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Nations RP: Further Beyond

Last posted Feb 21, 2019 at 05:24PM EST. Added Aug 18, 2017 at 08:07PM EDT
481 posts from 20 users

Special Turn: the fate of Vesperia

After Vesperia has been defeated by an alliance between nations, it appeared that any survival for Vesperia has ended.

The Leader of Vesperia actually survived the cleansing of his subject who he treated like playthings, and managed to escape in a boat unnoticed. He ends up on a series of islands south of Mir, almost uninhabited, spending rest of his life collecting fish and digging a hole in the beach he would worship. He was accompanied by a native, who stuck with him primarily because of pity. Despite the hardships he has faced, he dies at the impressive age of 73. With the death of the Leader, now a half-crazed pit worshipping hermit, the dream of restoring Vesperia dies with him.

Last edited Sep 28, 2017 at 11:28AM EDT

Turn 7

Map Link

Map Legend

Age of Revolutions (1/3)


- A new age, the AGE OF REVOLUTIONS has begun. Besides the usual changes linked with the era change (spreading of technologies, semi-auto upgrades of units) this one brings a lot more mechanics to the field, so read the changes carefully.
- We have advanced far enough into the game to introduce the concept of GREAT and SECONDARY POWERS. All nations were born into the game equal; however, during the course of history some gained far more power than the others. At any given time, there will be only six Great and nine Secondary Powers. This status represents the economic, diplomatic, military, technological and cultural aspect of your nation. Great Powers can now project power and expand their Sphere of Influence, similar to what former Switzerland III did with Grimmoria/Epsilon. They will be also able to found their own factions and lead ideological ones later on. Secondary Powers cannot be sphered, and will also gain the ability to found factions, although if a Great Power joins such faction the leadership will be transferred to them. Events in Great Powers will likely have a global effect, and Secondary Powers can arise as Great Powers later on, especially if such country is dethroned.
- SPHERE OF INFLUENCE is introduced into the game, and represents an informal dependency of a small country on one of the Great Powers. Sphered country enjoys access to the internal market of the entire sphere, but cannot attack the country it is linked to and can be directly influenced by it, economically and politically. Culture of the Great Power will also start to seep into it, and it will be much more responsive in terms of diplomacy.
- New ECONOMICAL POLICIES are introduced: Laissez-faire (no government intervention in economy), Interventionism (limited government intervention in economy), State Capitalism (government controlling the bulk of economy; private enterprise allowed). As you yield more power to the wealthy, your economy starts developing faster, but with less control over its direction, to put it in Layman’s terms. Of course, it is more complex than that and certain situations will arise based on your government model and economic policy.
- Since several players have not noticed it in the previous turn: with the start of the Age of Revolutions, you are able to make THREE INVENTIONS PER ACTION INVESTED. They should be at least lightly specific.
- Changes have also touched DIPLOMACY, allowing for ideological FACTIONS to be formed; factions are considered to be above alliances, and every participant will be obliged to help each other military-wise, both in the offensive and defensive. They also heavily impact domestic policies and ideology spread. Having an alliance with a neutral country and being in a faction is fine, but an alliance between countries in different factions is not allowed. Joining a faction might break alliances, but this sort of alliance breaking does not impact your country in a negative way. Factions will be marked on the map with icons. You can join them at will (but your country might not be ideologically suitable for a faction), do so in the thread.

World events

- Technologies such as flintlock and others from the early modern era become widely used and can be now considered global.
- The Revolution has started in Avalon, and revolutionary ideas have started seeping into countries all around the world; various movements and even rebel cells form, campaigning and plotting for full embracement of the revolutionary standards.
- Colony of Huentouta gains independence, with rumors that over four countries have plotted against Rexania and supported rebels there. This combined with Maii Konfederatsiya’s new doctrine of protecting (economically and militarily) and supporting all Imoutan and Mai colonies gaining independence, covert actions and the Revolution has resulted in massive unrest in the New World colonies. People in them clamor for autonomy, representation, and in a lot of cases also sovereignty. So far only three colonies have separated from their mother states after bloody wars of independence, but due to high liberty desire all colonial subjects in the New World are preparing for possible confrontation.
- Following the Revolution, two factions have formed: the Revolutionaries and Counter-Revolutionaries, led by Avalon Republic and Kingdom of Rexania, respectively. Revolutionaries reject old traditions and oppressive regimes, demanding full representation of people’s will, as well as incorporating the ideas of egalitarianism. Counter-Revolutionaries aim to curb Avalon’s rapid expansion and influence, and keep the revolutionary ideas from influencing the old way of life. They value order and authority.


Tenets: Revolution, Liberalism, Feminism, Egalitarianism
Faction Leader: Avalon Republic
Members: Avalon Republic, Quijogiro, Hastin-Friedsburg-Demach, Phir-Teneberg-Talbach, Latdorf-Mekstein

Tenets: Traditionalism, Status Quo, Balance of Power
Faction Leader: Rexania
Members: Rexania, Killo, Shoroko-Roto, Sasmenids, Sandytown, Altmark

Great and Secondary Powers

Great Powers
Avalon Republic
Simmer Isles
Kingdom of Sikong

Secondary Powers
Al Amarja
Maii Konfederatsiya
United Federation

Mir (Taryn)

Secondary Power

Government Type: Elective Monarchy
Economy: Moderate, Growing, State Capitalism
Military: Mighty
Navy: Modest
Units: Line Infantry, Cuirassiers, Carronades, Archipelago Frigates
Doctrines: Mercenary Employment, Banking, Military Academies, Forced Labor, REP, Slavery Ban, Universities, Tax Reform, Labor Lottery, Compulsory Education
Culture: Militarists, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Steam Engine, Chemistry (Atomic Theory)
Alliance: Birgerelm, McDonaldsℱ
Non-Aggression Pact: G.O.A.L.S.
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- Atmospheric engine’s design is improved by adding a separate condenser, thus yielding a device that can provide continuous motion. This greatly expands its future industrial and transportation application potential.
- The labor lottery is introduced in Mir, but remains largely unused due to rampart serfdom and slavery-like forced labor in the country; the very concept of formal unemployment does not exist since peasants are de facto owned by their landlords and urban populations are small.
- Atomic theory is devised in the Gorod College, followed by the bond and reaction theories. All of it leads to several leaps in the field of chemistry; theoretical understanding of chemistry will make research into individual inventions associated with it far easier.
- Acquisition of basic education is now mandatory for all children, which greatly boosts Mir’s literacy rate. Education comprises mostly of reading to read and write, as well as indoctrination into the state’s way of thinking.
- War with Golden Empire goes relatively smoothly, and Mir gets minor territorial gains from Empire’s only ally, Sasmenids.
- Alliance with the Avalonian Republic is broken as new government takes over, wanting nothing to do with the oppressive regimes of old.

Last edited Oct 02, 2017 at 06:42PM EDT

Birgerelm (Stoffe)

Secondary Power

Government Type: Parliamentary Monarchy
Economy: Good, Flourishing, Interventionism
Military: Decent
Navy: Strong
Units: Line Infantry, Twodeckers, Merchantmen, Kochs, Star Forts
Doctrines: Harma Copper Mines, Artes Liberales Academy, Emancipation of Slaves, Fortyteen, Factories, DOLK
Culture: Seafarers, Nationalism, Egalitarian, Compassionate
Individual Technology:
Anthropology, Atmospheric Engine, Mathematics (Calculus)
Alliance: Mir, McDonaldsℱ, Avalon Republic, Rexania, Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk
Pledge of Protection: Clani, Nisha, Pisuco, Cuzco-Quito-Ilecin, Caraqcha, Azcajac, Indalen
Defensive Pact: Kainereka

- Atmospheric engine finds widespread use in the Harma Copper Mines, which face their golden age; the production is steadily growing, and Harma becomes the primary source of copper for the entire nation, with surplus being exported far beyond it. Near the mines factories start appearing, powered mostly by water. They are relatively inefficient, but far surpass the quality/cost ratio of regular craftsmen, progressively forcing some of them out of the market. Mathematics start flourishing alongside the traditionally artistic academia of Birgerelm, and advanced calculus formulas and mechanics begin being discovered.
- The espionage agency DOLK is established, protecting the secrets of the Birke mainland.
- After the death of king Ludvig av Strandrös, the nation undergoes a massive political reform orchestrated by his protégé, Amelia Franksdotter. Power is further decentralized and sent to local representatives, which gather at the newly formed parliament of Riksting. They are elected for five years, and choose the Prime Minister, who now bears the most power. Royal families are delegated to serve merely a representative role, with no real power. Birgerelmian revolutionaries are largely content by such development, with the majority supporting the reformed monarchy. However, there is a small group that argues that it should be abolished altogether, to completely cut off cultural ties to the ancient regime.
- Development is incentivized in the colony near Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk, with tax breaks being handed to those who choose to emigrate there. A part of the Birgerelmian army and colonial garrison are delegated to practice jungle warfare.
- On the matter of the Revolution, the country is split. Monarchist and conservative factions in the Riksting call for joining the side of counter-revolution, while revolutionaries and liberals put huge pressure on giving military support to the Revolution. Due to the liberal reforms, Avalon Republic does not break diplomatic ties nor alliance with Birgerelm.

United Federation (Black Graphic T)

Secondary Power

Government Type: Federal Republic
Economy: Good, Growing, Interventionism
Military: Robust
Navy: Decent
Units: Rifle Infantry, Cuirassiers, Falconets, Frigates
Doctrines: Cartography, Basic Education, Graffiti, Military Academy, Messenger Pigeons, Military Open to Serfs
Culture: Innovative, Creative, Artistic, National Epics, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Flare Signals, Flying Shuttle, Improved Reflective Telescopes, Muzzle-Loaded Rifles
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Colonial Unrest

- Reflective Telescopes are improved upon and introduced to the nation’s universities, inspiring a newfound interest with the stars within the artistic circles. Many paintings of the night’s sky start being commissioned by patrons and nobles.
- Advanced boring methods are adopted, and an experimental weapon dubbed as a “rifle” enters limited military use, to a great success. It has an improved accuracy and range over the inaccurate musket.
- The King invests in seaside, contributing greatly to the expansion of sea trade with the new world as well as the fishing industry. Construction of additional docks proceeds smoothly.
- A project to use explosives to clear through the eastern mountains in order to reach Harena is devised and quickly abandoned due to sheer impossibility of such a feat. Black powder, the standard explosive used in the United Federation, has not just limited power, but is also unsafe and makes hard-to-control explosions. However, safety fuse is invented in Fellberg, which reduces the number of mining accidents.

Al Amarja (CrowTheMagician)

Secondary Power

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: Wealthy, Flourishing, Interventionism
Military: Mighty
Navy: Mighty
Units: Rifle Infantry, Dragoons, Horse Artillery, Engineer Corps, Ships of the Line, Frigates, Merchantmen
Doctrines: Legal Code, Meritocracy, Social Welfare, Universities, Naval Academy, Early Stock Exchange, Basic Education, Modernization of Cities, Religious Freedoms, កashāshīn, Maritime Law, Manufactories, Universal Suffrage, Non-Mandatory 3 Year Service, Army Reforms
Culture: Xenophiles, Scholars, Cosmicism (Religion), Traders, Gender Equality, Racial Tolerance, Golden Liberty, Weaponsmiths, Enlightenment
Individual Technology:
Atmospheric Engine, Volley Gun, Semaphores, Muzzle-Loaded Rifles, Four-Field System
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Vassals: Carim, Carcosa
Non-Aggression Pact: Redline Islands
War Exhaustion (Low), Colonial Unrest

- A government reform is enacted by the Queen, but fails to gain support of major nobles who buy off votes from poorer, non-landed nobility. She calls the vote into question, accusing these magnates of treason. Quickly the tensions erupt in an act of lawful rebellion, which was granted as a right for nobility. Having previously forged a secret pact with other G.O.A.L.S. nations, Queen’s troops are quickly reinforced by previously readied armies of Al Amarjan allies. After winning two crucial battles, the rebellion’s forces are scattered and promptly finished off by the allied armies. The reform passes virtually unopposed in a now blood-stained constitutional kingdom. Power is centralized and held both in the hands of the Queen and her Prime Minister, and lower house of the newly established Parliament is subjected to a general election. Serfdom is abolished, universal suffrage and secret ballots laws pass quickly afterwards.
- The military reform was protested by majority of the nobility, as it included expanding the professional army; however, with the power back again in the hands of the Queen and her Parliament, the army undergoes massive reforms. Pure meritocracy is applied in the military, now open to citizens regardless of social class. The small entry requirements, decent pay and three-year contracts make military service popular among ambitious, recently freed peasants who use it as means to rise to lower middle class. Army size sees only a slight growth, but the amount of reserves the country can use increases threefold. More professionalism and discipline enters the ranks, as well as engineer corps, expanded logisticians and medical staff. Al Amarjan army represents a well-oiled war machine.
- Agricultural growth skyrockets as the four-field system is fully implemented as well as a Folwark system, where ex-serfs were paid for their work, as well as provided an adequate housing for free. Size of the farms is increased with countryside infrastructure development.
- Atmospheric engine, volley gun, semaphores and muzzle-loaded rifles are either invented or enter widespread use.
- Miskatonic University, a building that is a hybrid of a national library, academy and a museum is opened in Arkham, quickly becoming the center of enlightenment thought in Al Amarja. Its creation marks the beginning of a completely new era in sciences, culture and philosophy in the nation; revolutionary ideas find their way into Miskatonic, with Avalon scholars frequently visiting and presenting their ideologies to the young.

Last edited Oct 02, 2017 at 06:28PM EDT

Aoxia (Xia)

Great Power

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: Good, Flourishing, State Capitalism
Military: Strong
Navy: Robust
Units: Banner Musketeers, Banner Cuirassiers, Turtle Ships, Clipper
Doctrines: Food Stockpiling, Meritocracy, Grand Library, Universities, Selective livestock breeding, Jinyiwei, Agricultural Reform, National Census, Basic Education, Non-Continental Visitor Controls, Central Bank, Mining Focus, Religious Freedoms, Foreign Scholar Attraction, Special Economic Zones
Culture: Militarists, Scholars, Xenophobia, Enlightenment, Nationalism, Heroic Epics
Individual Technology:
Four-Field System, Hot Air Ballon
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.

- Heroic epics are written to commemorate Aoxia's recent victories in war, written in traditional poetic styles. The best of these stories are made mandatory reading material in schools across the nation, where children are to be indoctrinated into worship of the emperor as a just and omnipotent god who straddles the world without equal. Rather conveniently, any unfortunate military mishaps are not included in the curriculum, giving credence to the sacred quality of imperial infallibility.
- Foreign scholars are lured to Aoxia with the promise of high paying jobs, especially to the universities of Changhui and Caomei, where professors trained in Al Amarja, Simmer, and Switzerland staff the majority of engineering and economic colleges. Nobles are given a discount to tuition, but this does not prevent the middling sorts from seeking education as well; such inter-class mingling has promoted a spirit of unified nationalism and has promoted a downward trickle of imperial civic ideals toward the lower classes.
- Caomei, Jafa, and Shanjing are designated as special economic zones for the testing of foreign practices and the permission of nearly unregulated trade. These cities have become modernist hubs with a globalist outlook, leading in all liberal political trends and attracting recent graduates who seek to work closer with foreigners. Jafa, in particular, has evolved far and away from its peers, rapidly modernizing and growing at an unprecedented rate with the influx of Aoxian settlers who have transformed the city's native Vesperian inhabitants into a minority in their own homeland. Angry local conservatives have claimed that this amounts to nothing less than genocide, but few in power have acknowledged their complaints.
- A book titled "Wealth of Nations" is published by famous economist Adang Simi, espousing the merits of his ideal capitalist economic system. It is suspected that the book was plagiarized by some foreign author, but it has had its cultural impact nonetheless and is now standard reading for anybody wishing to study business.
- The "hot air balloon" is invented, and quickly finds application in sight-seeing for the wealthy as well as artillery spotting for the army. The balloon is essentially an enlarged version of the traditional Aoxian sky lantern, and was not difficult to fathom or manufacture, resulting in many mocking the device as evidence of the excesses of modern industry. Others, however, take pride in seeing a traditional symbol of their culture soaring through the air with Aoxians in tow, and have proudly coined the phrase "everything is bigger in Aoxia."
- Gastronomy, the science of food culture, has a college established at the behest of the emperor. Seasonal state dinners are held, convening the nation's nobility and their chefs for competition cooking and seminars on cuisine from all corners of the empire. The nobles bring their lessons back home, spreading traditional recipes and unifying national food culture.
- Following one of the state dinners the emperor summoned the convened nobility to draft a constitution for the nation. Acknowledging that Aoxia had outgrown the will and capacity of a single individual, the emperor permitted certain powers to be relinquished for the creation of a modern, centralized state. Although the nobility was unwilling to grant immediate equal voting rights to the masses, they have agreed to establish a bicameral parliament, divided between peers appointed by the emperor and representatives elected by the people. The emperor remains a domineering force as the head of state, however, having full autocratic control over diplomacy, the military, and the appointment of cabinet members.
- Opium is produced as part of a national scheme to wreck Aoxia's enemies economically. Mass export of the highly addictive substance has been pushed to every market in the world, save for GOALS partners, Mir, and the Swiss. Although native consumption of opium has been prohibited, this has not prevented the product from finding its way into the black market, and many clandestine plantations have begun popping up in the wild rural regions to fuel the new demand. The punishment for addiction, death, is so severe that many police forces are reluctant to enforce it, instead preferring to take bribes to release the unfortunate souls who fall into their grasp.
- Tariffs on the Swiss are lowered to the same rate as GOALS partners. Imports increase accordingly, and the markets are gradually invaded with labels declaring "MADE IN AVALON."
- Vesperians are outlawed. The punishment for being a Vesperian is perpetual janitorial enslavement.
- Along with the Avalonian scholars, dangerous ideas of the revolution start spreading among the intelligentsia and artists, supporting universal suffrage and cutting free from old traditions, to the point of talking about overthrowing the Emperor.

Avalon Republic (Dean Blunt)

Great Power

Government Type: Revolutionary Republic
Economy: Wealthy, Laissez-faire
Military: Mighty
Navy: Terrifying
Units: Mixed Order Infantry, Foreign Legion Infantry, Sappers, Dragoons, Gribeauval Cannon, Clippers, Ship of the Line. Star Forts
Doctrines: Banking, Universities, Workshop subsidization, Spies, Maritime Law, Processing Focus, Banknotes, “Avalonia Rules the Waves”, Agricultural Reform, Basic Labor Rights, Central Bank, Foreign Legion, Gribeauval system, Meritocracy
Culture: Traders, Seafarers, Craftsmen, Inventors, Nationalism, Enlightenment, Liberalism, Birthplace of the Revolution
Individual Technology:
Circular Sawmills, Four-Field System, Threshing Machines, Interchangeable Parts, Boring Machine, Marine Chronometers, Atmospheric Engine
Alliance: Birgerelm
In Sphere: Pashimi, Oshire, Nisha, Epsilon Federation, Grimmoria, Malu, Hastin-Friedsburg-Demach, Phir-Teneberg-Talbach, Latdorf-Mekstein
Pledge of Protection: Epsilon Federation
Protectorate: Nisha
Client States: Quijogiro, Hastin-Friedsburg-Demach, Phir-Teneberg-Talbach, Latdorf-Mekstein
Embargoed by: Redline Islands, Rexania
Leader of the Revolutionary faction
War Exhaustion (Very Low)

- Labor rights are introduced in Switzerland III, increasing worker immigration from Golden Empire and Rexania. A central bank is established, controlling inflation and monetary policy, including interest rates. The Wealth of Nations by Dan Smithers is published, although many say that he ripped off the other authors who had the book with exact same name and displaying similar ideology.
- Threshing machines, interchangeable parts, circular saw blade and boring machine tools are invented. They greatly boost the agricultural and processing industries in the nation. Marine chronometer and clippers are popularized, further increasing trade power Switzerland has.
- Gribeauval system is introduced to cannons, changing the method of attaining the bore. This greatly increases their range, as well as gunpowder effectiveness, allowing manufacturing of lighter cannons with firepower similar to their predecessors. Infantry undergoes massive changes, too – mixed order tactics are adopted, followed by introduction of column and square formations. Foreign legion is established from immigrants and colonies, and is primarily used to protect Old World colonies.
- War is declared upon Golden Empire and Sasmenids. Mir, Whiteshack and Rexania are called into the war; while the war itself goes rather smoothly, huge loans have to be taken by the government to pay the mercenaries in order to compensate for manpower shortages. This leaves the nation’s economy in shambles, and bread prices start soaring. A string of famines hits the country, which leads to widespread public unrest. In order to deal with such a crisis and collect an one-time tax to help with loan interest payments, the King seeks to consolidate his power and break free from the claws of Admiralty, suspending election system upon his death and reestablishing a hereditary monarchy. This has sparked riots in the capital, which quickly descend into a full-blown revolution fueled by the ideas of nationalism, enlightenment and liberalism that have spread into Avalon shortly before. The King and large part of Admiralty are brutally and publicly executed, and the mob takes over the Royal Palace. A short regime of terror commences, with tens of thousands executed injustly. Amidst the chaos, a spark of order is born as the army intervenes and sets up debates in the former seat of government. After over ninety five days of heated debates, the constitution establishing the Avalon Republic is born; it gives power to the people and the National Committee, which are set on spreading revolutionary ideas, abolishing regimes of old and fighting for the Republic itself. Slavery is abolished, diplomacy with backwards monarchies severed, and reforms are pushed either by force or influence over the countries in Avalon’s Sphere. Several men become famous and renowned among the people: Victor Rivoli, minor noble who has become notorious for his experimental tactics; Jules Arcola, known as ‘the greatest military trainer in the Rim’ who came from peasant origins up to the top, currently serving as the Marshall of the Republic; Duke of Yonne, a social recluse and a naval visionary; and finally, Devid Moselle, renowned for his quick thinking and ruthlessness.

McDonaldsℱ (Particle Mare)
Government Type: Noble Republic
Economy: Decent, Flourishing, State Capitalism
Military: Strong
Navy: Moderate
Units: McRiflemenℱ, McRiflewomenℱ, McJunglersℱ, McCannonsℱ, McClippersℱ, McLineshipsℱ
Doctrines: Banking, National HR, McCollegeℱ, Foreign Army Reforms, McFactoriesℱ, Wagonways
Culture: Meat and Two Loaves, McFeminismℱ
Individual Technology:
Muzzle-Loaded Rifles, Steam Engine
Alliance: Mir, Birgerelm
Tributary: Lesalians

- Factories begin to appear, utilizing water as a means of transportation. Primitive assembly lines are transformed as more skilled workers and administrators begin to appear to handle the newly formed division of labor. Systems such as road networks and wagonways develop to transport increasing amounts of coal into the McFactoriesℱ.
- An expansion is carried on across the strait, under the McFranchiseℱ system, where natives are integrated into the McFamilyℱ.
- A national Human Resources department is established, to ensure the equitable treatment of all McDonalds workers. HR offices essentially operate as conglomerate labor unions at a local level, investigating methods for balancing product quality with humane working conditions.
- The McCollegeℱ education plan is enacted, bringing educators directly into their relevant fields by establishing classes in the workplace. Workers are given the opportunity to attend schooling relevant to their present careers, integrating the learning experience with the workday. This has the benefit of enhancing worker abilities on the job, but unfortunately lacks the ability to reach newer fields of innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Rather than tearing down the jungles to make way for modern farms, frontiersmen are commanded to instead pioneer new "forest garden" methods for low-maintenance, sustainable agriculture. Although these gardens have proven to be highly inefficient at first, new methods are being developed over time and as forests are tamed for mankind's use it may prove to be useful for more than just subsistence agriculture.
- Foreign army designs are stolen for mass reproduction by McDonalds industries, with a hope that they might one day be able to field enough of the weapons for the army's newly developing doctrine of overwhelming firepower.
- Education is now centered around adherence to the moral imperative of the McStateℱ. Profit is the core value of the state moral code; any enterprise which cannot ultimately be tied into national welfare is to be abandoned. This wealth is considered to be "shared" by all McDonalds nationals, making it their individual duty to promote company growth.
- Out of a state-mandated desire to seek greater profits a new mental-menu item, that which some may call an ideology, is developed centered around the idea that "half a population not working is half an economy idle." McFeminismℱ has inspired many women to get to work alongside their husbands, although many despise these new ideas; men have fear for the well-being of their women, while many women desire to not be stigmatized for being a housewife. Regardless, McFeminismℱ has taken off in great strides, bringing women into workplaces where they have never been seen before in McDonalds history. McFeminismℱ has been added to doctrines of McDonalds revolutionaries, and through idea exchange influenced revolution postulates back in Avalon Republic.

Harena (Olors64)

Secondary Power

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Moderate, Growing, Interventionism
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Riflemen, Hussars, Mortars, Ships-of-the-Line, Star Forts
Doctrines: Universities, Mining Effort, Census, Food stockpiling, Basic Education, Religious Tolerance, Selective breeding, Sikong Border Defenses,
Culture: Traders
Individual Technology:
Four-Field System, Gene Theory, Caplock Firearms, Iron-Cased Gunpowder Rockets, Steam Engine
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Non-Aggression Pact: Epsilon Federation
Pledge of Protection: Petat

- Harenan scientists have adopted and codified the scientific method, and philosophy of science starts dominating the philosophical part of national academia. With it, multiple inventions arrive, most notable of which is the steam engine. Military commissioned quite a bit of technologies, too, giving birth to caplock firearms with percussion cap, as well as iron-cased rockets and proto-submarines, but the latter two prove to be highly inefficient in battlefield settings and are kept mostly as curiosities for collectors.
- A massive defensive line is constructed along the Sikong border. Star forts are built every few miles, embankments and trenches are dug out, and the jungle is cleared in wide swaths to produce clear firing lines. A couple of mountaintops are even demolished to increase visibility for artillery crews. Sikong has, naturally, taken great offense at this maneuver and are mobilizing their own forces all along the border; although they are not yet building forts of their own, they are well prepared for the eventuality of a Harenan attack.
- An enormous granite monument is under construction in the city center of Harena City, slated to be completed at 150 meters tall. Although it has not been stated by government officials yet, speculation is that the monument is to commemorate the successful war in Vesperia. Some particularly frugal taxpayers have argued that a smaller statue would have sufficed, but what do they know?

Grimmoria (Grimmore)

Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy: Meagre, Stagnating, Interventionism
Military: Modest
Navy: Small
Units: Reformed Tercio, Cuirassiers, Falconets, Galiots
Doctrines: Salt Extraction, Basic Education
Culture: Warriors, Rabbit Lovers, Liberalism, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Vegetable Peelers
Embargoed by: Birgerelm, Whiteshack, Kainereka
In Sphere (Avalon Republic), Anti-colonial Militia

- The king has taken issue with disloyalty of the workers, and has recruited more taskmasters to patrol the nation's manufactories and plantations. As dissent grows, the taskmasters are given weapons for personal defense, which has transformed many labor-intensive jobs into de facto slave institutions where the threat of death keeps the laborers at their work stations.
- Violence erupts in Sandytown where the kings resort-turned-factory is torched by its workers. As mobs rise up in various other cities and the taskmasters join in as footmen of the revolution it becomes clear that this movement was highly orchestrated, likely by somebody within the king's court. At the height of the violence, one of the kings closest advisors personally assassinated the monarch and subsequently had his family put to death, crowning himself as the new king before a crowd of cheering revolutionaries. He declares that all of the old nation's institutions are now dead, to be replaced with new ideals that will "restore the glory of old Grimmoria upon new foundations." Among these ideals is an end of racism against Nerds, labor regulations to ensure comfortable working hours and quality production, and new education institutions with a focus on liberal indoctrination and patriotic history, particularly recent history regarding the revolution.
- Anti-colonial militia forces have organized around the foreign legates, attacking Swiss merchants and missionaries at random and establishing checkpoint areas to block Swiss entrance to the rest of the country. Although they cannot directly challenge the Swiss militarily without government assistance, the revolutionaries have succeeded in halting Swiss trade in the country.

Whiteshack (Jellopy)

Secondary Power

Government Type: Monarchy
Economy: Good, Flourishing, Interventionism
Military: Robust
Navy: Moderate
Units: Line Infantry, Lancers, Frigates
Doctrines: Culture Investment, Universities, Slavery, Trading Companies, Basic Education, Whitecheka, Farming Subsidies
Culture: Bizarre practices, National Epics, Music Lovers, Nationalism
Individual Technology:
Atmospheric Engine, Four-Field System, Electricity (Theoretical), Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny, Sextant, Seed Drill
Defensive Pact: Avalon Republic, Tselinoyarsk-Rassvet
Vassal: Grebbin-Oxford
Embargoed by: Birgerelm, Kuzunoha
War Exhaustion (Low), Colonial Unrest

- Whitecheka, a ruthless secret police designated to keeping public order in foreign provinces is formed. The organization recruits largely from locals who were already culturally converted and indoctrinated, establishing a structure of cultural suppression ran by the very people who live on those territories.
- Farming is subsidized and four-field system is adopted, increasing agricultural output of farms, which slightly accelerates the process of urbanization.
- Leyden jar, flying shuttle, spinning Jenny, sextant, reliable dictionary, and seed drill are all invented and implemented, primarily impacting the nation’s economy and making it the leader in textile manufacturing among the Rim countries.
- War with the Golden Empire goes well, and in the end the newly created state of Grebbin-Oxford is vassalized. The Golden Empire is no more, merely a sad reminder of what it used to be.
- After the Revolution, Avalon breaks all diplomatic relations with Whiteshack. New leadership of the Republic has decided that this nation is a threat to the Revolution, and unfit as an ally. Anti-Revolutionary coalition is sending Whiteshack an invite into their ranks.

Kuzunoha (Anti-Guy)

Government Type: Divine Empire
Economy: Decent, Growing, State Capitalism
Military: Moderate
Navy: Robust
Units: Zealot Regiments, Culverin, Ships-of-the-Line, Galiots
Doctrines: Caste System, Universities, Library construction, Grand Temple, Psychological Warfare, Spies, Banks, Art Subsidies, Public Education
Culture: Divine Mandate, Seafarers, Caste Society
Individual Technology:
Gas Lighting, Seed Drill, Cotton Gin
Defensive Pact: Avalon Republic
Non-Aggression Pact: Epsilon Federation, Simmer Isles
Higher Caste Protests

- A patent office is created to promote invention by giving patent holders exclusive reproduction rights to their creations. Scheming for easy profits, many charlatans have tried to patent items already commonly in use overseas at the behest of Swiss merchants, while others have sold their patents to merchants who can provide funding for production. Ultimately this new office has given the Swiss a stronger influence over the Kuzunohan economy by allowing them access to domestic monopolies. However, a few good things have come out of the patent fiasco including gas lighting, which now keeps the streets illuminated and safe in large cities, and the seed drill and the cotton gin which, in conjunction, expedite plantation work many times over, allowing even greater patches of land to be cultivated by even fewer workers.
- A public education system is set up for the lowest castes of society to promote literacy. The elites balk at the prospect of teaching the untouchables how to read, and many are protesting this waste of their tax money.
- The Revolution, happening right under Kuzunohan shores, has gotten the higher castes urging the God-Empress to join the Anti-Revolutionary coalition to strike down upon those rogue mutts; after all, no one would like for these venomous revolutionary ideas to seep into the minds of the peasants and workers.

Redline Islands (Laika)

Government Type: Federal Monarchy
Economy: Moderate, Declining, Interventionism
Military: Weak
Navy: Moderate
Units: Garrison Infantry, Light Hussars, Culverin, Clippers, Frigates
Doctrines: Scribe Order, International Racing Championships, Auctions, Universities, Selective Horse Breeding, Grand Wizard
Culture: Racers, Inventors, Innovators, Seafarers, Drop Games, Glider Cult (Religion), Electricus (Religion?)
Individual Technology:
Iron-Cased Gunpowder Rockets, Electricity (Theoretical)
Non-Agression Pact: Aoxia, Epsilon Federation, Al Amarja, Simmer Isles
Yacht Fleet Upkeep

- A new office is established for the college of Electricus: The Grand Wizard. The first man to fill the position is a mystic and self-described holy man, claiming to have the secret to immortality, ability to save the ones you care about and unlimited power, despite lacking any concrete evidence to that point. Dressed in a ceremonial black hooded robe, the Grant Wizard delivers speeches to the students. He has invented an "Electricus Battery," for the storage of static energies in a confined space, which was named the Electricus Jar.
- To compensate for the failed city-ship design, Redline's shipwrights have been instead ordered to construct a fleet of habitat ships large enough to host the entire population of Turbo City. The docks soon run out of room for the yacht fleet, which is now being anchored in shallow water around the island. These derelict vessels are frequently stolen or vandalized, as there are too many to guard simultaneously, and the navy estimates that with the rate of theft they will never be able to produce them fast enough to reach their goal. In the public eye this project is seen as yet another enormous waste of money by an extravagant monarchy.
- A primitive rocket design is pioneered for military use, although many doubt the new weapon will ever supersede the cannon in firing power or utility.
- A stockpile of sea mines are brought into Turbo Tower, where they vanish mysteriously. Public speculation has it that they have been buried in a network of secret tunnels beneath Turbo City, although this is only a conspiracy theory without proof to back it up.

Kainereka (Chrispy92)

Great Power

Government Type: Confederation
Economy: Wealthy, Growing, Interventionism
Military: Strong
Navy: Strong
Units: Skirmisher Infantry, Line Infantry, Hussars, Falconets, Great Frigates, Bastion Forts
Doctrines: Universities, Infrastructure Expansion, Army Reform, Spies, Circle Theater of Manahat, Banks, Basic Education, Standardized Measurements, Naval Academy, Manufactories
Culture: Industrious, Merchants, Egalitarians
Individual Technology:
Medicine (Anatomy), Medicine, Muzzle-Loaded Rifles, Blister Steel
Alliance: Radjewik, Cores, Sasmenids
In Sphere: Hees, Cainthara-Sili-Bertacci, Radjewik, Cores, Klani, Huentouta
Defensive Pact: Birgerelm
Protectorate: Klani
Non-Aggression Pact: Avalon Republic
Colonial Unrest

- Improvements to the steelmaking and ironmaking processes are made, and both mining and metallurgic industry gains more traction on the market. Rifling is invented, greatly increasing range and accuracy of the new firearms. Standard units of measurement are developed and are readily adopted by the scientific community. Shortly after industry is made to use it, and nations in Kainerekan Sphere of Influence also adopt it.
- Huentouta, former Kainerekan colony regains independence, and asks the nation for official protection. Multiple trade deals are also struck, and Kainereka started to gain access to the internal market of the new nation.
- Dergah is carefully integrated, ensuring that the official language and bureaucracy is similar to one in core lands. Their culture and past national identity remains largely intact, but now serve as a fully-fledged state in the Confederation.
- Light industrialization is implemented, with respect to nation’s natural resources and with now-traditional cautiousness to overexploitation. It leaves a lot of potential production still untapped, and therefore the initiative brings a mixed success; the population of qualified workers is increased as manufactories processing cloth, textiles and steel are built.
- Naval academies are built in major ports, most notably Sohkan. Officer training focuses on naval skrimshes, supply cutting and implementation of blockades.

Simmer Isles (Pon3)

Great Power

Government Type: Constitutional Republic
Economy: Powerhouse, Interventionism
Military: Moderate
Navy: Mighty
Units: Line Infantry, Dragoons, Demi-Cannon, Short Barreled Cannon, Merchantman, Ship of the Line, Star Forts
Doctrines: Census, Expanded Education, Universities, Newspapers, “Sword and Shield”, Colonial Ambitions, Chartered Companies, Military Academy, Central Bank, Grand Creation Fair, Banknotes, Compulsory Education
Culture: Seafarers, Explorers, Egalitarians, Traders, Nationalism, Enlightenment, “Life, Liberty, Property”, Afternoon Beverages
Individual Technology:
Atmospheric Engine, Biology, Porcelain Production, Hydraulic Cement
Member of the G.O.A.L.S.
Pledge of Protection: Bolshaya, Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk
Non-aggression Pact: Kuzunoha, Redline Islands, Epsilon Federation
Colonial Unrest

- A method of both hard paste and soft paste porcelain has been invented in Simmer, and porcelain quickly enters the wide array of luxury goods Simmer exports. Hydraulic cement was first used in the construction of a new city hall in Oolong, and has picked up interest of the architects. Diving bells enter more widespread use, allowing limited underwater work and making salvaging of shipwrecks possible.
- Colonies are further invested in, with roads, police stations and bridges being built there. Same process happens in the mainland, except more sophisticated architectural designs appear that use the hydraulic cement.
- A government reform passes, introducing the constitution based on protection of three national values: Life, Liberty, Property. Power is divided into three branches: judicial, legislative and executive, and undergoes centralization, with provinces losing large parts of their autonomy. This pleases the dissenters, especially since no major election frauds happen afterwards, and through newspaper evidence of Sikong meddling with those past elections surface. Many claim their validity, but nevertheless it has gotten people highly agitated and anti-Sikong sentiments are at their all-time high.
- Culture of afternoon beverages is solidified upon, becoming a daily de facto national twenty minute holiday. Soon after, it spreads to the parts of the world Simmer trades with, especially among the wealthy.
- Education is thoroughly reformed, with expanded, nationalized curriculum, standardized exit tests and with more time devoted to its compulsory part. Specialized schools teaching trades are available to students, especially popular in small towns. Universities formally separate arts from science and various scientific societies form, including the Simmer Chemistry Society. The Grand Creation Fair now takes place every two years, and more fields of science and art were added to it.
- After the outbreak of the Revolution, Simmerians are generally favorable towards it, some urging to join the Revolutionary faction, given the similar ideas and values between Avalon Republic and Simmer Isles.
- National epics and poems accompany the enlightenment movement, creating a sense of identities among the cultures contributing to Simmer. This has, however, another side – it boosts the liberty desire of colonial subjects, which are now clamoring for even greater autonomy.

Simmer, after a very short debate, declares its support for the Revolution. Long live Liberty, and Egalitarianism. Homeland Kahunas request a counsel amongst the Colonial Leaders, and begin discussion of a peaceful independence, and new chapter for Simmer Colonial development. Colonies will be able to Secede via unanimous vote amongst representatives.

The national Comitte has officialy taken control for the proud nation of the people of Avalonia and away from oppresive autocratic regimes and heavily centralized caste nations.

We seek to protect the young nations of Imouto from oppresive rule from a crown far away from their home and offer a defensive pact to Huentouta and protection of independence of the Incan tribes. We offer an alliance to the nation of Maii to help extend the flame of the revolution to the new world

We will also need all the help free the huddle masses in our precious land and thus want more ideologically similar allies. The Kainerekan nation has suffered greatly by the predecessor to our rule, and as proof the revolution has truly changed this country we the nation to join the revolutionary faction against Rexania, this invitation is sent to The nation of Mcdonalds and ultimately transmitted far away to Al Amarja.

Ultimately we promise to extend the ideas of liberalism to all corners of the world

Last edited Oct 02, 2017 at 11:40PM EDT

Whiteshack will stand against the threat of mob-rule. People, unlike a king, are complex creatures and leave many, many gaps for corruption and other ungodly activities. The revolution of Switzerland was a horrible bloodbath and should never happen again. The war against the GE was supposed to end the strife in the Rim. They will join the counter-revolution to protect their women and children against the horrors of war at home.

Whiteshack enters together with Grebbin-Oxford and invites Tselinoyarsk to join as a show of gratitude fro mthe first one to protect them from the Epsilon Federation. They also hear of the Queen's actions in Al Armarja and invite them into the Counter-Revolutionary faction. They urge other monarchies to join as the mobs will come to not only kill them, but their families too!
Revolution is death.

Last edited Oct 03, 2017 at 03:38AM EDT

King Toyota of Redline send an address to all nations of the world. The International Championship is entering a new age, the Speed God has spoken with the Grand Wizard and he has spoken to the king.

Redline establishes the 'Grand Prix' and announces the start of a new season in the coming years. Redline as a single collective will travel the globe bringing the thrill of speed to all.

Firstly a seasonal roster needs to be written up, the King is asking all nations to accept the arrival of Redline in their borders as it travels from nation to nation. If you agree to this request then you are obligated to construct a race course within your borders and become host to the arrival of Redline and thus the racing teams of all nations involved in the championship. A setup that is pretty much identical to the modern day Olympics.

The Grand Prix will travel from nation to nation with each team racing in the homeland of the host country.

James Blunt wrote:

(lastly we want an alliance with Al Amarja and Kainereka)

As a faction leader, you should be inviting those two to factions, especially considering their traditionally liberal/republican values.

Birgerelm does not wish for war, neither martial nor economic, and condemns both the ethnic cleansing commited by the Aoxian rats on Vesperians and their efforts to poison the north. An embargo is placed upon Aoxia, and we encourage our northern bretheren and Imoutan sisters to do the same, and not to submit to their clear intent to harm our people. At the same time, our embargo on Whiteshack is lifted.

Aoxia, in retaliation for Brigerelm's outrageous acts, promises to execute 20 Vesperians as a demonstration of our unwavering might.

That night, no execution occurs, because there are no such things as Vesperians anymore, only rightful subjects and citizens of GOALS. It would be a horrendous affront to Atherians, Jafans, and Arezans to refer to them by their former despotic rulers, and equally unjust to continue to label the peaceful and willing subjects to that destroyed dictatorship.

The Vesperians are gone, their nobles justly executed for crimes against humanity. The locals and pacified populace accept us and recognize us as fairer rulers than their previous oppressors. They are not Vesperians, they are not pit-worshipers, they are not warmongering despots. They are willing and peaceful members of our great league, and we discourage anyone to refer to them by what their former masters were. A Vesperian is a bloodthirsty cultist, these citizens are not.

As for the Jafa minority populace, Aoxia promises to attend to their needs and give them expanded rights and privileges, as recognition for their contributions to the state economy.

On a final note, Aoxia does not even hold any Vesperian lands, so the claims of ethnic cleansing from Birgerelm have no backing. Jafa is not Vesperia, evident by their previous sovereignty and resistance to Vesperian invasion. It is true we executed Vesperian nobility and military officers, but that was through trials attended by the Vesperian commonfolk, and we charged only those that resisted our invasion and those that displayed acts of inhumanity and oppression. Before a northerner rushes to denounce this, consider that they were not present to witness these trials and executions, and have no foundation to argue about any "genocide".

It is a shocking day in which rats are considered Great Powers, by what right does the arctic wolf judge the lion?

Last edited Oct 03, 2017 at 05:10PM EDT

The Birke queen notices that a lot of people have been on edge recently, especially her good allies in Avalon and Rexania. It's really killing the mood. Having had a long history with both nations, the wellbeing of both of their peoples are of utmost importance. As such, she invites the leaders of both nations to a preemptive peace conference in Styrke, acting as mediator between the two herself.

Should they agree to come, the leaders would be to discuss the current situation they find themselves in, try to point out the benefits in each of their views, and understand the consequences that could come from the war. Alongside her at the talks would be the renowned pacifist philosopher Natt SpiksvÀrd from the Ala academy to give his input. It would be in the best interests to come to a peaceful solution before too many innocent lives are lost.

Should either of the nations decline the invitation, she would sadly have to declare the alliance with the declining nation (or nations) ended, as Birgerelm cannot allow itself to be dragged into a war whose aggressors were not even willing to consider the alternatives beforehand.

While Kainereka is deeply sympathetic to the revolutions ideals, we agree with the Birkes that peace should be the path forward. Revolutions have shown themselves to be bloody affairs. Thus, whilst Kainereka joins the Revolutionary side, we are pushing for the Birke peace conference as well as the use of peaceful political reforms as the solution to the tense times ahead. Our top diplomat Kateri Deer shall serve as our main ambassador. Hopefully she will find a path to reform in peace.

We would like to acknowledge that our values do not necessarily align exactly with those of the counter-revolution. However, we have very compelling reasons for choosing our side, as laid out below:

Firstly, we are opposed to the violent overthrow of governments. While we were no fans of Avalon's former monarchy, the violence visited upon the country in the aftermath of the revolution was unacceptable. The resulting instability had a significant detrimental impact on McDonalds' McStock prices.

Secondly, Avalon has consistently infringed upon our lands through its unabashed colonialism. Though it claims to be "nationalistic", it continues to hold lordship over our tribal kin on the west and southern coasts. Just as Rexania wishes to defend itself from the rising flames of revolution in Avalon, so do we wish to defend ourselves from its many colonial ambitions.

Finally, we believe in ideological self-determinism. We may not see eye to eye on every issue with Rexania, but we also condemn Avalon's attempts to spread their violent ideals. We believe in the old order – when each nation peacefully pursued its own path.

For these reasons, we believe we have a compelling reason to side against the revolution.

Simmer invites all of the Revolutionary Accepting Country representatives have Tea and discuss ideals and philosophy regarding how the Revolution will procede, and also share historical accounts.
It is hosted in the new City Hall of Oolong, and a Flower Parade is thrown in honor of it. Master Chefs serve many international dishes, as well as Simmerian Specialties, performing cooking show tricks. A Painting is comissioned depicting the event.

(for a second i thought i still owned my colony beause it had my previous color)

The avalon republic is interested in an alliance with the former oppresed by the crown people of monaco II to maintain the dream of autonomy in the young nation.

We have also finished the design of our new flag

Last edited Oct 03, 2017 at 11:17PM EDT

McDonalds wishes to confirm to our great collective glee that our attempt to slip an agent into the Revolutionary representatives meeting at Simmer, disguised as an artist, was wildly successful. Several bags of tea mix were replaced in their entirety with industrial-grade laxative and the commemoration painting now features multiple hidden dicks.

Over some fine tea and a gastronomic dinner, I am pleased to announce the formation of a new Faction, by my sacred right as a Great Power. We are to be known as the:

??? ?? ????? ?????? ??? ??

( F.O.R.C.E.S. )

Our ideology and tenets are as follows:

  • Liberalism
  • Feminism
  • Universal Suffrage
  • Humanism
  • Tolerance for Religion and Culture
  • Shared contribution towards science, arts, education, and the humanities

As it stands from this announcement, Harena and United Federation are in support of this faction, and we encourage our fellow GOALS members, Al Amarja and Simmer Isles, to renounce the warmongering northern factions in favor of southern interests and unity. This way, we can still accomplish revolutionary narratives without the need for conflict between our powers.

Last edited Oct 04, 2017 at 02:56AM EDT

Birgerelm, while not a member of the revolutionary faction, sends its prime minister Ludvig Göransson av Svartviken to attend the revolutionary meeting in Oolong, to listen in and give the Birke standpoint. As to not appear weak in front of the other revolutionaries, he brings with him several barrels of strong Birke firewater to drink in place of tea. While he avoids the unfortunate McSabotageℱ, he does become frightfully intoxicated within the first ten minutes of arriving in the city, and come the talks themselves does nothing but loudly rant about a supposed genocide in Vesperia before blacking out. To avoid a diplomatic travesty, his translator improvises and continues speaking as if nothing had happened, promptly being elected as the new prime minister on his return.

Last edited Oct 04, 2017 at 02:56AM EDT

The high king of the United Federation would first like to give their condolences to the innocents within Avalon, who find themselves in the midst of a bloody struggle for their countries future, and wish to see them prosper into a truly beautiful and elegant new nation when this is over with.

The United Federation has always stood for the principles of might, beauty, and aesthetics. Our pursuits have always been directed towards making this world a better place for all of our people to live. While there are some who would seek to divide, and govern through bitterness and pettiness, We believe that it is through allowing ones people, the opportunity to flourish and grow into something magnificent, that true breathtaking Majesty may take place. That spark found in a moment of inspiration, be it from a book, a play, a painting, or an explosion at the barrel of a gun, is worth more then all the riches one could ever wish to gain.

We Believe that FORCES is the way of the future for our people. A pursuit to improving the world ,and making it a better, brighter, and more beautiful place to live, resonates with our very ideals of what it means to live Freely, and United, as we do. We will be making efforts, to incorporate these new ideals into our culture. And from this adding of colors, may the Tapestry of our people grow ever stronger, and ever more breathtaking, into the great beyond.

Last edited Oct 04, 2017 at 04:26AM EDT

Simmer announces during the Tea Party that it is in Support of the FORCES Faction, as it more naturally fits both ideals, and has a much lower likelihood of collapsing into War with countries we have been close allies with for hundreds of years.

With the fall of the mad king, Grimmoria wishes to negotiate with the Kingdoms of Whiteshack, Birgerelm, and Kainereka to finally put an end to the trade embargoes on our Kingdom.

We've come to move on from the past, and set aside our hatred for nerds for the good of our Kingdom, and world.

If you could please accept our apologies, we would be most grateful.

The Lost King

A Simmerian Archaeologist for the Cocoa Museum Project, young Belbo Oolong, stumbles upon what they believe to be the long lost burial place of the Last Vesperian King, nearby a local tribe south of Mir. They approach the natives, and through the course of a few weeks, by passing various tribe challenges to earn their trust, they are able to negotiate retrieving his body, and learn the tales of his final years. Upon confirming that it is the Vesperian King, they find a note. Unable to read Vesperian, the Archaeologist says their farewells, and aboard the M.S. Kettle, they head to Altheria to find an expert on the language. There they meet with Gondal Tera, a linguist who happened to be a teacher of Belbo. The writing is crude and smudged, the material faded and worn, but they manage to figure out the message. With the body and note in tow, Belbo says farewell to Gondol, and heads to Simmer to request a Burial of Rites for the king, to capture their culture before it is lost completely to time. They are intercepted by Aoxian Jinyiwei while docking in Caomei, who inspect the M.S. Kettle. A situation almost occurs upon the Jinyiwei discovering the Vesperian King, they first are suspicious of the group being Vesperian Remnants, but swift intervention by a trusted Merchant aboard the Archaelogist’s ship, who happens to popular among the Upper Class in Aoxia, defuses the situation. Reluctantly, the Jinyiwei allow the ship to continue on to Simmer. They dock in Cocoa, and quickly Belbo arrives at the Museum, it stands incomplete, still being built, aiming to reach three stories. The Manager of Exhibits especially finds an interest in the story of the Fallen King, and after weeks of planning, a Permanent Tomb is created, in the style of traditional Vesperian Rites within the Museum Grounds, and the story of Belbo’s Discovery and final years of the Vesperian King takes an opening Exhibit Spot, eventually to be integrated into the Tomb section once a new exhibit is in order. A Pit to Scale is created, replicating the Pit and surrounding area completely, nicknamed ‘Little Pit’, it extends down 5 ft, and is located nearby the Tomb.

Last edited Oct 05, 2017 at 06:06PM EDT

Dear Mai Konfederatsiya,
We humbly request that you either cease this senseless slaughter of Natives, and declare a peace, or at the very least, allow their Citizens and Prisoners of War (post-conflict) passage to Simmer Colonies, with the utmost priority being with the Citizens.


Homeland Kahunas request a counsel amongst the Colonial Leaders, and begin discussion of a peaceful independence, and new chapter for Simmer Colonial development. Colonies will be able to Secede via unanimous vote amongst representatives.

Two out of three colonial regions secede, maintaining positive relations. The Hwangcha-Tieguanyin region votes to stay in the Republic with 40% of the votes for staying.

Simmer has agreed to give this isle to Harena.

Land trade is concluded.

Dear Mai Konfederatsiya,
We humbly request that you either cease this senseless slaughter of Natives, and declare a peace, or at the very least, allow their Citizens and Prisoners of War (post-conflict) passage to Simmer Colonies, with the utmost priority being with the Citizens.

Maii Konfederatsiya replies that no man is tied to land in the Confederacy, and that citizens are free to leave the country. Diplomats are highly upset that a foreign, colonial, native-culture-genociding country badmouths their Mission to Civilize, and strongly reminds that any meddling into the New World made by Old World powers will provoke an immidiate response from the Maii Konfederatsiya.

Dean Blunt

We offer an alliance to the nation of Maii to help extend the flame of the revolution to the new world

Maii voices its support for the Revolution and what it stands for, and agrees to send subsidies and raw resources to Avalon for the war; however, it notes its doctrine of separation of the New and Old worlds, and regrettably informs that they will not be able to assist the Republic in their war overseas directly. They are certain to liberate counter-revolutionary colonies in their own colonial efforts.

The avalon republic is interested in an alliance with the former oppresed by the crown people of monaco II to maintain the dream of autonomy in the young nation.

Before the Avalon's government came to stable enough position, the country of Monaco II has already been declared protected by MK.


Redline establishes the ‘Grand Prix’

Maii, Rexania and Kun-de-Lain agree to participating in the Grand Prix.


She invites the leaders of both nations to a preemptive peace conference in Styrke, acting as mediator between the two herself.

Rexanian diplomat also agrees to come. Despite the very formal and calm nature of the meeting, both parties fail to reach any sort of agreement, and it becomes clear that neither of them wants to compromise. The peace conference ends with a failure.


Over some fine tea and a gastronomic dinner, I am pleased to announce the formation of a new Faction, by my sacred right as a Great Power.

F.O.R.C.E.S. is founded, which almost completely resembles the Revolutionaries. As such, it will be targeted by counter-revolutionaries and will behave in similar ways, with the exception of revolving around the Simmerian-Amarjan flavor of Revolutionary ideas.

Powerful nobility in Harena is enraged with such development, as well as the old nobility of Aoxia, which hold conservative and reactionist beliefs, and support restoring the Aoxian Empire.

As a result, Sikong, KDL and Broken Spire join the counter-revolutionaries.

Updated Factions

Tenets: Revolution, Liberalism, Feminism, Egalitarianism
Faction Leader: Avalon Republic
Members: Avalon Republic, Kainereka, Quijogiro, Hastin-Friedsburg-Demach, Phir-Teneberg-Talbach, Latdorf-Mekstein, Kalia

Tenets: Liberalism, Feminism, Egalitarianism, Enlightenment, Tolarance, Humanism
Faction Leaders: Simmer Isles, Al Amarja
Members: Simmer Isles, Al Amarja, Aoxia, United Federation, Harena, Carcosa, Carim

Tenets: Traditionalism, Status Quo, Balance of Power
Faction Leader: Rexania
Members: Rexania, Whiteshack, Mir, McDonalds, Sasmenids, Sikong, Kun-de-Lain, Broken Spire-Cape Kraken, Grebbin-Oxford, Rassvet-Tselinoyarsk, Killo, Shoroko-Roto, Sasmenids, Sandytown, Altmark

On a side note, I will begin writing the turn tomorrow. Therefore, if you want to make an edit, diplomatic action or send in a turn, best to do so right now.

Last edited Oct 06, 2017 at 05:17PM EDT

Our old team the Fighting Cephalopods was disbanded some years ago due to some disagreement from the previous team members yet the spirit of the team lived on in Miskatonic University as one of the founders was a former member of the team, which is the reason why Cephalopod is the mascot for the university.

The news of the reopening of the game has caused a new generation to revive the team and bring glory to both Miskatonic University and to Al Amarja.

Al Amarja also wishes to form a non-aggression pack with the Maii Konfederatsiya and we offer an alliance to the nation of Maii to help extend the southern flavor of liberalism to the New World.

Last edited Oct 07, 2017 at 03:15AM EDT

Alright. I'm starting writing the turn now, so no more edits will be accepted. If you wish to still submit your actions, you can still do so.

Minor diplomatic turn will come in soon.

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