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Anon gets framed

Last posted Aug 10, 2017 at 05:32AM EDT. Added Aug 10, 2017 at 03:54AM EDT
2 posts from 2 users

>Be me
>16, Hispanic (crazy parents)
>7 years ago
>little brother is cunt
>cunt is in grade 3
>he hangs out with the weird kids at school that think they're cool cause they swear
>one day he decides to write "shit" in his planner
> teacher sees it
>teacher calls parents
>parents call me
>conference. I'm shitting myself the entire time
>we get home
>all of us
>sitting at table
>parents blame me
>give me shit for something I didn't do
>tell them my side
>I did nothing
> parents tell me they're going to smack me with a spoon if i don't admit
>parents say he diesn't know that word yet
>mom tears off sandal in 0.54 seconds
>whips it at my head
>say I did nothing wrong
>brother laughs
Fuck off
>parents ground me
>my brother still hasn't admitted it
>2 days ltr
>brother comes up to me
>comes uncomfortabally close to my ear
>starts whispering
>can't do anything right now
>whispers "shit" in my ear
>he still han't admitted it to this day
>he's 16 now
>mwf he shows me a photo if that planner every single day


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