Two images from the Disney wedding thread.

This Couple On Reddit's 'AITA' Chose $6k Worth Of Mickey Mouse Appearances Over Feeding Their Wedding Guests

Reddit's /r/AmITheAsshole is arguably one of the best and worst subreddits. It’s pretty difficult to be both terrible and amazing at the same time, and watching people discuss their petty behavior and then get shocked when people disagree with them is both satisfying and infuriating. I swear that every time I venture into this subreddit, something dies within me. And now, we’re going on this journey together, because I’ve selected a particularly mindblowing post for you to “enjoy,” one that really changes the way you perceive humanity. The original text, now deleted, is as follows:

The Disney Destination Wedding from Hell

Posted by u/throwaway_family9525 3 hours ago 4 392 AITA for not having catering at my wedding? My (F28) and my fiancée (M30) just got married two months ago and we had our dream wedding. Everything was perfect, and I mean everything. My parents and his parents helped us pay for a great chunk of the wedding so we would be debt free and we are so eternally grateful for that. The issue arose about a month and a half ago when my aunt started posting on facebook about how disappointed she was with the whole ordeal and a few guests sided with her. Background-my fiancée and I are huge Disney fans, and we travel to Disney World as much as we can throughout the year. Disney is such an important part not only to us, but also our marriage. The issue was with our decision to not offer catering services/bar services at our wedding due to routing the money towards having a wedding Minnie and Mickey make appearances at our special day. The cost to have both Minnie and Mickey for a good chunk of time (30 minutes) was almost exactly what our parents allotted for our catering budget, so we scheduled an appearance during our first dance and our wedding photos, forgoing served food (though there were PLENTY of facilities at the venue where people could eat...). My parents were still very supportive of us, but everyone is else is being passive aggressive about it on Facebook. AITA? EDIT (Info): To those asking if the guests were "warned", we CLEARLY outlined in the invitations that there was food available at the venue. We didn't exactly spell out every restaurant's MENU, but it was ertainly mentioned. There were also vending machines available throughout. EDIT 2 (Info): for everyone saying that's it's too much for 30 minutes, I want to clarify that it was two(2) 30 minute sessions on different days. $2750 was the cost for one session. 748 Comments Award Share ... 831 people here

Lately, this post has been trending on the AITA subreddit, even though it’s not visible in searches anymore. Apparently, it was so comically absurd that the moderators decided it violated rule eight of the subreddit, meaning they believed it had to be satire. But none of the commenters seem to feel the same way, and after reading through all of this, it’s hard to see it as made up, because there really are so many people in the world as delusional and self-centered as this, including those who spent twice as much money to book the characters for a private lunch with only them and their photographer.

You Thought I Was Kidding? Unfortunately, No

Temporary_Badger 2d Commander in Cheeks [222] It's not costumes they paid for, it's Disney staff/ actors in the costumes. : 4 114 ↓ BuildABeaver 2d A------ Enthusiast [9] And they didn't get fed either. ⠀ ↑ 304 ↓ or throwaway_family9525 OP • 2d The actors joined my husband and I as well as our photographer for a private lunch. : 4 -1.3k ↓ lizardjustice 2d Certified Proctologist [28] You are so tacky. You should have just eloped and done this without inviting people to witness this atrocity. : 4 1.3k ↓ o bathalumanofda2moons 2d But that means their guest can't spend money to buy them gifts! OP will be so peeved since weddings means she gets to get GIFTS!!!111!1!!!! It's all about what she and her equally assholey assband wants.

OP left a few other comments within the subreddit confirming that this was a destination wedding at Disney and that she had two sessions with Mickey and Minnie, both of which were absurdly expensive. Despite how ridiculous the situation is, it is fairly plausible; if you’ve ever had entitled inlaws or those annoying family members you don’t talk to anymore, you know exactly what I’m talking about. This post just feels real, even though it shouldn’t, because Bridezillas are notoriously common.

Just Confirming That OP Is NOT Racist

GarlicAvailable1905 2d YTA. My brown ass self is legit confused on what kinda weddings y'all having with no food services when that is the BARE MINIMUM at weddings??? : Reply 4 1.1k ↓ o throwaway_family9525 OP • 2d No need to bring race into this, my husband and his family are Puerto Rican : 4-862 Wise_Entertainer_970 2d She is talking about her self being brown, not your SO ⠀ 532 bobsbugsbegone 2d A------ Enthusiast [8] Oof OP also screams white fragility with that response. "But my husband is brown!!!" ⠀ 4443 8+

Clearly, OP isn’t racist, because her husband is Puerto Rican. I don’t see why this had anything to do with this discussion, but good to know! So, now that we know OP has her mindset in the right place, let’s take a look at what other people had to say about her post. Predictably, like-minded individuals started to gang up against this odd couple with some creative comments.

From an Expert on Weddings

01 SeattleGirl99 2d I'm a wedding planner and am SHOCKED by your post. You come off entitled, greedy and seriously selfish. It's all big money grab. I will tell you - you blew $6000 on two character visits, but that cost you respect from your friends and family for a very long time. Who chooses Disney characters over their own wedding guests? Delusional. YTA

Wedding planners have probably heard some pretty horrible things, and the fact that this wedding planner is inclined to believe this really happened (despite being grossed out by it) seems to be more evidence that these people are just the absolute worst. This has got to be the saddest wedding anyone’s ever heard of, and it’ll probably be followed by a very entertaining divorce.

Even Someone Named "Disney Nerd Mom" Is Disgusted By This

2d disney_nerd_mom Certified Proctologist [23] YTA. I've never been to a wedding reception where there wasn't at least cake and punch. Double YTA if wedding was at Disney and you offered nothing. I would be one p----- off guest if I then had to leave reception to go find and pay for something to eat. The least you can do for your guests is provide cake or little nibbles and something to drink. : Reply 458 ↓ lizardjustice 2d MA Certified Proctologist [28] P Honestly if I were OP's guests, I would have left to go find food and not come back. ⠀ 4 57 ↓

If /u/disney_nerd_mom thinks this is the worst wedding idea ever, I find myself believing that’s true. Why? Because no one else cares enough to spend nearly six thousand dollars on Mickey and Minnie Mouse, specifically the official ones designated by Disney, which apparently have a two year waiting list, according to OP. It would probably be less selfish to just light six thousand dollars on fire as the entertainment at the reception. At least the guests would have something to do.

Then, There's the More Disney-Themed Responses

The_Ramenista 2d SA 19 Awards Feed ... your... guests Feed your guests They are there at your request Give them food Unless you're rude It's what anyone expects. Make them pay? Oh, no way! That's just beyond so declassé. If you boast that you're the host No food makes makes this a YTA.

Someone out there was really so annoyed by this Disney fanatic’s wedding that they wrote an entire cover of “Be My Guest” about her selfishness. As other commenters pointed out, in Beauty and the Beast, this song is sung while Belle, the guest, is being fed. Apparently, this is one movie the happy couple is not as interested in honoring.

The Reality of the Situation Is Not Very Romantic

toranonekochan 2d S 1 Award Riiight? Like, I was ready to come here to say N TA based on the title, because I've been to many lovely cake-and-punch receptions, and my own wife and I intended on serving sandwich platters at our wedding that didn't wind up happening (it was scheduled for April 2020.) But then I read OPS post and comments. They spent the money that was allotted to them specifically for the feeding of their guests on having two stoned, underpaid teenagers in dangerlously overheated rubber vermin costumes stand around for pictures for half an hour?! They couldn't be bothered to dip into their own pockets for that, so they could at least serve appetizers?! If I had been either of their parents, I would have yanked that money right back out of their budget the minute I found out they were screwing their guests over like this. YTA, OP. Hopefully you'll learn from this experience and become better hosts in the future. ⠀ ↑ 504 Unspecific Gravity 2d The fact that there was six grand allocated for food also makes me think that there were quite a few people going hungry at this thing.

Those kids in the mouse costumes were definitely hotboxing in the suits in order to get through this painful ordeal. And these people do remember that mice aren’t exactly the most flattering characters to have around a wedding, right? We’re in a time period with an actual plague, so if you had to witness people dressed as “vermin” it would really remind you of how rodents started the Black Death all those years ago. And that’s not the best mood to set for your wedding.

Literally No One Else Cares About Mickey and Minnie

Basic_Bichette 2d A------ Enthusiast [5] 1 Award Very much YTA. Like, YTA of the day (to date). Your wedding reception is there for you to thank your family and friends for supporting you by attending your wedding. You have to feed people, and you have to pay for it out of your own pockets. If the wedding and reception cover a meal hour - whether that be lunch or dinner - you must serve a full meal. If the wedding and reception are shorter - say, beginning at 1 PM and ending at 5 - you can get away with cake, punch, tea, coffee, and perhaps champagne and wine for toasts. You do not get to invite people to an event intended specifically and in every case no exception, no discussion - to thank them for their support and then expect them to pay for their own hospitality!!!!!! Haven't they spent enough already travelling to your wedding, buying a gift, maybe buying new clothes, etc. etc. etc.? Also, do you think anyone but you gives one tiny you-know-what about Mickey and Minnie Mouse? Basically you bait-and-switched them: "Sorry we can't give you the one thing everyone expects - and my special apologies to elderly people and diabetics, too bad so sad you have to spend money you didn't expect to spend not to be sick tonight, but my fetish is more important than your health - but here's a couple of dudes dressed in cartoon character costumes!" : Reply 313 ↓

This commenter also poses a very valid point: not a single person at that reception came to see Micky and Minnie. Even any children at that reception wouldn’t be interested in seeing those two if they hadn’t been fed beforehand. But this couple had to keep things on theme, no matter how much money it costs, because apparently hanging out with two strangers in disturbingly oversized character costumes was what they wanted out of their wedding more than anything.

It Would Make a Great Story

skyfall1985 2d YTA. EXCEPT FOR ONE THING: I would have loved to have been a guest at this wedding, because I would never EVER stop talking about the couple that invited me to their wedding, told me to f--- off to the food court when I asked about food, and had a private lunch with two actors dressed like mice. I'd dine out on this story for decades. "You think you went to a bad wedding, eh? Wait till you hear this one..." The only problem is that nobody would believe me because it is just that ridiculous. You should write to each and every guest and apologize. : Reply 448 ↓

This guy’s not wrong. It would be absolutely hilarious to watch what’s essentially a red flag in a failing marriage from only minutes after the vows were spoken. Any guest would have the ultimate Bridezilla story, one that no one could ever compete with. But would anyone really believe it? The moderators of the subreddit certainly didn’t.

And We All Can Agree On One Final Thing:

Checkoutrainwain 2d YTA. Please be fake. Please be fake. Please be fake. Please be fake. Please be fake. : Reply 442 sawyerhurley7 1d 100%! I pray people didnt actually have to endure this. ⠀ 47 ↓ +

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