Sunsoft Bass


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Joined Oct 31, 2018 at 03:20PM EDT


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Commented on Donald Trump's Hush Money Case Indictment

Latin America politics is this for years.

Lula for Brazil, Perón for Argentina, Chávez for Venezuela, Castro for Cuba, Evo for Bolivia, and the rest are just puppets for them.

The brazilian right wing is now doing the same, Bolsonaro for Brazil.

Jun 02, 2024 at 02:10AM EDT

Commented on Donald Trump's Hush Money Case Indictment

And like I said, the Trump era is still not over.

When Biden won in 2020, people thought Trump was finally over, a turned page.

Nope, 2021-2025 shall be the only time in USA history where the previous president was more relevant than the current, at this point, even if Trump dies, either by murder or by natural causes, the Trump era will continue, they will find a puppet to keep doing his job even after death, and that puppet may even win for president.

Jun 02, 2024 at 02:04AM EDT

Commented on Donald Trump's Hush Money Case Indictment

On one hand, Trump deserves it, he really is a criminal, and finally, a big politician is getting punished for his crimes.

One the other hand, Trump was only convicted because he fought against the status quo and very powerful people, he made a lot of enemies that are just as bad as him or worse.

Hey, just because you are fighting against the system, just because you're a rebel, it doesn't mean you are the good guy, especially since rebels often become the thing they fought against when they get in power.

Jun 02, 2024 at 01:57AM EDT

Commented on Orange Jumpsuit Man

Hey, if they keep supporting Trump, they are grasping at straws, still defending a politician that is a criminal, but if they ditch Trump, then they have no loyalty.

Jun 01, 2024 at 01:10PM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

I also miss when they complained about the obesity crisis, even back then, they had a problem of only blaming corporations, advertisement, media, but never the fat slob that only eats junk and refuses to exercise.

Now, obesity is something beautiful and somehow, fat people are an oppressed minority just like black people and gays.

May 28, 2024 at 10:02AM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

I heard that in Brazil, the popular american fast-food brands had to change their recipes to adapt to a new market, and that's why the quality of their food is better compared to USA, maybe they even deliver something closer to their original recipes before the corporates ruined their food.

Still better to avoid it.

May 28, 2024 at 09:58AM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

Like I said, being happy that someone died is for:

- When the person did serious things like starting wars and causing genocide.
- When the person is still doing it.
- When the person can only be stopped by death.

May 28, 2024 at 09:55AM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

Now, fast-food in USA is getting expensive, just like it always was here in Brazil, why americans keep eating it then? It's not cheap, it's not fast, it's not good.

Food like burgers, pizza, fried chicken and tacos is not healthy, but at least support your local restaurant that uses fresh and natural ingredients.

Same goes for ultra-processed food, we kept eating those even though we knew it's bad for us, and even though it was already expensive, just because they were tasty, but now, the formulas of many of my favorite junk foods were changed and they are no longer tasty, why people keep eating those?

May 28, 2024 at 09:50AM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

I stopped drinking soda years ago since I was starting to fat, and that alone greatly helped me losing weight.

I still kept eating a lot of junk, like burgers, fries, pizza, tacos, burritos, cookies, sfihas, chocolate, but just getting rid of the soda completely, no exceptions, that alone helped me a lot.

May 27, 2024 at 07:58AM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

People on Twitter actually believed that he died thanks to eating McDonald's for a month, even though the documentary was from 20 years ago.

And even though his documentary was already disproven, he was also an alcoholic.

May 27, 2024 at 07:54AM EDT

Commented on Morgan Spurlock’s Death

In order to wish someone to die, or be happy that someone is dead, I put three rules:

1 – Must be someone who made something really bad like rampant corruption, starting wars and causing genocide, it can't be just a guy who talks bullshit but never puts anything into practice or a bad artist.

2 – Must be someone still doing these bad things, someone that retired from this is harmless even if they would love to still do it.

3 – Must be someone that already proved that other methods of stopping them don't work, if the person can be just put in jail, no need to wish the person is dead, dictators are immune from this, and many criminals can still commit their crimes in jail.

While this guy is a liar who passed a very unscientific documentary as fact, and commited sex crimes, he confessed his crimes, and lost most of his credibility, so no need to be happy.

May 27, 2024 at 07:52AM EDT
Sunsoft Bass

Posted in What do I have to do to make my memes viralize?

I decided to make memes, but almost none of them managed to spread, I keep posting them, and I rarely see others posting them.

I tried GotFunnyPictures, but I don't think this website is that big in the first place and I don't think that memes originally posted here, will often get picked and shared across the internet, also, I want to post memes in multiple languages.

I tried Memedroid, but not only the website is not available in English, but memes posted there only have a small shelf life of notoriety, they quickly get buried.

I tried iFunny, but making those memes get viral in the app itself is a lottery, and even when they do, I rarely see them shared in other places.

I tried imgflip, but memes posted there also seem to have a lot of competition.

I tried Funnyjunk years ago, didn't work and I gave up.

I tried Telegram groups, but I'm terrible at joining in, talking to people and convincing them to get the memes I make and share them.

I tried Facebook Groups, while some memes were approved, they still didn't get enough visibility.

I tried Reddit meme groups, but once again, lottery, and even when they get a lot of likes and comments, they don't viralize and spread around the internet.

I tried Twitter, and I gave up for three reasons, first, is that this place is terrible, hurting my mental health, second, even when I bought the blue checkmark, it was hard to get followers and make people share my memes, third, when I was finally getting more followers, I gave up because I'm afraid of getting doxxed, maybe I can start again with a brand-new account, but I am still afraid of getting famous on the internet, getting followers and displeasing politicians and their fans.

Also, on Twitter, much of the visibility I got was by sending bigger accounts those memes and asking for a retweet, it was super hard to get fame on Twitter naturally.

Maybe refusing to get famous on the internet and getting followers is my roadblock, if am not willing to get famous on the internet, even behind a nickname and no face, then I shouldn't complain that my memes are never picked up.

What should I do? Maybe my memes are just not good enough?

May 23, 2024 at 11:00AM EDT

Commented on Assassin's Creed Shadows

Ubisoft just stole The Crew from us, and once again this game is going to require internet, just for installation but still.

But people only care about a black samurai.

May 18, 2024 at 08:09PM EDT

Uploaded an image .

May 16, 2024 at 01:10PM EDT

Commented on Hi-Fi Rush

This needs it's own page, to talk about the 4 closures that Microsoft done.

There are reports that more closures can come later.

May 10, 2024 at 05:55AM EDT

Commented on Hi-Fi Rush

I warned people that they should not celebrate Microsoft buying ABK.

Not only Microsoft has a bad track record of buying companies and ruining them, but it also it doesn't need to be Microsoft, companies buying each other is terrible for the customer.

They called me a crybaby envious Sony fanboy, cry some more pony, even though I don't even play on PlayStation.

May 10, 2024 at 05:55AM EDT

Commented on Helldivers 2 PlayStation Account Requirement Controversy

In many times, you don't even need to change the subject.

If it's a small change, you shouldn't care, then they didn't have to care to change anything in the first place, if the people complaining about the change are whiny, the people who demanded the change are just as whiny or even more whiny.

May 05, 2024 at 03:58PM EDT

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