Sweet Baby Inc Detected Controversy - Comment #6,270,497

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winton overwat
winton overwat

OK so I went through the list and their website and most of the games they worked on seem to be smaller, niche games like Goodbye Volcano High.

On their website they list 4 AAA games they were involved with:

-AC: Valhalla (I didn't play it but from everything I can tell was ok for the most part)
-Suicide Squad (a clusterfuck but honestly seems from poor leadership and direction at Rocksteady, this game had a lot of issues beyond the narrative).
-GOW: Ragnarok (IMO not as good as the previous but still pretty good, at least a 9/10)
-Alan Wake 2 (a masterpiece)

That trackrecord isn't amazing but is still at least decent. The only real fuck up here is Suicide Squad and it very arguably wasn't their fault.

So while the people managing the Steam group technically didn't do anything wrong because it's all public information it's also kind of a nothingburger because 80% of the games this company has worked on are small indie games that don't really appeal to the kind of people who run a group like that Steam page.

And also anyone who thinks or hopes SBI will be blacklisted is delusional. If Twitter mobs had any serious influence in the industry Neil Druckmann wouldn't have been given HBO money to make the TLoU series.


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