The War On Christmas - Comment #2,966,968

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I'm more worried about the War on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not Black Thursday. Do not break up families by making them shop/work retail during a goddamned holiday! Even midnight sales are too early. Open like a normal business, a bit earlier if you like.

Also, everyone who's ever been physically hurt during a Black Friday sale was injured because it was Christmas. But no, people aren't complaining about materialism, they're complaining about people not calling the Winter Solstice holiday "Christ's Mass".

Bah, Humbug!


in reply to Machu

Can we start a war on Christmas Creep, particularly on the playing of Christmas music for over a month solid? Because this must be stopped.

They're all the same darn songs over and over. At least with crappy overplayed pop songs, if you hate one, they'll stop playing it and you'll forget about it in a couple years. Hate one Christmas song in particular? Sick of them all in general? Too bad, because you'll be hearing it for 1 out of 12 months for the rest of your life.


in reply to Machu

bruh don't take away an overtime opportunity for the hundreds of thousands of college students/etc who don't go home for Thanksgiving and appreciate Black Friday. That was one of my favorite days when I worked retail through college, and I still never go back home for Thanksgiving. Don't go shopping if you don't want to go shopping.


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