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Harmless Scavenger Hunt

Last posted Nov 25, 2020 at 12:27PM EST. Added Nov 25, 2020 at 02:29AM EST
4 posts from 3 users

Politics are everywhere, but let's take a break and do a fun, simple activity. Answer the questions from the time this post goes up, as some could change depending on other player's actions. Post pictures.
On this site as of now, what is:
The most upvoted comment?
The most upvoted comment with no downvotes?
The most downvoted comment?
The most downvoted comment with no upvotes?
The most liked image with no favorites?
The most liked image with no comments?
The most favorited image with no likes?
The most favorited image with no comments?
The most comments on an image with no comment chains?
The most comments on a single-chain image?
The longest comment chain?
The most upvoted single-post forum?
The most upvoted single-post forum with no downvotes?
The most downvoted single-post forum?
The most downvoted single-post forum with no upvotes?
The user with highest karma received?
The user with highest karma given?
Have fun!

As per the Karma badge handouts

RandomMan is probably the highest Karma received (+42,685, +45,180 (94%) -2,495 (6%))

Natsuru Springfield is probably the highest Karma given (+23,157, +24,113 (96%) -956 (4%))

The most upvoted forum post that I could find is [Just For Fun] The ULTIMATE KYM Family Photo Thread by Kalmo (+86 -4). I invite users to look for higher, as this seems a bit low.

The most downvoted forum post is almost certainly Whitelist Us on Ad Blocker by Brad (+8 -302). Get dunked on, staff

My submission for highest scoring comments are:
(No downvotes) this comment by resident slut Muffinlicious (+121, -0).

(With downvotes) this comment by 🙏Sir Soundwave🙏 (+243, -1).

I'm sure the comment gang has beaten both of these at some point.

As for the other forum post items, maybe (now defunct) Memeory Lane has the answer. Sorting images by most commented is bound to bring up the longest chain/non-chain as well.

Last edited Nov 25, 2020 at 07:45AM EST

Records as they stand:
Upvoted comment: 1366299, by Sir Soundwave, found by Doeoeod, +242
Upvoted comment None downvote: 1467846, by Muffinlicious, foud by Doeoeod, +121
Downvoted comment: X
Downvoted comment None upvotes: X
Liked image None favorite: X
Liked image None comment: X
Favorited image None like: X
Favorited image None comment: X
Commented image None chain: X
Commented image All chain: X
Longest comment chain: X
{Upvoted single-post forum: X
Upvoted single-post forum None downvote: X
Downvoted single-post forum: X
Downvoted single-post forum None upvote: X}

There are no points awarded in the previous categories because, while there are highly upvoted and downvoted posts in the fora, I am looking for a forum with only one comment, that is highly upvoted, or highly downvoted.

Highest karma received: RandomMan, found by Doeoeod, +42685
Highest karma given: Natsuru Springfield, found by Doeoeod, +23157


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