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About deleted comments and posts in general (not just mine😅)

Last posted Nov 03, 2023 at 10:20AM EDT. Added Oct 31, 2023 at 03:27PM EDT
3 posts from 3 users

Do they take awhile to update? The reason I'm asking is that there was one time last year on my own activity that I tried to find a link to some post that usually gave me a "404" and I was unable to find it.

Last edited Oct 31, 2023 at 03:27PM EDT

I'm not certain of the context, and it sounds like you might not be 100% certain of all of it either, idk.

From what I recall:

  • A comment that is deleted is deleted entirely and will not be shown on a user's activity feed.
  • Likewise, if a comment is in response to another comment if the first comment is deleted, then the response is also deleted and not be shown on a user's activity feed
  • If a comment is on an image and the image is removed, the comment will be visible on the user's activity feed, but clicking the link will get a 404 (this includes for mods). However, if said image is reactivated, then the comments will then properly link.
    One idea as to what may have happened was that there was a comment on an image that was hidden that was in response to a user. The image was taken down (still showed on your activity feed but gave a 404). Later, the user you responded to was spambanned (due to being shown to be an alt or something). This removed your comment from the site as well.

That's just a possible guess though.


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