August 2023 meme of the month poll

Cast Your Vote For August 2023's Meme Of The Month!

September is here, and as leaves are starting to turn yellow and papa bear is building up fat before his well-deserved winter nap, us 21st century humans have some important business to settle: which meme was the best in August? Was it the Eurodance sensation "Planet of the Bass," starring the unforgettable Blijana Electronica? Did you experience that buildup of hype in the air before much-anticipated Donald Trump's mugshot finally dropped? Or were you too busy romancing Shadowheart and Karlach to notice any of that? Whatever you were up to, we hope you enjoyed your summer to the fullest – but now it's time to fulfill your duty and press. That. Vote. Button.

The Meme of the Month is a poll commissioned by the GotFunnyPictures research staff at the end of each month to commemorate the single most notable meme that is on the rise, as determined by your vote and our community. For the past winners, please visit our archives here.

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