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Unpopular Opinions Thread V.2

Last posted Aug 18, 2017 at 12:21AM EDT. Added Dec 24, 2014 at 01:28AM EST
1463 posts from 344 users

Essentially a modern KYM redux of the old thread, Here you can drop a few opinions that would probably either drop your karma like a rock anywhere else, or just get you flamed and buried. Basically you can just vent whatever opinions you may have without inciting a flamewar (Hopefully).
I'll start out with mine.
– I don't consider final Fantasy 13 a bad game. It was subpar by FF standards, but not so bad.
– I dislike the Smogon tier system massively for how it tries to organize a meta-game designed to be chaotic.
– Homestuck is too boring for me to get into
– I absolutely loathe ponies, I hated them ever since I was a little boy, and I even tried to watch the show but I hated it within seconds.
Now you guys. Just share the controversial opinions of yours.

- I like the Michael Bay's Transformers movies.
- I think the current Spider-Man movies are worse than the old ones (yes, even the 3rd one).
- I like the Mortal Kombat movie.
- I always thought Adventure Time was just plain stupid.
- I think the newest TMNT series is way overrated.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a glorified DLC

I never got into Adventure Time.
Five Nights at Freddy's didn't need to be subculture, it's just an indie horror game.
I know both U.S. political parties suck, but Democrats are 10x better than Republicans.
I think Nickelback is a good band.
I trust game reviewers such as IGN and Gamespot.

I don't like that I have to "git gud" in order to play and enjoy a game (looking at you Dota 2)
I don't know or particularly care about what's happening currently in Gamergate.
I like playing Call of Duty with friends.

I support the legalization of all drugs, beyond simply marijuana.
Acts such as cannibalism are okay and morally tolerable as long as the deceased gave permission while alive.
Marilyn Manson is the greatest living musician and the last true rockstar.
Pepperoni pizza is the worst kind of pizza.

-Kingdom of Loathing is my best online game I ever played because of its simplicity, no money-grabbing schemes, has some kind of daily limit, and no ads.
-That ED is actually funny especially if you read their articles that you really, really, really hate.
-Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V is a decent ongoing anime.
-Hurricane Fluttershy is my worst MLP:FiM episode ever.

Some of these aren't even considered unpopular…
Hmm, I don't have much ultra unpopular opinion I guess, but
-To an extent, I don't mind extremist and extremity. They make some people more moderate
-Oreimo's ending was fine.

@ i anger mods by doing nothing wrong
There was a time when they banned alcohol once in the US back in like the early 1900's. It didn't go well.

The Sniper in White wrote:

Some of these aren't even considered unpopular…
Hmm, I don't have much ultra unpopular opinion I guess, but
-To an extent, I don't mind extremist and extremity. They make some people more moderate
-Oreimo's ending was fine.

@ i anger mods by doing nothing wrong
There was a time when they banned alcohol once in the US back in like the early 1900's. It didn't go well.

Prohibition actually went about as well as the "war on drugs" is going today; that is, illegal alcohol wasn't hard to get, but it wasn't the "MAFIA & BOOTLEGGERS & CHAOS EVERYWHERE" thing people seem to expect. The real reason Prohibition was ended went something like this:

FDR: Here's my 359-step plan to end the depression
Budget guy: lol we're funkin broke we don't have enough money for this
FDR: Let's make alcohol legal again and make huge profits from the taxes
Budget guy: ok lol

  • Frozen is overrated
  • COD is a decent game
  • I dislike when people post porn on kym
  • I am digusted by this gamergate "war". Both sides are cringeworthy
  • Most of the "PC master race" i've seen are a bunch of pricks trying to shove their opinion down your throat
  • #stopmakinghashtagswhentheresacontroversy2015. Instead of fucking posting on twitter, actually go outside and do something.

-I don't like MLP anymore
-I honestly really don't care what people do with their genitals. If someone wants to have sex with a dog or a horse as long as I don't have to see it I really don't care.
-I think almost every drug should be legalized simply because its easily taxable and would greatly reduce the number of crimes and people being imprisoned.
-I really want to try human flesh.
-I find black people sexually unappealing. Not racist at all. I just don't find them sexually attractive.
-I think males should have just as much of a choice when it comes to children. That means if a male doesn't want to help raise a child, he shouldn't have to pay child support. Yes sorry ladies but your vagina and his dick had a 50/50 partnership in creating it, and if you can decide to abort it, he shouldn't have to pay child support for the next 18 years.
-occasionally I can go feminazi for no real reason. I try to avoid commenting on things when I am in that mood.

probably the worst
-I liked Yu-Gi-Oh ZeXaL. Honestly if you watch the Sub and not the Dub, its really not that bad. It has a lot of the same elements from the original series which always confused me when they said it was the worst.

Well this thread is going well. Glad to see there's no people hating each other.
I've got a few others.
- I honestly dislike the idea of furries. I know, it is just what they enjoy, but the idea of it just disgusts me.
- I think Obama is a decent, if not pretty good President, and think that Congress is a bunch of venom-gargling snakes doing whatever they can to undermine that all while driving America into the ground.
- I'll always consider Sonic a more fun game series than Mario.
- I'm rarely attracted to my own race.
- I hate how schools think that fighting bullies solves nothing; Call me Malcolm X, but if a motherfucker tries to beat me down, I'm gonna fight back, not turn the other cheek and talk it out with a prick. I think self-defense should not be punished in schools.
- I liked Yu-gi-oh 5Ds a lot. Only two seasons that trumped it to me were the Battle City Arc from the original and the Society of Light Arc from GX.
- I support the legalization of every drug. Not just weed, but things like LSD and whatnot.
- I prefer softcore porn to hardcore porn, and I like yuri more than straight pairing.
- I think the Wii U is a better console than the PS4 thanks to the already immense selection of games and BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY.
- Garchomp is the worst pseudo-legendary ever, in my eyes. It was never very appealing, but was glorified to high hell. I think that thing isn't even that good; switch in right or predict it and it dies quickly. I have similar feelings to Tyranitar; people call it the best thing ever when in truth a well-predicted Tyranitar is stupidly frail. Mega Tyranitar is also OP as hell. Really, possible 464 attack, stupid-high bulk, and DRAGON DANCE!? Christ, GameFreak!
- I hate insects. All of them. I'd love to see a mass insect extinction.
- And finally I hate what trolling has become. It used to be funny as shit and clever, now apparently it is just being a parody of yourself or a flat-out dick. I'd love to see old-school trolling make a return.

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 12:29PM EST

DCS WORLD wrote:

  • I support the death penalty.
  • Alcohol should be illegal.

i am totally fine with this
when people bring the "if you kill him you will become like him" they forget that they killed ants spiders roaches and other "ugly" animals that have a family just like us

- I hate how schools think that fighting bullies solves nothing; Call me Malcolm X, but if a motherfucker tries to beat me down, I’m gonna fight back, not turn the other cheek and talk it out with a prick. I think self-defense should not be punished in schools.

[silently hugs Trollanort]

As for me:

-I think the Insane Clown Posse are pretty good. Same with Limp Bizkit.
-I agree with SJWs at times.
-I hate everything about GamerGate.
-I liked the first two Bubsy games.
-I think the Final Destination movies are huge achievements in the supernatural thriller genre.
-I think Soldier is the most overpowered class, and the most annoying to fight against.

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 01:03PM EST

-korrasami is forced as hell
-mlp sucks
-i prefer most dubs over subs (like DBZ, they have a woman voicing a grown ass man)
-i think the US is doing okay, yes we DEFINITELY have some things we need to fix, but it's not as bad as everyone says it is. For the most part were not doing spectacular but were doing horrible either

Deathseller wrote:

i am totally fine with this
when people bring the "if you kill him you will become like him" they forget that they killed ants spiders roaches and other "ugly" animals that have a family just like us

No. Firstly the difference between us and most other animals is that a lot of them don't care about their families or do not care for them like we do, especially insects. Also not everyone kills Spiders and such, and one worker ant missing wont destroy the colony, nor will the colony care about that one ant.

Secondly what people mean by “If you kill a murderer you will become like them.” is that by selectively killing those people who murder you come up with a paradox, you murder murderers but not the murders that murder other murderers.

I personally believe that killing someone outside certain circumstances (war, some cases of self-defence, accidental etc) killing is not the right thing to do and there isn't any justification. Because then you are doing what they are doing and cutting a life short because you deem it unworthy. Also I believe that not all murderers will repeat their actions. Finally I believe it does not work as a deterrent because people who will kill will do it regardless.

Sorry about the rant back on topic.

- The Transformers film series is decent just as a spectacle. People are too spoiled to realize this I think.
- Superman is an outdated Superhero and is really boring outside being a plot point
- The Punisher sucks outside the films
- Smite > DoTA 2 > LoL
- Marvel doesn't need to reboot earth 616
- Nintendo is overrated and has only made a few very good games
- 3D LoZ sucks
- Despite some atrocious games and a horrible fanbase, I still kinda like Sonic
- I think the game Bastion is awful and the narrator is annoying
- MLP is awful

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 03:13PM EST

The Sniper in White wrote:

I think by this point, people are putting whatever opinions they have, not just unpopular ones.

Well people may think something is an unpopular opinion even if it may not seem that way to others. It's usually hard to tell.

- Xenoblade is the best thing ever made. (Now, I know it's pretty well-received overall, but I've only met one other person online or off that has ever thought it is really the best thing ever made. Kinda just forcing an opinion here like everyone else)
- Nostalgiafags are one of the worst groups of people commonly found on the internet
- Insects and bugs are fucking amazing. Spiders rule.
- Killing in any circumstance where a good person is not in danger is wrong. If you literally have Hitler and had the option to kill him or lock him up, I say lock him up unless he's going to kill you first.
- Gender roles shouldn't really be pushed on kids at all to me. I think parents have the right to, but I don't like it. No putting pink bows on babies who can't even speak just becaue they have a vagina.
- Man of Steel wasn't a masterpiece but it was nice.
- Frozen is overrated. And this is coming from someone who likes it a lot.

Slutty Sam wrote:

- Xenoblade is the best thing ever made. (Now, I know it's pretty well-received overall, but I've only met one other person online or off that has ever thought it is really the best thing ever made. Kinda just forcing an opinion here like everyone else)
- Nostalgiafags are one of the worst groups of people commonly found on the internet
- Insects and bugs are fucking amazing. Spiders rule.
- Killing in any circumstance where a good person is not in danger is wrong. If you literally have Hitler and had the option to kill him or lock him up, I say lock him up unless he's going to kill you first.
- Gender roles shouldn't really be pushed on kids at all to me. I think parents have the right to, but I don't like it. No putting pink bows on babies who can't even speak just becaue they have a vagina.
- Man of Steel wasn't a masterpiece but it was nice.
- Frozen is overrated. And this is coming from someone who likes it a lot.

- Only good thing I liked from Frozen:

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 04:28PM EST

My little pony: FIM is a decent children show with a few grown up shout outs but the fact that it managed to acumulate such a massive, serious fandom that gives tribute in the form of fan art, fan songs and fanficton that takes deep and pseudo insightful looks at every single pony in the show baffles and annoys me. Also I cannot take things like Fallout Equestria seriously, grimdark ponies are utterly ridiculous and fail to appeal to me on every level.

Also I find Homestuck to be the most tryhard thing on the internet.

Angry-human wrote:

My little pony: FIM is a decent children show with a few grown up shout outs but the fact that it managed to acumulate such a massive, serious fandom that gives tribute in the form of fan art, fan songs and fanficton that takes deep and pseudo insightful looks at every single pony in the show baffles and annoys me. Also I cannot take things like Fallout Equestria seriously, grimdark ponies are utterly ridiculous and fail to appeal to me on every level.

Also I find Homestuck to be the most tryhard thing on the internet.

I don't think FO:E is supposed to be that serious. Sure, it's somewhat dark, but it takes a lot more from Fallout's sillier side than it does the serious side. Haven't read FO:E in years, but one thing I remember in particular about it was that it contained the word "lesbincestuous." Anything with "lesbincestuous" in it can't be that serious.

Snickerway wrote:

I don't think FO:E is supposed to be that serious. Sure, it's somewhat dark, but it takes a lot more from Fallout's sillier side than it does the serious side. Haven't read FO:E in years, but one thing I remember in particular about it was that it contained the word "lesbincestuous." Anything with "lesbincestuous" in it can't be that serious.

Really? Maybe I am confusing it with that other FalloutxMLP fanfic, horizon project or something like that. I guess FO:E does not count then, but I stand by my point that actual grim and dark ponies are silly.

>Evangelion's first 14 episodes were vastly superior to its last 12
>[fundamentalist Baptist opinions]
>college these days is an economic bubble
>4chan's moderation is pretty good
>Bambi was a terrible movie
>Atlantis and Treasure Island were both pretty good movies
>Ferguson protesters are wrong and the police should be supported
>Breaking Bad was meh

-MLP is not a bad show; I just has a bad fandom.
-Hitler was not entirely a bad person. He did all the things he did for the sake of Germany.
-GamerGate is stupid.
-Zilla is not a bad Kaiju.
-I hate shippings.
-Cannibalism should only be used as a final resort. Besides, everything in nature is to be re-used eventually someday.
-People give post-movie Spongebob to much crap, or more crap than it deserves.

Last edited Dec 24, 2014 at 07:21PM EST

-I hate anyone that talks about Gamergate and I'm glad that 4chan banned threads about it.
-Frozen is overrated.
-Console gaming is better than PC gaming for many reasons.
-I don't understand why people like "Japanese culture" so much.
-Based on personal experiences, atheists tend to be more annoying and just as "wrong" as theists.
-I support the death penalty.
-I don't see anything wrong with the way the U.S. tortures terrorists. They deserve it, and why should we give them American rights if that is what they're against anyway?
-Modern communists and anarchists are complete idiots that don't understand how the world works.
-People that are completely against mainstream things are more annoying than people that like mainstream things.
-I can't get into Pokémon.
-I think Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan should be considered parts of Europe and not Asia.

- Smite has more strategy compared to the other Mobas who I call myself "complicated Rock, Paper and Scissors".

- While kinda obvious im biased to Sonic over Mario, I still think Mario games are too similar too each other (at least for the main game), making them boring to me. At least SEGA tries make things different.

- I think the Simpsons still has some charm to it, unlike recent SpongeBob seasons.

- No straight First person shooter has ever surpassed the Unreal Tournament series.

- I think the Tekken series is way too far from the concept off "more tied to reality fighting" than many people has said to me.

- I don't mind if in a game every girl is despicted totally sexy without diversity, if the game itself is good.

- Minecraft is the most boring game of all time. Period. One thing is having a sandbox game where you can do anything but still have objectives (like the Roller Coaster Tycoon series), and another thing is just do anything without any objective or reward other that "Now you can create these too!".

- The only time Cartoon Network fucked up was with CN Real and the cancellation of Toonami, as well as a few series that were written off the network (Megas XLR, SymBionic Titan, etc.).
- I actually prefer dubs over subs, but if it's only available subbed I'll make do with it.
- I actually enjoyed most of the games Rare made under Microsoft, even Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.
- Frozen was generic as fuck, and Tangled was a whole lot more enjoyable and original.
- I don't find any game from Bioware enjoyable.
- I find the competitive Smash Bros. scene stupid as it tries to make it be like a standard fighting game instead of a fun-anything-can-happen game.
- I believe animation is the greatest art form ever created.
- I'm baffled by how yearly video game sports releases sell so well.

I don't like anime. I used to, but I really can't get into them anymore. Death Note comes to mind as one anime I really do like; It's short, actually has some pretty awesome animation, and the logical playground of a story the writers conjured up was one helluva ride. Kinda like Breaking Bad with a supernatural Japanese twist. Most anime out there are the opposite of Death Note, they're ludicrously long, due to this the quality of the animation is severely affected, and I've grown to dislike the over-the-top, unnecessarily complex fashion the fighting in anime sports, especially once I took up boxing and became an avid watcher of how more realistic fights happen. Anime fighting drones past tons of episodes and the choreography is either too impossible to believe or cringeworthily pitiful; Strategies in fighting do exist, but they're formed in a matter of seconds. They're formed not through a thoughtful process in the mind, but through muscle reflex and split-second decisions.

Ricenburg wrote:

I don't like anime. I used to, but I really can't get into them anymore. Death Note comes to mind as one anime I really do like; It's short, actually has some pretty awesome animation, and the logical playground of a story the writers conjured up was one helluva ride. Kinda like Breaking Bad with a supernatural Japanese twist. Most anime out there are the opposite of Death Note, they're ludicrously long, due to this the quality of the animation is severely affected, and I've grown to dislike the over-the-top, unnecessarily complex fashion the fighting in anime sports, especially once I took up boxing and became an avid watcher of how more realistic fights happen. Anime fighting drones past tons of episodes and the choreography is either too impossible to believe or cringeworthily pitiful; Strategies in fighting do exist, but they're formed in a matter of seconds. They're formed not through a thoughtful process in the mind, but through muscle reflex and split-second decisions.

I like logical strategies but I find the insane and stupid logic of anime fights to be an easy escape for me, like just being able to turn my brain off for a bit and enjoy crazy visuals and stupid logic.

Though I hear Gundam tries to be realistic as it can for giant mech fights, might wanna try that. The original actually has a fantastic dub so you can watch it in english.

Basilius wrote:

I like logical strategies but I find the insane and stupid logic of anime fights to be an easy escape for me, like just being able to turn my brain off for a bit and enjoy crazy visuals and stupid logic.

Though I hear Gundam tries to be realistic as it can for giant mech fights, might wanna try that. The original actually has a fantastic dub so you can watch it in english.

Crazy visuals is pretty fun to turn your brain off to (Metal Gear Rising comes to mind,) but the long animes I rant about often fail in this category too, and I'm pretty sure it's mostly because they're well, long.

Perhaps. I never tried it because anime with large legacies tend to have the characteristics I loathe. Another anime that comes to mind that's satisfactory enough for me is Shingeki No Kyojin. Pretty short, pretty visuals, and fights in a reasonable length.

I dont like FNAF because of all the squeakers playing it and how there FNAF shit fills up the gmod workshop on steam. It's a good game and all.
I like the simpsons.
I dont like anime.

Ricenburg wrote:

I don't like anime. I used to, but I really can't get into them anymore. Death Note comes to mind as one anime I really do like; It's short, actually has some pretty awesome animation, and the logical playground of a story the writers conjured up was one helluva ride. Kinda like Breaking Bad with a supernatural Japanese twist. Most anime out there are the opposite of Death Note, they're ludicrously long, due to this the quality of the animation is severely affected, and I've grown to dislike the over-the-top, unnecessarily complex fashion the fighting in anime sports, especially once I took up boxing and became an avid watcher of how more realistic fights happen. Anime fighting drones past tons of episodes and the choreography is either too impossible to believe or cringeworthily pitiful; Strategies in fighting do exist, but they're formed in a matter of seconds. They're formed not through a thoughtful process in the mind, but through muscle reflex and split-second decisions.

Actually, most anime don't run very long, only about 1-2 seasons usually. You just really need to find an anime that suits you best.
Interestingly enough, Death Note have quite a few dramatic moments (just not in the fights), and Shingeki No Kyojin (Attack on Titan) also have lots of dramatic scenes (mostly the speeches).
Maybe you'll like Psycho Pass. It's a pretty good show, but I heard Season 2 was shit (It was kinda unnecessary).

Thrash95 wrote:

- I like the Michael Bay's Transformers movies.
- I think the current Spider-Man movies are worse than the old ones (yes, even the 3rd one).
- I like the Mortal Kombat movie.
- I always thought Adventure Time was just plain stupid.
- I think the newest TMNT series is way overrated.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a glorified DLC

The current Spiderman franchise being terrible is an unpopular opinion?

I hate how the justice system treats felons. I get that what they do is truly awful, but they have to deal with so much shit that recidivism almost seems inevitable, which is bad for everyone.

Onto less serious stuff:

  • I don't like Ren & Stimpy
  • I prefer the new Nostalgia Critic (Post plot-hole, where he's not the only star) to the old Nostalgia Critic.
  • In fact, I don't like the old Notstalgia Critic, it's boring.
  • When it comes to Anime, I prefer dubs to subs.
  • I also like consoles more than PC.

gamergate is a bunch of butthurt lowlifes circlejerking about "muh freedoms of speech", "muh gamer culture" and "muh h8 4 sjw-fascists".
anonymous is bullshit, the whole concept is crap, their actions are useless, mostly exaggerated vigilantism.
feminism is great, but the concept of patriarchy is woolgathering, therefore this approach at feminism is unproductive.
conservaties and neo-liberals are either really bad people, or just dumb and have no idea how their own false god (aka the capitalist market) works.
[insert more angry marxist opinions]
pacifists are short-sighted.

Last edited Dec 25, 2014 at 10:25AM EST

level4outbreak wrote:

I loathe the "List Your Fetish" threads that occasionally pop up on the forums here. There isn't anything particularly special about having any fetish.

Those threads are purely Fap Fuel and nothing more.

Hmmmm… Some people have brought things up that made me think of a few more:

- I can't get into Megaman
- I can't get into Earthbound
- I can't get into Pokemon
- FNAF is pretty cancerous (not too bad though, just pretty cancerous)
- Unironic shipping is retarded
- Smash Bros is overrated (Like the games a lot, just think the hype is unreasonable for it. The ridiculous hype is unreasonable for almost any game, especially something as simple as Smash)

- I find that the typical anime or Japanese style of animation and art-style can get annoying. And don't try to pull the "all anime is different" card. Sure it's different in content and the style can vary, but overall it's pretty homogeneous, or else it all wouldn't go under anime. The actual frame by frame animation is usually lazy and choppy and the actual art-style of the people and things in it usually isn't very unique. It gets annoying when this style is spammed everywhere. It's like ponifying things except no one seems to notice how everything needs to be drawn in this style. There's nothing special about it. The environments themselves usually don't matter and the focus is on characters, but those aren't even outstanding usually. Everyone usually has the same face. The only anime I've ever seen that has a sort of different style from the rest is Jojo, but that still overall goes under the general style. I don't hate anime, just think the art-style shouldn't be shoved everywhere as it usually is and is nothing too special in my opinion.

- I think in general when sexually depicted women are put in games it's not for a good reason and shouldn't be in it. Not for sexism, but because it's worthless pandering that adds nothing. Sometimes I just want to be a girl in a game who is wearing clothes you know? I think in some situations it's acceptable like when the game overall is sexual in nature and for both genders (like Metal Gear which sexualizes both genders and has a very sexual feel to the series oftentimes) or when the character has a reason for it or it's just their personality (like Metal Gear again when they often have a reason for the way they dress or Bayonetta where it's just her style). Overall though just putting a totally average character who didn't show an ounce of sexuality in skimpy clothing just for pandering is pathetic and I feel should be really reduced.

Ricenburg wrote:

Crazy visuals is pretty fun to turn your brain off to (Metal Gear Rising comes to mind,) but the long animes I rant about often fail in this category too, and I'm pretty sure it's mostly because they're well, long.

Perhaps. I never tried it because anime with large legacies tend to have the characteristics I loathe. Another anime that comes to mind that's satisfactory enough for me is Shingeki No Kyojin. Pretty short, pretty visuals, and fights in a reasonable length.

Agreed, weird how I also play stuff like Fire Emblem.


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