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We Know Memes

Last posted Jul 18, 2012 at 01:08PM EDT. Added Jul 17, 2012 at 03:22PM EDT
18 posts from 12 users

We had this discussion before

So yeah. After nearly or over a year, because I do not know when the site was made…
KYM users said it will have a dark future. Poking fun of it.

Brucker also made an interesting point

Okay, jumping in to try and inject reality to the discussion. God only knows why.
I became aware of this site quite some time ago, and considered starting thread on it, but then decided against it, because I knew the response would be pretty much just like this. People here are saying the same sort of things here about WeKnowMemes that people used to (and probably still) say about our site on 4chan and ED. Yeah, it’s a fairly crappy site that in many ways resembles ours, and in many other ways is different. So what? They may continue to be fairly lame and eventually fade away, or they may shape themselves to please some particular web demographic and become as popular as us or more. Either way, I personally try and not view the Internet as a popularity contest. Every site is different, just like every person is different, and spending undue time talking about how WKM is just a pale imitation of KYM is going to be about as cool as a couple of jerky high school sophomores looking at each other and saying, “Can you believe how lame these freshmen are?”
By all means, continue; this is only my opinion.

Its been nearly a year.
Has any opinions changed?
I still lol that they had confirmed, but when Natsuru mentioned it, Soon it was turned into established.

It lacks a forum and has a meme generator. Therefore, KYM is dabes.
Plus, it looks like a cheap site and only made to create crappy advice animals. KnowYourMeme documents history, videos and picture. While, Weknowmeme is an image and video dump.

Lich wrote:

It lacks a forum and has a meme generator. Therefore, KYM is dabes.
Plus, it looks like a cheap site and only made to create crappy advice animals. KnowYourMeme documents history, videos and picture. While, Weknowmeme is an image and video dump.

You can't say fairer than that.

The quoted post has been deleted.

Yeah-No. We don't need to give KYM a bad name. If you're going to stage a spam attack or something, organize it with 4chan. Seriously, we do not need an unneeded war because our users think another, admittedly less appealing site, who also deals with memes need to be attacked and run out of town.

Lich wrote:

Yeah-No. We don't need to give KYM a bad name. If you're going to stage a spam attack or something, organize it with 4chan. Seriously, we do not need an unneeded war because our users think another, admittedly less appealing site, who also deals with memes need to be attacked and run out of town.


KYM does not support raids people, remember this.

(plus the Grotan is still a fucking retard)

Teh Brawler wrote:

You know what site I can't stand? Wikipedia. They totally ripped off our thing of writing articles on stuff and having a community of users centered around it.

And they have the gall to think they can write about everything. That's pretty pretentious, if you ask me.


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