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The Math Hatter

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Joined Aug 17, 2023 at 12:14AM EDT


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The Math Hatter

Posted in Six Simple Steps to De-Escalate Yourself

1. If It’s an actual Dude™, are you getting mad at The Actual Dude™ or getting mad at a Made Up Supervillain Version of the Dude who is really easy to get really mad at? Sometimes you’ve got to take a step back, pull out your Hanlon’s Razor and reality-check whether you’re making a monster out of a moron. Infuriating ≠ evil.

2. Are you letting yourself be enraged by something that is, when put in perspective, only Worthy of Mild Annoyance™? If you’re starting to sound like a callout post when you talk/think about it then maybe it’s time to cool the jets.

3. What can you do about it? Sometimes it’s cathartic to let yourself be mad for a bit, but if you’re regularly getting Über-mad over something then you should consider what you can personally do to fix the Thing™. If there isn’t any practical action you can take then…

4. Why are you allowing this thing to upset you? Initial feelings may be beyond your control but dwelling on them is something you have power over, so why are you giving this Dude™ or Thing™ that you don’t like power over you?

5. Who’s actually winning if you allow this Dude™/Thing™ a rent-free all-access pass to occupy your time and brain space? Because it doesn’t sound like it’s you. I guarantee that who/whatever you’re mad at, the person(s) responsible have spent far less time thinking about you personally than you have thinking about them.

6. Who’s benefiting from you being mad? Sometimes it’s literally no-one (not even you). In which case, why not let it go. And sometimes the outrage is being manufactured to further profit/ engagement/a political cause. In which case you should really let it go.

Aug 22, 2023 at 02:51AM EDT

Commented on The details

And yet, no design changes. This is because he is without flaw.

Aug 20, 2023 at 12:27AM EDT

Commented on Safety Inspector

Nah, it's okay, caterpillars think they're gonna die when they make a chrysalis anyway )and they're kind of right), so one this size is in late middle age.

Aug 19, 2023 at 11:12AM EDT

Commented on Arbys...

We have the… meats? Maybe? I dunno, it's what we cleaned out of the trashcans last night.

Aug 17, 2023 at 08:07PM EDT

Commented on Enby

Fair; it's why I left in the first place. I desire maturity and respect, I suppose.

Aug 17, 2023 at 08:04PM EDT

Commented on Enby

Gender nonconforming mean you still identify as, say, a man, but you refuse to do all the typical thing associated with being one, such as wearing a dress. That's not common in males, but that is indeed one way for a man, born male, to express.

If a woman was born male and wears a dress, she's expressing her gender in a way which conforms to societal expectations of her. And sometimes trans women are gender nonconforming, in that they will choose to wear suits as women.

They are distinct labels, and nonbinary is another level of distinct label. Some people do reject binary gender for themselves, some reject any gender, but most agree that associating with whatever label fits you comfortably and requesting that be respected is common courtesy.

Aug 17, 2023 at 07:23PM EDT

Commented on Enby

And… fourteen hours. It was a nice run without seeing the "debate" about queerness on this site.

Someone going by she when she went by "he" previously is just as much of a change for you as going by they now, or ze, or it. It's self-expression. That's all. You can be mature and respectful about this, you truly can.

Aug 17, 2023 at 05:45PM EDT

Commented on Mistress Fortune's wall

I'm glad to hear your mental health is going better. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.

Aug 17, 2023 at 02:30PM EDT

Commented on Boston Cop Falling Down Slide Video

I love how there are several other people who immediately chimed in with their own videos of them sliding down the exact same slide with no issues.

Aug 17, 2023 at 01:12AM EDT

Commented on Can he though?

By that logic, wouldn't vampires also be repelled by those stupid signs listing every counter to letting Mormons in, ending with "seriously, unless you have Girl Scout cookies, please go away"?

Aug 17, 2023 at 01:04AM EDT

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