The Amazing Atheist - Comment #800,902

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I'm a Christian, and while I disagree with them on many things, I have respect for many outspoken atheists, including Penn Jillette, Richard Dawkins, ZJ, Nonstampcollector, heck, even Darkmatter; also, I've disliked many Christian youtubers I've heard of (besides Jefferson Bethke, The5thWatcher, and thepursuitblog, although I don't 100% agree with any of them.)
However, I cannot stand theamazingatheist, and I seriously doubt that would change if I was an atheist.


in reply to Ilied111

That’s a good way to look at it. If the person is worthy of respect and sympathy, then they get what they deserve.
TAA has done a fierce job of breeding the opposite. Back when I was on Youtube (before I got in trouble and had my channel deleted without warning due to copyright and henceforth gave up posting anything else), I posted Walker, Texas Ranger because I found it awesome albeit campy and wanted to share it with others. TAA comes along and downvotes everything and badmouths my channel just because Chuck Norris is a strong Christian promoter. Had nothing to do with me, he was just flagrantly violating Wheaton’s Law just to start something. Banned TAA because he wouldn't stop pestering me and sent him a video of Eduard Khil singing Trololo just to show him the trolling goes both ways.

TL:DR- TAA is just an irate goblin.


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