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KYM Text RPG (I dunno lol)

Last posted Jul 02, 2014 at 12:26PM EDT. Added Jun 14, 2014 at 06:25PM EDT
453 posts from 14 users

"Unfortunately, it depends on a D4 system."

"I’m using for this."

Dr. Schabbs
You wake up among the mangled, melted remains of dozens others. Fire burns high behind you, having demolished a plastic storage bin, and now creeping higher up a stack of cardboard boxes. Once you come to your senses, you realize that the people around you are not alive, but toys, and breathe a sigh of relief. But why are you here? What purpose were you given life for?

The fire burns on.

Last edited Jun 19, 2014 at 04:07AM EDT

I wanted to try using the d4 system anyways, but seeing that it's out of place.
On second thoughts, the d4 system is just for asthetics, screw using it.
>Use Conveniently Placed Fire Extinguishers to extinguish fire

Last edited Jun 19, 2014 at 04:21AM EDT

You find a fire extinguisher in the offering arms of a Chuck Norris action figure, as if a gift from the roundhouse God himself. You lift it triumphantly as doves fly from behind you heralding your arrival as the hero of this age. Ladies from all canons swarm you, tearing off their clothes to fall willingly into you arms. You can hear the chanting… "Doc-Tor Schabbs!", "Doc-Tor Schabbs"!"…

Except there ain't no "conveniently placed" fire extinguisher. You've imagined the whole thing while breathing in the heavy fumes of melting plastic. The crowd cheering was just you shouting your own name at the top of your lungs while you mimed an imaginary fire extinguisher at the flames. Good going, "hero".

Hold Breath, and Locate exit, with Impact grenade on hand (an impact grenade is a grenade that explodes on contact when thrown) and throw said impact grenade at exit

Last edited Jun 19, 2014 at 01:35PM EDT

You choose the larger of the two wires and begin to climb. It's far more vertical this time, which makes the movement difficult. You keep thinking how you are pulling straight down on this cable, all your weight increasing the pressure as you get closer and closer to the base. Any moment, it could pull right out… Is the climb really worth it?

Shi Gai
You undo Legion's previous action, and shut down the Xbox. The robotic being has already disappeared behind the Tv set by the time you pick up the disk, holding the Gamecube game in front of you like a particularly massive kite shield.

((You arn't in a trap. You're out in the open with the boxes burning behind you. Also, I've said before I'm gonna cut back on bringing in other items other than your unique ability. If you wanted grenades you'll have to create them, or you would have had to pick that as your ability.))

You're already free. By looking at the warped plastic box, you can deduce that your rode down and clear away from the fire when it got hot enough for the plastic to release it's contents. But what were you doing in a box of toys? And why are they as big as you?

Jotaro Kujo
You grab hold of the wires leading away from the controller. Carefully clinging to your “rope”, you eventually manage to slink your way up, and swing over and plant your feet on the second of the three glass shelves. You see an Xbox 360 on the shelf and Shi Gai holding a yellow and black disk.

You wander for quite some time on the barren concrete. Eventually you come to what appears to be a water heater, and pantry shelf. Past that simply extends into darkness. You believe you can hear sounds from that general direction.

You sense past yourself, into the darkness. There is an eventual concrete wall ahead, and up it, you detect an odd panel. Just as you get the feeling there might be something behind it, you sense a thin leather rope hanging down from it.

Now… isn't that curious.

((Sorry for the wait!))
You wake up among the mangled, melted remains of dozens others. Fire burns high behind you, having demolished a plastic storage bin, and now creeping higher up a stack of cardboard boxes. Once you come to your senses, you realize that the people around you are not alive, but toys, and breathe a sigh of relief. But why are you here? What purpose were you given life for?

There is an apparently insane person dressed in white medical scrubs near you.

Last edited Jun 19, 2014 at 10:46PM EDT

Dr. Schabbs
You flee to the carpeted area, having thought of ways to put the tiny fire out, but lacking the tools to do so. You are now standing at a small cabinet and see several others further away, climbing up a TV stand.

((Whoops, almost missed one.))
Your climb is difficult. Eventually you realize you are climbing on the component cables and they take you right up into the back of the TV. Unfortunately, any power buttons would be on the side, or bottom, and you've ended up on the wrong face.

Luckily, the back of the TV is full of rectangular footholds you can use to move over to the side. You can only assume they are for ventilation, or some other reason, but for you now, they are a godsend.

Dr. Schabbs
You walk away from the cabinet, in the direction towards the group. Eventually you come to stand in front of the TV set. Two Gamecube controllers are around you, with wires leading up into the stand. You also see a fancy pen, it’s lid, and two AA batteries on the ground.

You sure have done a lot of climbing today. Grabbing hold of something for (hopefully) only one more time, you scale the rope nearly all the way up the wall and stand on a ledge facing the panel. It's quiet now, but you could have sworn there was sounds coming from here before.

You jiggle the panel and detect how it's supposed to open. It seems it needs to be lifted up, then out. With that in mind, you're worried the strain will drag you backwards off the ledge.

Agoeb wrote:

((Sorry for the wait!))
You wake up among the mangled, melted remains of dozens others. Fire burns high behind you, having demolished a plastic storage bin, and now creeping higher up a stack of cardboard boxes. Once you come to your senses, you realize that the people around you are not alive, but toys, and breathe a sigh of relief. But why are you here? What purpose were you given life for?

There is an apparently insane person dressed in white medical scrubs near you.

" (thought) I should find a way out, Might not want to get that guys attention over there, he looks insane and I don't have a weapon."

>Look for a way out, trying not to get the attention of the insane person

Last edited Jun 20, 2014 at 10:25AM EDT

>Greet Freelancer, while on the stand, too far back to topple.

"I'm not (entirely) insane. I'm not even armed, or hostile for that matter."

>Prove mental stability

Last edited Jun 20, 2014 at 11:23AM EDT

Schabbs wrote:

>Greet Freelancer, while on the stand, too far back to topple.

"I'm not (entirely) insane. I'm not even armed, or hostile for that matter."

>Prove mental stability

The rules say that you must wait for the results of your previous action, before making another one, also, my sentence was a thought, I didn't say it out loud, so you didn't hear it (unless your ability is that you can read minds.)

Freelancer wrote:

The rules say that you must wait for the results of your previous action, before making another one, also, my sentence was a thought, I didn't say it out loud, so you didn't hear it (unless your ability is that you can read minds.)

Gives Cookie :D

You don't have to worry about the crazy doctor for long, as he rushes off on his own. After careful inspection, you see two possible points of interest. There is a TV set on a stand that looms far above you to your right, and ahead of you a tower of car tires of greater size.

((Whoh! That time I actually did miss Legion's post!))
You climb sideways across the back of the TV set, thankful this thing has enough footholds to make it easy after two straining climbs. You eventually come to the side, and can see the raised buttons. In order to press one, you'll have to swing out from the vent to be able to reach. It seems dangerous, but at least the buttons are labeled and you've found the power.

You grab hold of the wires leading away from the controller. Carefully clinging to your “rope”, you eventually manage to slink your way up, and swing over and plant your feet on the second of the three glass shelves. You also see an running Xbox 360 on the shelf, and realize both systems have two wires each that seem to lead up to the TV…


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