PM EST

No clue, got up because I didn't care about any of this. Back now.
That intro was a but cool, if I may use such bland language.
Tone down the flowery language there, Cavuto.
Im glad we're having an economic focused debate. I've been rather interesting in economics lately.
Once again, I rather like Rubio.
I hope they ask too, I want as much as possible covered.
I like how they're giving them a chance to actually answer the questions after their time ends.
I think Paul is the last one to talk. Grrr.
I like how they're all finally picking up that people are getting tired of Democrat vs Republican and instead want results.
They seem to be very tired, Fiorina and Paul's voices are rather scratchy sounding.

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 09:25PM EST

I wish they'd show us establishment faces when the whole crowd erupts, just to see who looks uncomfortable.

Chris Hemsworth has a new movie coming out?

{ In the Heart of the Sea is an upcoming 2015 historical adventure drama thriller film based on Nathaniel Philbrick's 2000 non-fiction book of the same name, about the sinking of the American whaling ship Essex in 1820, that inspired the tale of Moby Dick. }

sign me the FUCK UP.

They sound like me, the weather is probably wrecking them. I hate winter.

Ben Carson on the attack!!

I posted about the appeal decision of Obama's immigration executive order on the last page, lurkers. Literally the current question, so go take a look.

Try going to Australia. They have the strictest border control policy in the world.

One of my boss' three businesses is an insurance agency and all I hear for hours every day is people screaming about their premiums going up because of Obamacare. She's a Democrat but even she admits it's a disaster.

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 09:49PM EST

I very much dislike the abuse of executive orders, Democrat or not. Christie seemed to suggest he'd misuse them too.
I wish they'd just answer the freaking question
Fiorina is the only non-politician I'd consider being a viable option for the presidency.
I think it had good intentions, but the whole idea behind it was terrible.
I'd like to see how we could do a 15% flat income tax without drastically cutting military spending, which Republicans seem intent of increasing. Setting reasons for that aside, how does the math work out? I'm sure someone's already done the math somewhere.
I think I might just read Paul's plans. It'd go well with my current economic fascinating.
Holy crap Cruz, you want to do THAT? And you want to be the world's police? I'm not sure I even want to know what your plan is.
Did I hear him wrong, or did Cruz list the Department of Commerce twice?
Rubio, was that a mistake or a Freudian slip?

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 10:04PM EST

Paul laying down the truth.
Okay, okay, you wanna be safe? Fortify the homeland. It'd be cheaper and make us safer. You gotta cut something and our military spending is, imo, unacceptable.
Poor Trump didn't get the question he was promised on time because of that absurd rabbit trail.
At least Trump made it clear a plan is better than no plan.
awkward ending music in the background like hey hey its time to go to commercial while people are talking
Is Muslim now un-pc?
Fiorina's wanting to not speak from a position of weakness amounts to exactly holding a gun at someone to make them agree. That's hardly a deal when people are pointing guns at each other…
Who were they booing at exactly?? Trump? Fiorina? Paul? Who knows
This economics debate got immensely hijacked. They sure like talking about war, way more than taxes.
Woah, woah, woah, what, Rubio? They hate us because we bomb innocents with our drones and continually refuse to leave. If anyone did that to us we'd hate them too. Bin Laden harped on this in his videos.
I'm honestly disliking Rubio much more after all this.
Kasich, didn't you just hear how bad the last time arming people went? Like two minutes ago?
Kasich basically just said everything I didn't want to hear. Sorry Kasich, not supporting you…
I understand it's related. However this'll be addressed in basically every other debate and they aren't linking it very well to economics. Not that I mind a whole lot, I learned some stuff from it.

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 10:37PM EST

???? did they just go to commercial but then not actually go to commercial?

A moderate M- a moderate… a moderate Islamist…???
haha Jeb didn't want to say Muslim.

One of Trump's issues going forward is going to be that he really doesn't know how foreign policy works politically. It's not like a business deal.

Foreign policy is directly related to our economy and another one of the top issues atm. I want to know how they feel about it.

They don't just hate us because of our wars, they hate "Western devils", everything we stand for is everything they stand against. The Middle East would be a constant problem whether we stepped in to try to fix it or ignored it altogether. People who don't understand that and treat them like decent people who can be trusted politically and reasoned with are the reason we never get anywhere.

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 10:39PM EST

Well, agree to disagree. They certainly aren't our friends to be sure, but what I know lends me to believe that staying there just makes things worse.
Hey one of the candidate finally acknowledged Sanders is running too
Is Kasich sure he's not a moderate Democrat??
I wish they'd understand the ding ding means YOUR TIME IS UP
I like the more loose format, but the fact that discussion is going on forever on a single issue and nobody is listening to the time limit, it feels more like chaos.
Not nobody. He still has a chance. A recent mock election which got surprising accuracy for the last two elections predicted Sanders would get both the Democratic and General election.
Sorry, what do you mean about Rubio?
I'd dispute that claim about no moderate Democrats. In my state of Virginia, we have a centrist Democrat called Mark Warner as one of our senators. I researched him for my government class, he's very bipartisan while still leaning left.
Did – did I just hear booing when Paul said that the earth is billions of years old?
Oh my gosh I didn't realize how hilarious that is until you pointed that out

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 11:12PM EST

I meeeeearn nobody really expects the Democrats to nominate Bernie Sanders. According to Hillary, she's got 60% of the superdelegates' support anyway.

errr superdelegates don't have to vote with the population. { All the superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the nomination. This contrasts with convention delegates that are selected based on the party primaries and caucuses in each U.S. state, in which voters choose among candidates for the party's presidential nomination. } If Hillary has enough superdelegate support there's not a whole lot of hope for Bernie to overcome the population's nomination. It's been a huge talking point in the Democrat politisphere.

There are no moderate Democrats. There may be a moderate Democrat in Virginia.

ehhh time limits only limit the discussion, they should be loose guidelines like they've been tonight.
If they're actually answering a question who cares if they take an extra 45 seconds?

idk I don't mind some chaos. I have a big loud Italian family, a moment of yelling or trying to be heard over someone else is nbd to me. It means a lot of them have different opinions on an issue.

wtf Rubio

He got a question and said "that's a good question, I'll start by answering it".

Are they laughing at them all plugging their websites?? xD

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 11:15PM EST

Bush: I ask for your support. Please. Seriously, I'm begging you, I'm dying here
Carson I'm fairly certain abortionist isn't a term
Well this was fun. I think this definitely was much better than the others. Possibly the best yet, maybe.

Last edited Nov 10, 2015 at 11:19PM EST

Well that's kinda annoying. John Stossel got his show completely cut out of the time because The Spin Room went over the ENTIRE HOUR he was supposed to be on. And then, instead of pushing everything forward, they just cut that part out and replayed the debate. What the hell? That's not cool. I was kinda looking forward to it.
Edit: Here's the obligatory drudge poll, time is approximately 1:30 a.m. EST

Last edited Nov 11, 2015 at 01:33AM EST

Drudge update:

& Charles Hurt telling it like it is.

{ As if Jeb Bush’s campaign were not already finished, the candidate drilled several additional screws into his own coffin during Tuesday night’s debate here.

“Even having this conversation sends a powerful signal,” he whined as real estate mogul and presidential front-runner Donald Trump tangled with the Democratic wing of the Republican Party over the insanity of allowing 12 million illegal aliens to roam free in America without the slightest concern that our country’s laws might just apply to them.

These people really have no clue how desperately frustrated and estranged American voters in both parties are over this issue of rampant illegal immigration and Washington’s absolute refusal to take simple, common sense measures to fix the problem. }

I really hope some more candidates drop out soon. It's really crowded, and several have effectively no chance at winning (although I don't really want Paul to drop out…). Bush and Kasich are in tight spots. So are the lower 6 and Paul. If just half of them dropped out we'd be able to fit everyone on one stage, and wouldn't have to watch them suffer as much.
Also, NPR fact checked the debate. TL;DR is that they didn't really get much wrong, at least nothing of great importance.

Carson proposes six-month registration period for non-criminal illegal immigrants

Would give illegal immigrants – without a criminal record – the opportunity to pay a "back tax penalty" and become "guest workers". They would no longer be considered "illegal" per se, but wouldn't be able to vote, etc. They would also have to start paying taxes normally.

EDIT: unsurprisingly, the comments section has dubbed him unelectable over this

Last edited Nov 11, 2015 at 04:47PM EST

It aligns him with Bush on the most important issue to a large percentage of voters, so it pretty much does.

Why do you people think millions of people who illegally came here should be babied and allowed to stay just because they've been here for awhile? & then to create a program that says if you came in this country illegally, we'll set up an easy process for you to have work and entitlement rights while you wait in this country to actually be a citizen? & why should the millions of people trying to immigrate legally to this country stay waiting in line, paying their fees when they could enter through our still-unprotected southern border and work while they wait, as long as they have no criminal background??

This is not just a plan for the 12 million illegal immigrants already here, this is a plan to completely overwrite the immigration system and open our borders to cheap labor as in Europe. Nobody who supports such a thing should, nor will they, get the GOP nomination this year.

This country could learn from Australia. They haven't allowed one single illegal immigrant in over a year. ~62,000 total in the country, and they're mostly workers whose visas expired and they never left, much like the Chinese and Indian work immigrants here, who the Immigration Minister has recently begun to crack down even harder on. They understand the dire consequences of mass legal and illegal immigration for Australian citizens, why doesn't the US?

Who's the asshurt liberal downvoting posts?
You want us to know you disagree but you're not a big enough boy to tell us why, huh?
Precious KYMers.

Last edited Nov 11, 2015 at 05:47PM EST

Immigration is tough. It is tough to create a common sense law to deal with illegal immigration without offending people who actually come in legally.

But hey, I think if we are going to be a capitalist country, we should act like it with immigration too.
Make becoming a citizen super easy. Make Mexico lose out while mexicans come to the US to work hard and improve our GDP.

If someone doesn't work and just becomes a leech, kick them out.

Immigration isn't super easy because uncontrolled rates of it detrimentally effects our citizens' well-being… immigration has never been an open borders every man for himself program because every leader in modern history has been able to understand that concept. Now we've got politicians backed by huge corporations pushing trade deals and immigration reform that aims to make the whole word one big, unified, cheap-ass workforce.

Mexico wins when its under-educated, unskilled citizens leave and come here instead. & they bring children who can't speak English any better than they can, who we have to spend billions of taxpayer dollars out of the education budget teaching English and catching them up to the rest of their grade level, and then everyone cries that our test scores are slipping compared to the rest of the world. Must be all those redneck Christians in the south teaching their kids about creationism, right? It would be lovely if we could just close our eyes and hold hands and sing about all the happy illegal immigrant families together but that's not reality, and neither are solutions that ignore the very real consequences of mass immigration.

I'm not a sure it's a liberal who's downvoting posts. I had three with a -1 on this page. Two made negative remarks about Christie and Huckabee. The other made fun of Jeb. I'm guessing it's someone in the slightly more liberal side of the Republican party who downvoted mine, as Christie and Bush's political views seem to be the only connections I can think of.
Or you can just come out and explain your views. I won't bite.
About the whole immigration thing, on the surface that idea is good poochyena, but I don't think it'd work. Each person is responsible first to close friends, then family, friends, community, and country. We should look out for our own groups interests first, and then others. Making immigration easy would increase the amount of people coming in at a time when workforce participation is already unsatisfactory. More workers is not what we need; if anything, it's less. Maybe we can do that when there's a surplus of jobs and high workforce participation. Until them, the borders, I think, should be secured and controlled tightly.

Looking over it again, the common denominator seems to be criticism of Christie, Bush, and possibly Huckabee. So yes, the person who downvoted us without giving a reason was likely a conservative, and given the disparity between Bush and Huckabee's beliefs, is a fan of Bush and Christie. That's my best guess.

Are there any other conservatives here? Bush and Christie are the "Democrat wing of the Republican party" Chris Hurt refers to. Probably some pro-immigration bleeding heart, but it better not be someone who complains that it's only the same three people posting here.

Other than xTSGx, who is somewhat libertarian and thus ruled out, I'm not sure of anybody else who isn't left-wing. There probably is, but I'm not aware of any. Ah well, if they don't want to speak up they don't truly matter.

Last edited Nov 11, 2015 at 10:08PM EST

According to some dude I've never heard of before, the time was somewhat evenly spread among the candidates during the last debate, with Carson getting the least a 9.2 minutes and Cruz the most at 12.9 minutes. I still wish the field would get parried down some so I'd have more than ten minutes every few weeks to hear what the candidates have to say when probed for answers. I doubt when traveling around they're often asked what their tax plans are, in depth.

Mom Rivers wrote:

Other than xTSGx, who is somewhat libertarian and thus ruled out, I'm not sure of anybody else who isn't left-wing. There probably is, but I'm not aware of any. Ah well, if they don't want to speak up they don't truly matter.

This thread has its fair share of conservative visitors outside of the two of you keeping it alive. Can't name any pro-Bush forumgoers, though… hell, I can't name any pro-establishment Republicans in general on KYM, and I'd say I'm pretty good at keeping track of users I run into.

Seems to be all about Trump and Paul on the GOP side and Sanders on the Dem side on the internet. It's to be expected, I suppose – the nature of this medium vilifies more moderate beliefs and comes with an innate libertarian streak. A real shame, if you ask me; not because the moderate candidates are better, but because discussions aren't as interesting when they're so polarized. Entertaining, maybe, but not interesting.

Last edited Nov 12, 2015 at 03:53AM EST

I seen so few pro-establishment supporters. The ones I have seen literally only want Bush or Clinton because of the party. They couldn't care less who was even running, they just care if it says R and D.

Clinton has 50% of the Dem vote, but where are her supporters? I see so few people even considering voting for her.
KYM is most pro sander or somewhat undecided republicans, Reddit is very pro Sanders, /pol/ is very pro Trump and Carson.
where are the pro-establishment supporters at?

During a discussion of the GOP debate, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews drops this amazing little soundbite:

{ The Huffington Post’s Amanda Terkel said that during the debate, Ted Cruz was “starting to [go after] Marco Rubio."

Matthews thought that was amusing. But when he tried to articulate why, he seemed to seriously not know whether Cruz and Rubio should be classified as Hispanic, referring to them awkwardly instead as “Cuban nationals” and “Spanish surnames.”

“So you’re trying to insinuate that Marco Rubio, a fellow, uh, Spanish surname, I’m not sure the right word is Hispanic for them,” he said. “Because they are Cuban nationals or whatever, or come from Cuba." }

He calls Rubio and Cruz "Spanish surnames" because he's not sure if two Republicans can really be considered "Hispanic" because, you know, that might make Democrat Hispanics take a second look at the GOP instead, if they hear there are two Hispanics running. "Spanish surnames" it is! Good thing he didn't say anything about that Muslim surname in the White House, then we might have to accuse him of being racist.

Well, I wouldn't label myself as "conservative" per-say. I fall more into the somewhat inaccurate quick way of describing libertarians – socially liberal and economically conservative – very socially liberal and very economically conservative.
It makes sense pro-establishment people would be lacking on the internet, as (I'm completely generalizing here so I might be wrong somewhere) the typical demographic is somewhat young, and I'm guessing people who are pro-establishment are older. Especially with a site like this, whose purpose is to document viral Internet phenomena, older audiences are much less likely to have an account and be active.
If conservatives did anything like that it'd be another example of the perceived racism of the GOP. At least that issue got a bit of time on the Facebook trending bar, so there was some degree of anger over it. After all, it's hard to show up there unless someone is angry over it.

Last edited Nov 12, 2015 at 08:10PM EST

The CBS/NYT poll is in direct contradiction to an ad that ran for Marco Rubio, saying that Democrats thought that Rubio would be the hardest candidate to beat. I wonder what that says about him? Of course, this is the kind of thing that nobody will care about enough to point out and criticize him or whoever made the ad for.

Maybe he asked a different 1,500 people. Or had his campaign do a robo-call "is Marco Rubio the hardest candidate to beat" push 1 for yes kinda thing that gets a lot of people to push 1 and hang up.

Same article about the establishment panic says they're getting nervous that Cruz is going up in the polls too. Comments section speculates Trump/Paul ticket… I haven't even thought about a VP pick yet tbh. Trump/Cruz might be interesting honestly. He'd be better off picking someone with political experience.

Statistically speaking, a number that large shouldn't get such a huge difference in responses, if they did it representatively. The site you linked to itself said that areas where it exclusively involved Democratic voters was only +/- 6 percentage points. If they overestimated Trump by 6 points and underestimated Rubio by 6 points, Trump would still win. It says it complies with the established standards for this kind of polling, and from what I've seen it even goes a bit beyond by using almost 1,500.
A quick Google search seems to suggest the ad got that information from, interestingly enough, a NYTimes article, which said that high-level Democrats think Rubio is the biggest challenge to Hillary. I don't remember the exact wording of it, so maybe it did say that it was the high-profile Democrats who said that. Either way what matters more is the majority of people who will be voting.

I had thought that a Rubio/Fiorina ticket would be powerful, regardless of who gets which position. Even though Fiorina isn't doing so hot at the moment, she preaches a strong anti-corruption message that appeals across the board, has impressive business experience, and helps remove the appearance of sexism on the Republican side. She also is a true outsider, so it might help cash in on the outsider surge. She'd be like the anti-Hillary!
Rubio has some political experience, is Hispanic with an American Dream story, and outside of his political views is likable by just about everyone, it seems.
Comments section says Trump/Paul??? That doesn't make any sense to me. Paul is doing terribly all around right now (much to my dismay), his views are much different from Trump's, he hardly has a support base – there's no reason I could see Trump would pick Paul over, say, almost any other candidate.
Trump/Cruz makes much more sense to me. It does seem like the best matchup for Trump I can think of off the top of my head.

Last edited Nov 12, 2015 at 10:33PM EST

I really don't get what you guys like about Rubio. The only thing he's not conservative on is immigration, even though his economics don't go far enough right, eg his tax plan makes it even more lucrative for poor people to have more children. It's social liberal policy to implement child tax credits which only encourage birth instead of parental responsibility. We have too many poor people in this country disproportionately giving birth as it is. It could have been a school credit where supplies/books/etc could be written off or deducted in full, but that would encourage poor people to spend their money on their children instead of producing children in order to earn them money. Families might actually break free of the government welfare system and think for themselves if that happens.

Nothings going to change by voting in people who want to keep the system going as it is.

For me, it's mostly just the least terrible candidate. Using what I know, Rubio to me seems to be one of the candidates closest to my views and at the same time not crazy. I don't think he's perfect by any means, far from it. I just am less discontent with him than most of the other candidates.
You seem very knowledgeable about all this, even if I disagree with you at points. Would you mind sharing which candidates you think aren't absolutely terrible and why?

Last edited Nov 12, 2015 at 11:08PM EST


where are the pro-establishment supporters at?

In a sentence: not on the internet.

Younger voters are more welcoming of change, and as Rivers points out above, the internet is significantly younger than the general populace. Trump, Paul, and Sanders are the candidates promising to bring the most change.

Younger voters are also significantly more likely to obsess over privacy issues, particularly if their internet-related interests are directly threatened. It's the reason why normally apolitical/neutral elements of the internet suddenly become activism machines when an issue like censorship gets brought up – there's always been a huge amount of untapped activist energy on the internet, occasionally overflowing into various movements, whether politically consequential (stopping SOPA) or not so politically consequential (ethics in gaming journalism). It would be interesting to see a candidate capable of really taking advantage of this energy; Sanders and Paul come close with their staunch anti-NSA politics, partially explaining their popularity, but neither has gone all the way.

>aren't absolutely terrible

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh not looking good friend. Cruz? I used to think he was batshit but now he doesn't look so bad comparatively. I still think Fiorina is doing well, but she needs to campaign harder. She must not have the finances. She supports the DREAM act but at least it's not amnesty or visa expansions. She admittedly took advantage of the visa program though.

Hey Lisa have you noticed how none of the news has been mentioning the Democratic Debate, one of the six that will occur, is going to happen this Saturday? And it's being held around the time of a big football game? I wonder if gasp they're corruptly helping Hillary Clinton get elected like the assholes they are.

idk what you guys don't understand about the Democrats that is leading you to act like the primary nomination is actually a nomination. See, for an internal party revolt, your party has to actually care. Your establishment candidate is already nominated because the voters are fine with the corrupt, welfare-reliant status quo. When the general population doesn't care, the superdelegates take over.

Clinton has early, commanding delegate lead for nomination

{ The Associated Press contacted all 712 people known as superdelegates, and more than 80 percent responded.

They were asked which candidate they plan to support at the convention next summer.

Clinton got endorsements from 359, while Sanders was endorsed by eight. Two superdelegates supported O'Malley, and the rest were uncommitted. }

Feel the Bern yet???

{ In the hours after the deadly attacks in Paris, CBS News significantly reworked its plans for the Democratic presidential debate it is hosting here on Saturday night to focus more on issues of terrorism, national security and foreign relations. }

Oh, this will be a disaster. And CBS undoubtedly thinks they're helping by giving the Democrats a platform to respond. Brilliant.

Well, the Democratic Debate is on right now. I barely made it on time. Anybody else watching?
Hillary promised to do something as president to actually go to take out ISIS. She didn't even sound like a Democrat saying that.
Hillary sounded almost exactly like you, Lisa. I guess she is a bit of a DINO.
What in the world Sanders??? "Climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism" (or something to that meaning, I'm bad at exact quotes)
Lots of back and forth on terrorism. Not a whole lot of variety, the consensus is that A) The U.S. needs to team up with other countries, and B) The U.S. needs to do something.
"Is the world too dangerous a place for a governor with no foreign policy experience?" That came dangerously close to some of the questions CNBC asked.
The room is so quiet. I wonder if all the people in the audience don't like the idea of going to war.
Hillary is stumbling over the question if she doesn't like the term "radical Islam" and if we're at war with it.
So many fallacies about the term "radical Islam"
I like that, Bernie. There was a several million dollar gas station built recently. It's absurd, how inefficient this all is.
I'm not so sure this crowd is soaking it up. There's been basically no applause yet. Maybe it's the topic, but the fact that Democrats are calling for war makes me think they aren't happy about it.

Last edited Nov 14, 2015 at 09:32PM EST

Running the dogs out right now, lost track of time.
Lemme know if I miss anything good in the opening statements.

"Climate change will bring on a new era of climate terror" has been one of Al Gore's fav talking points for decades.

Hillary doesn't want to even say "radical Islam" lmao. Is this whole night going to be PC pandering?

{ "people who think we should make women third class citizens" }
That's just Islam in general, Bernie. So what are we really fighting?

HILARIOUS. "THE ONES WITH WESTERN PASSPORTS THAT COME BACK". That didn't concern you so much when it was the GOP trying to enforce migration controls, then it was xenophobic! I don't know if I'm going to be able to listen to this, and the worst part is that this low-info crowd will worship it like it's the most revolutionary idea, why didn't we do that from the start, if only Hillary had said it before~!

Last edited Nov 14, 2015 at 09:30PM EST

Finally, applause! And it's over not raising the tax rate to 90% or higher!
Last I checked the ACA is failing, Hillary.
Bernie's 2/2. Democrats sure like they're universal healthcare.
Universal healthcare, less than 90% tax rates, and making fun of Donald Trump: Things Democrats Like™
"Dreamers"? Did I hear that right? Hillary is calling illegal immigrants dreamers?? Well I guess the audience likes this but…
The crowd is certainly loosening up. I guess they just didn't like foreign policy.
That was a flipping mess. I couldn't understand any of them.
Democrats sure seem to like short, sorta-snarky answers. "No." "Not good enough."
Looks like only 60% of the crowd liked that answer too.
It took her 1 hours 5 minutes, I think she did it faster in the first one.
It is fun watching them attack each other. They aren't even being prompted at all by the moderators.
Bernie, I thought fraud was against the rules???
Hillary, that wasn't even saying you thought your plan was good, you were complimenting yourself, patting yourself on the back for your plan.

Last edited Nov 14, 2015 at 10:11PM EST

It's not right Bernie, the top 1% isn't the one taking the highest income tax take in all of history. Do you see how they try to blame people for shopping? You spending your money and giving corporations record profits is what the problem is, tax the top of the workforce so they have less money to spend, forget about taxing those corporations. Oh yeah, he didn't say anything about that, did he? They limit their outrage to the stock market players.

holy shit O'Malley really let the mod roll over him there, like a schoolkid getting scolded…

Allow me to expose the Democrats favorite lie: Latin Post Rejoices: Deportation Rate Hits All-Time Low Since Obama Took Office

Notably: { Deportations of criminal immigrants have also fallen to the lowest levels since Obama took office. The decline in criminal deportations comes as a surprise since Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson directed immigration authorities, last year, to focus on finding and deporting immigrants who may pose a threat to national security or public safety. }


$15 minimum wage and DAMN THE CONSEQUENCES! Thx Berns.

How the hell does that make sense??? Black youth unemployment is high because the minimum wage is too low for them to have disposable income?

Oh my god, California is their ideal, they're admitting it! Los Angelos is doing it well!

hahahaha HILLARY CLINTON is coming off too conservative compared to the other two lunatics on stage. & people think my party has a candidate problem.

& here she is in June speaking at a Fight for $15 rally btw. Another notorious flipflop.

WOMEN CARD! How long did it take her to play it this time? Someone note it for posterity.

ahhh I will watch every Dem debate just to watch these two attack her for two hours lmao.
It'd be almost peaceful if what they were saying wasn't so dumb T_T

It's a gun grab~

Why wont they say what's responsible for more than 80% of gun deaths in the country every year?
It's not guns bought at gun shows…

Last edited Nov 14, 2015 at 10:13PM EST

No wonder they made only a few debates and planned them at the worst times, Hillary is practically getting destroyed. They're tearing each other apart, all on their own.
They liked how you stood up? They must love how you sit down, turn around, and continue in an alternate direction.
O'Malley totally did a Bush there, begging for donations.
"So Hillary, Bernie, and Republicans, you too" What about O'Malley? Poor guy. Colbert was right about poor O'Malley:

That moderator seemed uncomfortable saying "damn".
I really don't like that lie. The idea that Republicans were cutting off votes is totally false.
Did you watch the debates? Several of the candidates said climate change is real, Hillary!
It took you that long for you to realize black lives matter, O'Malley? You had to go through all of that to realize? So you're stupid, that's what you're saying, right?
You do realize those "campus activists" are spoiled brats right
Okay, how're you gonna pay for this?? If these states who have basically no money can't pay, you'll just fine them, how will that help? We have a huge deficit, I'd like to hear how you are going to solve this in the first place.

Last edited Nov 14, 2015 at 10:38PM EST

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