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Thought Experiment: How would Super Heroes be treated in our world?

Last posted Feb 28, 2019 at 05:45PM EST. Added Feb 13, 2019 at 07:46PM EST
12 posts from 9 users

After reading some chapters of My Hero and looking at something like Kamen Rider,The X Men and other such super hero related media I wanna ask you guys a question, how would you think Super Heroes be treated in our society? Now to make this more on the point and less vague, we're gonna say there are Heroes with super powers just not as deadly or reality ending as X Men. Would Meta Humans be treated like Mutants in X Men as a pest or public safety issue? Would Meta Humans and aspiring heroes go to schools to teach them how to be proper heroes like My Hero or SkyHigh? Would heroes be considered athletes and need brand recognition like in Tiger and Bunny or My Hero Academia? More over how would you guys see living in a world of heroes to be like? Would the use of Meta Humans be outlawed in wars and be considered Weapons of Mass Destruction? Would there be an official Power Rating scale of Meta Human abilities? Finally would heroes with no power but general skill be similar to the Kickass franchise?

What do you guys think? Let's get this ball rolling on this. I want to hear your guys input on this thought experiment of mine.

I'd say the answer depends on the context. Are they a result of a natural genetic anomaly? A freakish science thing gone wrong? Aliens? What kind of superpowers? Strength really wouldn't be that big of a deal, while something like flight or teleportation would completely rewrite our basic understanding of physics.

Assuming a glut of powers and a genetic, rather than outside cause, I would imagine a "Super Registration Act" would likely result fairly quickly. More than likely as the first generation reached adolescence and the body count--whether intentional or not--starts to tick up. There would be an immediate backlash and attempt by governments to control or limit the superpowers, while at the same time attempting to recruit them into the armies or DARPA organizations to try and learn how they work and further weaponize the abilities to both grow more power and better counteract them.

I'd say this would happen within the first thirty years, so a comic book-like culture wouldn't have time to develop as each successive generation learns how to operate under the new system that governments are employing.

TripleA9000 wrote:

It would probably drastically alter the nature of warefare, in the same ways that the discoveries of steel, gunpowder, and air travel did.

I’d say they would be in the same category of weapons outlawed by the Jeniva Convention. You wouldn’t find it fair or safe to send in men against a guy in open warfare who can shoot lightning out of his hands or have magnetic powers like Magneto and can rip the very iron out of your blood and body.

xTSGx wrote:

I'd say the answer depends on the context. Are they a result of a natural genetic anomaly? A freakish science thing gone wrong? Aliens? What kind of superpowers? Strength really wouldn't be that big of a deal, while something like flight or teleportation would completely rewrite our basic understanding of physics.

Assuming a glut of powers and a genetic, rather than outside cause, I would imagine a "Super Registration Act" would likely result fairly quickly. More than likely as the first generation reached adolescence and the body count--whether intentional or not--starts to tick up. There would be an immediate backlash and attempt by governments to control or limit the superpowers, while at the same time attempting to recruit them into the armies or DARPA organizations to try and learn how they work and further weaponize the abilities to both grow more power and better counteract them.

I'd say this would happen within the first thirty years, so a comic book-like culture wouldn't have time to develop as each successive generation learns how to operate under the new system that governments are employing.

After about 30 or more years people with powers and abilities will see themselves as the next stage of human evolution and they’ll be a new group dedicated to upstaging the Normals.

Also thinking more about it, how people got their powers was through an explosive wave of energy (let’s call this energy Black Point Energy) that caused humans to mutate slightly. After each generation of children being born the mutations become more aparant and extravagant. Like going from modestly increased super strength to having the ability turn your nails and such into retractable claws. Even as extreme as being able to conduct electricity or growing large avian type wings.

i think The Incredibles had the right idea: beloved by most of the public, loathed by most of the officials
maybe not to the point of being outlawed, but they'll probably face loads upon loads of legal troubles for collateral damage, unwanted vigilante assistance, whatever specific and probably horrific injuries that might happen depending on ones specific power

Artichoke wrote:

i think The Incredibles had the right idea: beloved by most of the public, loathed by most of the officials
maybe not to the point of being outlawed, but they'll probably face loads upon loads of legal troubles for collateral damage, unwanted vigilante assistance, whatever specific and probably horrific injuries that might happen depending on ones specific power

God damn it! You beat me to it! Whatever, one karma for you haha

If we're going the mutant/genetic powers route, then realistically if they've been around since the beginning of humanity, then they would be the dominant species of the Earth, using their abilities to gain dominance over the humans that don't have powers. Some would even be worshipped like gods in early civilizations. But eventually there could be a period where the treatment of powerless humans grows in the conscious of society and would start to be treated as equals, similar to how civil movements around the world lead to people treating each other more fairly. The two different groups of humans now live together peacefully (for the most part), but the ones with powers are the dominant race.

If the mutation comes late into humanity's existence, around let's say the late 20th, early 21st century, I think the plot of the inFAMOUS video game series is a nice model to go off of. Humans with powers would be considered either as dangerous or just as freaks in general and would be persecuted, leading to a whole MLK-Malcolm X scenario, where the humans with powers would either bargain for a peaceful coexistence or rise up against the humans without powers. Modern governments would also try to exploit these mutations to see how they could be used for warfare, leading to an arms race.


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