Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy - Comment #6,270,641

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I don't really see why there should be a fuss over this curator group existing, but at the same time, I don't see why someone would use it as a serious method to judge a game on whether it's worth their time or not. Let the game's content speak for itself. If a game is good, it's good, regardless of whoever "consulted" on its development.


in reply to Blobbem

When it's purely about whether the resulting media is good or bad, people are usually content to just say it's good or bad. Last year's Gollum or that wretched Kong mobile game are pretty good examples for the latter; they were wretched, but just a laughingstock, not controversial. When it escalates into "This media is bad, and someone needs to suffer for it," there's probably something else going on unrelated to its quality.


in reply to Revic

"When it escalates into 'this media is bad, and someone needs to suffer for it,' there's probably something else going on unrelated to its quality."

It's usually culture war nonsense that brings people into that mentality, and I find my eyes glazing over whenever I get a whiff of it. Honestly, looking at this Sweet Baby Inc discourse, it's giving me the same vibe.

At the end of the day, I don't care that this is a company exists. It's providing a service where they outwardly state how they can help with providing "narrative consultation" and wish to add more "diverse voices" and perspectives to those who want that sort of thing. They have worked on bad games, but they have worked on good games. But I can't say for certain how much of a game's success or failure is down to mostly their input.

If there's to be any issue with them, it's the fact that these giant companies feel the need to hire this company to begin with, when they should be able to write their own, competent stories with diverse perspectives and voices using their own staff. That, and how the company's name sucks and their website has a stupid cursor.


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