Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy - Comment #6,272,331

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The reason modern triple a gaming is shit isn't cause they use a consulting firm that tells them to add a gay background character or to add a rainbow flag decal to the character creator. The reason that modern games are shit are because they have been turned into billion dollar super colossuses with thousands of hands on the process, and corporate execs who refuse to have a coherent vision for their games.

Suicide Squad, for example, had 26 fucking writers. 26. Some of those were outsourced to Sweet baby, but they aren't the reason that the writing was trash in and of themselves. 26 writers are guaranteed to put out internally inconsistent mush if they all work separately if they are part of the game company designing the game or if they are outsourced, it doesn't matter who the writers are.

Ballooning budgets and more and more out of touch execs and shareholders demanding that games be as big tm as possible are what's killing the triple a industry. They overexpanded during the pandemic due to favorable governmental taxing laws, and its bitten them in the ass in so many ways. Game dev time takes fucking ages nowadays due to the complexity of triple a games, making mistakes and miscommunications bigger and harder to fix.


in reply to VeteranAdventureHobo

I've seen the game franchises I loved get fucked up so many times I am almost numb to it.

The knowledge that part of the fucking-it-up is being done intentionally just to pander to the interests of people who downright hate me and the things I love? Then the numbness goes away real quick.

I see the inclusion of sweetbaby's ilk as the insult to the bad game's injury.

Richo Vee
Richo Vee

in reply to VeteranAdventureHobo

"The reason modern triple a gaming is shit isn't cause they use a consulting firm that tells them to add a gay background character or to add a rainbow flag decal to the character creator. The reason that modern games are shit are because they have been turned into billion dollar super colossuses with thousands of hands on the process, and corporate execs who refuse to have a coherent vision for their games."

Why not both?


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