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Terry Jones

Cataloger & Pundit & Media Chauffeur

Location: The City of Canterlot on the Planet Cybertron

Joined Mar 31, 2014 at 11:16AM EDT


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+117 +196 (71%) -79 (29%)
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The only reason I'm even here is because people have been posting my art here without my consent, implying they wanted it here. So I figured instead of giving people a hard time I'd just cut out the middle man and just post it here myself…

So to all you who hate my guts just for breathing, just remember. You people wanted me here. Why else would I find my art here behind my back? Now you're stuck with me, get used to it.



Recent Activity

Commented on blep!-

Now this is my kind of Planet of the Apes >:3

May 28, 2024 at 10:21AM EDT

Uploaded an image to Hazbin Hotel.

* OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD BEEPING!! 5:00 AM To change their Fates, and free their Souls, AM I can do this... * PANICED DAFFY DUCK NOISES!! to find the Redemption they deserved. Wish me luck guys, hope it goes well... Something tells me that Today will be... WHAT THE S--- ASHLEY!! Andy you know how I feel about you talking to other women! wwwwww THIS IS NOW THE THIRD GODDAMN SUIT THAT'S BEEN RUINED THIS MORNING MOM!! CHAR LIE!!! I've snorted a whole suitcase full of Coke! AND I'M STARTING TO FEEL THE EFFECTS KINGDOM HEARTS Peg Leg Pete I mean for Christ sakes when I digested that Boojum I did my business OUTSIDE!! IN THE ENDLESS BLOOD SEA!! Oh, hello sweetheart. F------ ANIMALS!! DAD?! 000 SMILE PRINCESS! Why yes, Hell's own Disney Princess does in fact wear PINK.TypicalGirl My... MY... Somehow I know it... A Happy Day in Hell! BUTTHEARS I'll get more Sinners to the Light M YOU'RE SO CUTE, YOU LOOK GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT! EAT S--- AGGO What The F--- IS- Ammm-wow, you were right, the flavor really does just & explode in my mou NOW! Oh lovely, the continued antics of Alastor and Mettaton have put the Hotel ten thousand over budget....AGAIN. 00 Dad is soooo going to love- * PANICED DAFFY DUCK NOISES!! It truly is a happy day in Hell.... There's just no way I can blow it.. I will finally get it right. Aw man, sorry about that.... kind of... * LOUD EXCESSIVE SOBBING The secret is in the frosting, but I'll never tell.... WHAT PART OF "CINNAMON ROLLS ARE FOR EVERYBODY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?! THINKROCK wwww
May 28, 2024 at 04:22AM EDT

Commented on That's gnarly

I mean french fries on pizza is fair enough, I've tried it a couple times myself it was okay…..

But the mayonnaise is crossing the damn line X _ X

May 28, 2024 at 02:20AM EDT

Commented on Fuwamoco

Oh man yeah I love when the lore doesn't remotely line up with the actual person behind the mike.

Take Monarch (Amalee) for example. She's suppose to be this ultimate evil mistress of the multiverse able to infiltrate every universe from One Piece to Kingdom Hearts…..but damn if she can't go a single stream without something scuffing up! Comedy gold XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD

May 28, 2024 at 02:08AM EDT

Commented on Fuwamoco

It tickles me pink that these two "Uwu Kawaii Desu" cuties have a last name that is melodic death metal as fuck and their backstory is pretty much "Discount Cerberus" XD

May 28, 2024 at 02:03AM EDT

Uploaded an image to Undertale.

I don't care what lies ahead- Ooooh! No time for guessing follow my path instead Ahwww! Find that next stage no matter what that might be... Take my lead I'll set you... Okay so what's this all about? I.... betrayed.... Frisk... I made a butterscotch Snail pie for Charlie, her favorite desert... betrayed.... my love... Forber birthday.... BUT SHE CAVE IT TO JAX Oh kay. Do I dare pry further? YOU GAVE HIM THE WHOLE THING, YOU DIDN'T EVEN EAT ONE BITE! HE REATY LIKED IT, HE WANTED SOME MORE HE... Yeah? Well you broke MY heart Charlie! N0000000 NOOOOOOO PLEASE Maybe you've been better off adopting Jax instead of me?! I'm Sorry Frisk HE WANTED TO TRYE SOME, 8 HE WAS GIVING ME SAD PUPPY JUST WANTED TO BE NICE BY SHARING... EYES I DIDN'T WANNA BREAK HIS HEART! MAN, A REAL COUPLE OF DRAMA QUEENS AREN'T THEY? Well uhhh you guys look YEAH I DO, BUT...I DUNNO JUST SEEING CHARLIE BLINDLY HAPPY LIKE THAT.... BESIDES THAT KID CAN'T COOK FØR CRAP. I guess. I HAD TO STEP IN AND BRING HER BACK DOWN TO EARTH Y'KNOW? ONE BITE OF THAT TRASH AND CHARLIE WOULD HAVE SWORN OFF THE VERY CONCEPT OF DESERTS ALTOGETHER. Speaking of which, I recall that you actually LOATHE anything with buterscotch in it... Yeah well, that's just one rabbit's opinion. C-- DUMPSTER FREE USE
May 22, 2024 at 08:34AM EDT

Uploaded an image to Hazbin Hotel.

FIVE DAYS..... FM FIVE DAYS SINCE PRINCESS FRISK LOST EVERYTHING. THER FAMILY, THER KINGDOM, THER BIRTHRIGHT..... FIVE DAYS SINCE THE NATION OF VYZXROTH HAS BEGUN HUNTING THEM ACROSS ALL ALIANTRICE.....0 Nuts to behaving I wanna F--- THAT DRAGON! ALL FRISK HAS LEFT IS THE QUEENSCIAME, A GATHERING OF FOUR WARRIORS HAND PICKED FROM THE ROYAL GUARD TO SERVE AS ESCORT. THIS IS WHERE OUR STORY CONTINUES.... YOUR JOURNEY NOW TAKES WORLD YOU TO THE COAST OF CRAVOS VIVES AROT ALAS, IT IS A DARK AND STORMY NIGHT. * FATE ROT ITEM TARC FORTUNATE THEN THAT THERE IS A CAVE WITHIN SPITTING DISTANCE TO TAKE SHELTER IN. IT IS COLD, BUT DRY. YOU EVEN FIND SOME STRAY DRIFT WOOD DRY ENOUGH TO MAKE SUIT BLE FIRE HOWEVER, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS CAVE. LOW AND BEHOLD, A DRAGON KNOWN AS THE RAPTORIOUS SCLYVER DWELLS HERE. Okay but why though? Why not? QUITE THE BREATHTAKING BEAST, ONE WHO LOOKS LIKE SHE COULD EASLY KIL EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU WITH BUT A CLAW. JUST LOOKING AT HER INSPIRES EXISTENTIAL DREAD AT THE PROSPECT OF YOUR VERY LIVES ENDING THIS NIGHT. BUT SHE SMILES WARMLY, SPEAKS IN A MOTHERLY TONE WITH THE VOICE OF AN ANGEL... ° "POOR LITTLE CHILDREN OF MAN, FORCED INTO MY CAVE TO ESCAPE THE RAIN. BE NOT TROUBLED MY LOVES FOR YOU ARE WELCOME TO STAY.....SO LONG AS YOU BEHAVE.... A KIND INVITE....AND A WARNING. WOULD BE FOOLISH TO BETRAY SUCH HOSPITALITY. And I suppose I'm gonna have to revive all your sorry butts after you all bite it? AGAIN? Yeah Sure. Fukk yeah let's do it! Screw it, who else wants to f--- the Dragon? Oh mon dute it hasn't been that bad. No, it's been embarassing. First time you guys just ate that obviously poisoned plate of spagetti in the middle of the goddamn Forest of Deceptions"! FREE FOOD Didn't even question it, just ate it! Still can't believe you let that one fairy trick you guys into kissing her butt, actually believed that crack about her butt granting wishes! I had to chase her down, ALONE to get back all the loot she stole! When I come back I find your corpses devoured by a Punk Goblin Bitch! Ever tried stealth killing And Chen Chat one "Street Bum" you guys attacked P----- him off so badly he even came back after I revived you just to a Goblin with a character that has NEGATIVE 2 in stealth!! to harvest his organs for extra cash on the black market! kill you twice! Might as well. Funny how you guys are suppose to be this elite guard. It's your job to protect me, the Princess.... Yet I, the Princess, am the one who's carrying all of you. YEAH!! OVER 15!! HIGH CRITICAL!! Well excuse us for wanting to grind out A trait that is useless without a proper-healer! the Zenkai Boost trait of the Saiyan, Class, And last I checked Saiyans have negative 2 healing. Speaking of which, you didn't have to play as the Princess. It was the only class with high enough healing to cover FOUR SAIYANS. Then....what did you just have us roll for? Basically being forced to run 4 Charmanders in early Kanto. Four Charmanders with Charizardite X thank you very much. Mega Charizard X sucks, Y is way better. Says you... Well anyway, everyone other than the Princess proceed to have an O--- with the dragon. Roll your D10s. FAFO DISEASE. Well it's good to hear that these Biotics are just potions we can buy at the store and not another MP guzzling spell I have to keep track of... Sorry hum it ain't that easy. FAFO Biotics are Rectal Suppositories. 20 91 12 16 ટા 20 16 Goddammit. Sorry. we f----- that dragon up! 20 Yeah you certainly did Although, having sex with a Raptorious Sclyver is always a guaranteed action that requires no dice roll... 12 w 16 Here's the deal. This is a permanent status effect for starters. Every 60 turns you guys will suffer a 6 turn long 35% debuff to Attack, Defense, Evasion and Stamina. Let's see, L 2.3... 12 91 18 Oh dear, all four of you got it. Four HD Possitive Saiyans ThaT I have To Periodically FIST... IN THE ANUS The only way to counteract this debuff is to administer 1 FAFO Biotic treatment to each individual player/carrying the disease. I FAFO biotic Costs about And only the princess-with their +20 medic skill can administer biotics. F--- AROUND What even is FAFO anyway? FIND OUT
May 18, 2024 at 07:17PM EDT
Terry Jones

Posted in Need Some help with Pokemon Sapphire in HexManiacAdvanced

This is literally my first foray into rom hacking and even with how easy HexManiacAdvanced has been I still have no idea what I'm doing.

I'm not making an entirely new game, just tweaking Vanilla GBA Sapphire into a more fun experience. Figured out how to change the starters (Chansey/Pikachu/Alolan Meowth), replaced "Boy" with Frisk from Undertale and am in the process of mangling the evolution charts into something that lets me have, say, an Absol that evolves into any one of the Legendary Beast Trio and an Arceusdamn male Salandit that actually evolves into an Arceusdamn Salazzle for the love of Arceus! YOU'RE NEXT GEN 3 FEEBAS! Oh do I have words for you ya' damn high beauty stat needing primadonna……

Anyway, Just need some help with minor tweaks and some fact checks. I'm sick to DEATH of Google and all these tutorials I'm finding not have the exact information I need. So I would be deeply grateful for any advice you guys can offer.

What I would like to do is just add the overworld effects of HMs to regular moves, nothing too extreme, just have "Flash" be applied to moves like Ember and Thundershock. But if that's not an option I'd settle for disabling the flag code that prevents you from deleting HM moves manually.

As you probably guest by the Salazzle mention I'm gutting the Hoenn national dex of mons I don't want in favor of mons I do. But I'm worried this might cause problems with flag checking (or whatever it's called) regarding the local Hoenn Region Pokedex and evolving into mons not actually on it. I heard FireRed/LeafGreen has such a flag code so I just wanna make sure. Test playthroughs of the first few minutes had no problems but it'll be hours of gameplay before I can properly test the rest. Does Sapphire have flag code that prevents Pokemon not on the Hoenn dex from evolving in early game? Will it outright crash if I bring up the Pokedex?

Heck how do I even change the Pokedex entries? Probably have to swim through the damn ocean of code looking for the specific lines of text and edit them manually like I had to with the player sprites, what are the specific addresses?

I still need to test out the new "Evolution Stones" I added to see if they work at all. I just copy pasted the HTML code of one and applied it to a bunch of ??'s I then renamed to stuff like "Rex Skull", "Dragonstone" and "Gamma Charge", will doing that copy pasting work fine or is that just a recipe in disaster? Or do I even need to do that? I noticed when I changed the evolution tab to "Stone" it brings up a mini tab listing all the items in the game. Is it even possible to just assign, say, a Heart Scale as a method of evolution? Or does it have be "EvolutionStone" specifically?

Just how difficult is it to add in new venues to selling specific items? And is there a limit to how many items they sell?

Tried to replace Lileep with Shieldon but the instant I tried editing the HTML code it didn't recognize "Shiedon" at all. Seemed to recognize Kabuto just fine. Did I just mess it up? Also is it even possible to replace the boss fight with Kyogre with any new Pokemon I put in?

Noticed a huge chunk of the actual Pokemon roster that is just a bunch of blanks, a whole section of "????s" sitting there doing nothing. Can't I just fill those with new mons or do they have to be blank for code stability? Actually even better, can't I just use those to input exclusive bosses and enemies that you can't actually catch?

Cause that's something I've always wanted to see in Pokemon, enemies and bosses you can't catch, only fight. They've only done it in small optional instances and I wish they did it more. One of my biggest pet peeves with Pokemon is how even the boss battles (i.e. Legendaries) are playable characters, kind of ruins the mystique of having bosses at all.
What I was thinking is having certain trainer battles have one non playable enemy or boss in their team with its own attacks and typing, like a soldier with an anti-Pokemon weapon or even a Team Rocket grade attack vehicle. In fact I was thinking of having Goku or Sailor Moon as trainers and then after you beat their actual Pokemon they just decide to jump in and fight your Pokemon on their own level! That would be awesome!

So yeah can't I just fill those "????s" in? Not even fully, just basic states, a single sprite and typing then just drop them into any trainer battle I want? Or does the game code require those spaces to be blank for stability purposes?

Exactly how much of the actual spoken dialog can I change before the game code defecates on the bed and stops working? Probably a stupid question but this is my first time with this sort of thing and I wanna make sure I don't mess up anything by accident.

And that's about it on the docket. Thank you for your time….

May 13, 2024 at 03:51AM EDT

Commented on Chestburster

Welp, looks like we have to take off and nuke the site from orbit….

May 11, 2024 at 12:04AM EDT

Commented on I Did Nothing Productive All Day [BIC Edition] - "Underhell Fighter Concept"

If I had the money to fund my own fighting game….well, this wouldn't be my first pick but screw it I'm in a funk and I need something to fiddle with. If I were able to do this I'd like it to be a 2D fighter in a similar graphics engine to Dragon Ball FighterZ and Guilty Gear Strive. Technically a four button fighter (Light, Medium, Heavy, Dash) but with a fifth "Contract" button which would…..uhhh…..I dunno do some kind of faustian bargain mechanic attack, like the Infinity Stones from MVCInfinite but with even more broken utility and a health cost to balance it? Or fuck it, just have it be the tag attack button for a 2v2 mode. Dash would be a medium strength lunge attack going up to 10 feet.

Actually y'know what? Easy EX Moves at 6% of your health! Just hitting this button (and a single directional input) gives you easy access to otherwise hard to trigger EX Moves when you need it but at the cost of some health. Thing is that spent health is now treated as Provisional Damage, you'd be able to get it back if you manage to perform that same EX Move (and successfully hit with it) using the intended but difficult Meter Burn button input. Of course if you get hit before you do this you lose that spent health permanently. The "Contract" button would stop working the moment you hit 5% of a given round.

May 10, 2024 at 02:26AM EDT

Commented on Trans Hydra / Gender Ideology Hydra

Well if the trans community decide to host a martial arts tournament they now have their own emblem to plaster on all the temples and portals to Outworld XD

May 08, 2024 at 05:55PM EDT

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