Bye Felicia - Comment #2,830,112

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in reply to EastLosRandy

She probably wouldn't understand what this is all about, considering the computers back in her days were larger than the average livingroom, so the internet is a very mysterious thing to her.

Seriously though, if feminists have the right to criticize this movie then I have the right to post a comment about it on the internet, right? I don't see how my comment could have made someone this upset honestly. I don't really see how it is stupid, childish or butthurt either, maybe you should elaborate instead of trying to pile as many insults into a sentence as possible.
Concerning the actual point you're trying to make, about women being portrayed negatively in movies: Yes, women are portrayed negatively in movies. So are men. Do you think the story for each movie is written by some secret society, with the ultimate goal of being mean to female characters?
My original comment simply illustrates how meaningless it is to generate such a fuss about an ultimately irrelevant scene in a single movie. What do you want to do about it? Do you want movies to stop portraying female characters negatively? Can only men play the role of a bad or stupid character now? If that's the case, then I wasn't far off with my comment. If it isn't, then why make such a huge deal out of it?


in reply to Minority

Do I have to explain the First Amendment AGAIN to you? Let's stop pretending like anyone's being oppressed or censored here. I didn't try to ban your comment. I criticized it, pretty harshly I'll admit, but that's not censorship. Can we at least agree on that?

A woman asked the director of a movie some critical questions and wrote a critical article about it. That's it! To paraphrase your reply, I don't see how her article could have made so many men this upset. It's not like the thought police are kicking down the doors and throwing men in jail for making sexist jokes. Just public disagreement from feminists is enough to provoke an all too predictable parade of guys playing the victim and whining about political correctness.

Are you denying that there's a pattern of disparate portrayals (and lack thereof) of women in film? I think the disparities are pretty obvious: studios are run almost exclusively by men; the majority of producers, directors, and writers are men; most movies are centered on male protagonists and have more important male characters than female characters; countless characters portrayed by middle-aged male actors are romantically paired with much younger women while you almost never see the reverse; etc.

It is this context that makes another sexist scene in another sexist movie something feminists want to speak up about. Because it's not "meaningless" that this keeps happening to women.


in reply to EastLosRandy

"Do I have to explain the First Amendment AGAIN to you?"
No, you didn't have to explain it in the first place, because I never wrote anything about censorship. You'll need to forgive me if I'm not intimately familiar with US law, because I'm not a US citizen. People don't have to be to write in English on the internet, imagine that.

" I criticized it, pretty harshly I’ll admit […]"
You think? I was surprised your comment didn't try to jump out of the screen and eat me.

"A woman asked the director of a movie some critical questions and wrote a critical article about it. That’s it!"
My comment mostly addresses the reaction of the internet, not the article in question. Although I don't see the need for an article about this topic either.

"Just public disagreement from feminists is enough to provoke an all too predictable parade of guys playing the victim and whining about political correctness."
Are you and I even reading the same comment?

"Are you denying that there’s a pattern of disparate portrayals (and lack thereof) of women in film?"
I'm not sure if I should be saying anything about this at all, for fear of making you even more angry, but I mostly don't see anything of the sort of disparity you are describing. I'm sure you could rack up some statistics about male and female actors but I never really noticed such an "obvious" problem when going to see movies.



in reply to Minority

"countless characters portrayed by middle-aged male actors are romantically paired with much younger women while you almost never see the reverse; etc."
I don't see what the age difference has to do with anything and I honestly can't remember many movies pairing old men with much younger women. American Beauty comes to mind, if that one counts.

"Because it’s not “meaningless” that this keeps happening to women."

What keeps happening to women? Are we talking about female characters in movies? Actors?

Honestly, I was convinced that the main problem with movies in recent years was that the monetary success of certain titles, limits the chances of unrelated ideas getting the required funding to be made into a film. It's all about sequels and big franchises to satisfy the larger audience. It's not like only men go out to watch movies, do you think producers would willingly ignore the chance to reach 50% of the population if they are able to pay?


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