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[SECURITY ISSUE] Log Out And In Of Your Account

Last posted Sep 13, 2016 at 03:43AM EDT. Added Sep 12, 2016 at 03:33PM EDT
7 posts from 5 users

Recently, an issue was found in KYM that seemed to allow someone to steal the account of anyone who viewed an entry they had editorship to. It appears to be fixed, but it requires you to log out and in of your account. Please do so at your earliest convenience.

RM Edit: Out and In*
Yes I could just edit the post, but this is much funnier.

Rivers Edit: You didn't even fix all of the misplaced outs and ins >:(

RM Edit: I would go in and out of you all night bby ;)

Last edited Sep 12, 2016 at 04:31PM EDT

Particle Mare wrote:

He definitely still is, regardless of how hard he attempts to deny his history.

I came here to hit on children not to get publicly destroyed what the fuck.


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