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2hupocalypse Meme Trader <br > Net Worth: 0

Sugary Salt


Location: City of Nunya in the Province of Sod Off

Joined Aug 02, 2014 at 11:35AM EDT


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+772 +803 (96%) -31 (4%)
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Cute is justice

Recent Activity

Sugary Salt

Posted in Something I'm fully convinced of in this site

In the same way that it's hypocrisy to have a membership for one gym that's clean lovely and staffed by friendly coaches but not for another gym that stinks of sweat and staffed by rude jacked-up gymbros who make fun of you if your body fat is above 1%

May 27, 2024 at 07:25AM EDT

Commented on Dororong

It's interesting how, out of all the silly characters the game has, the one that got meme status as this goofy little dog thing is one of if not the most tragic of them all.

May 08, 2024 at 05:31AM EDT
Sugary Salt

Posted in Something I'm fully convinced of in this site

I use Twitter myself, mainly for art things; I don't feel the want to stop using it, but I do get how terrible it is.

Specifically, the "For You" tab; my theory is that debates and controversies with threads upon threads of arguments are simply more active and thus spread-worthy to the algorithm than something like, say, a cute picture of a bird with people commenting "OMG SO CUUUUTE". As an example, there's something I noticed recently: I've been liking fanarts of this one Blazblue character, so I guess the algorithm picked up that I must like Blazblue; but either the system doesn't have the ability to recognise that one character nor that I only liked fanart, or it simply doesn't care, because my For You tab was then filled with people arguing over the idea of female Blazblue characters being too sexualised; and I don't care about that.

In times like this, I go back to my Following tab and everything becomes much more palatable. Cute fan art of/and big tiddy anime girls all around.

Apr 18, 2024 at 10:05PM EDT
Sugary Salt

Posted in Nintendo Indie World for April 17, 2024

I've never played Hollow Knight, but all this hype around SIlksong got me curious: was Hollow Knight really that good that the lack of updates have reduced the fans to ravenous beasts clamouring for even the slightest droplet of news, or is this just a case of overblown hype brought about by said lack of updates?

Apr 17, 2024 at 07:11AM EDT
Sugary Salt

Posted in New site layout?

Does the "OLD DESIGN" button seriously just take you to that meme page? Is this some belated April Fools' joke?

Apr 16, 2024 at 11:39AM EDT
Sugary Salt

Posted in New site layout?

If it's not the final design, can we get the old design rolled back until you have something actually decent to show?

Apr 16, 2024 at 03:59AM EDT
Sugary Salt

Posted in 2024 April Fools' Day

Mangadex is doing their usual fake ad shenanigans, albeit tamer than previous years' if I remember correctly. It's game devs and the like that are churning out the tomfoolery, with fake games, game modes, etc.

One prank I find noteworthy is this trailer

Because it really doesn't seem like a prank; it's an original IP, it has an art style that is very in line for Inti Creates, and it has what appears to be actual gameplay footage.

The video description itself explicitly mentions April Fools', so it's definitely not going to be a full-fledged game
BUT someone has pointed out that the characters are actually from Inti Creates' upcoming game, Card-en-Ciel, which is advertised as having (over?) 50 game worlds in its universe, so Divine Dynamo Flamefrit is probably one of those worlds. Was this all just one big promotional ploy for Card-en-Ciel?

Apr 01, 2024 at 07:52AM EDT
Sugary Salt

Posted in Games you've 100%

That Gunvolt 2 100% has been indefinitely postponed on account of me getting Gunvolt 3 during the winter sale and classic Gunvolt subsequently becoming my least favourite playstyle in the Gunvolt franchise.

Feb 13, 2024 at 01:49AM EST

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