Gothamist and DNAinfo Shutdown - Comment #4,092,291

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Stoffe Moderator

in reply to Aramaki_1917

It's been over 100 years since Teddy Roosevelt was president. Things change. Remember when democrats were the ones keeping slavery in the 1800's? You can look at a bunch of political parties over in Europe and see that some of the ones that are most progressive today used to dabble in racial hygiene a hundred years ago. There's this thing called time, and things change over it, kid… Unions are, have always been, and will always be, against our american values. Our founding fathers ensured us freedom! To unionize is to rip freedom out of the hands of both the individual employee and the employer. However satisfied both you and your employer are, the union might force you to go into strike, because of some trivial complaints they might have! You are being shackled by the unions, forced to submit to their every whim. Say you just decide to not unionize. They'll still be after you. Look up collective agreements, kid. Unions are the new form of slavery. And we can thank our good, republican, president Abraham Lincoln for ending it… Let's not let the liberals start it again.

Stoffe Moderator

in reply to Twelve Mad Flamingos

It's the typical argument of your sort. When faced with anything that challenges your beliefs, you don't approach it head on, no! You simply try to make whoever makes the argument seem like a fool and laughing him off, without actually giving any justification as to why he is wrong. I could imagine a kid like you during segregation. "You support interracial marriage?" you'd say, "Sorry, I didn't know I was speaking to a degenerate!" The next time you're faced with something you know is right, instead of flaunting your alarming lack of counterarguments, don't be afraid to admit that you're wrong! Embrace what the person has to say, instead of throwing a fit just because you can't think of any reason they're actually wrong! It takes a big man knowingly change your views, and I believe that you can grow up to become such a man one day.


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