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Revived dead memes

Last posted Mar 19, 2021 at 01:41AM EDT. Added Mar 15, 2021 at 12:47AM EDT
7 posts from 6 users

Hi, I would appreciate any samples that users can think of that previously been regarded as a dead meme, as in remained mostly inactive or unpopular for a time before regaining popularity again.
I pose a question a few days back and got an excellent example from users Ozzzim of an inactive meme that got reactivated known as "Cover Yourself In Oil". Now I'm looking for more. Any meme you can think of would be welcome.

Well might as well get some obvious ones out the way
Rage comics making somewhat of a comeback, even if it’s brutal irony humor it’s still notable for being fashionably old. Mostly Troll face in particular and derpina because coomers, but I seen the whole cast get some mileage.
Next, doge, again revived because of pure irony humor. Went from some 15 year old's idea of speaking cute with the first picture to probably one of the most versatile memes out there, I think I recall it going from contentious to hated to beloved because of its lifespan

The scene in Avengers (2012) where Captain America says "I understood that reference" has been in circulation since the original film released. I've seen it rear its head recently. Then again, I notice the same is true about reference memes in general, especially larger properties like Marvel. I don't know if I would consider it dead, but I'd classify it as somewhat inactive after 2012/2013. Now I see it being used more often.

Last edited Mar 15, 2021 at 12:29PM EDT

I think rage comics in general are seeing a resurgence, just sorta recontextualized whilst retaining the core format like that "I hate the Antichrist" meme that was recently added.


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