snow man

Location: internet

Joined Nov 19, 2023 at 08:22AM EST


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-7 +1 (11%) -8 (89%)
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+2 +5 (62%) -3 (38%)


19 yr old,
I walk a lonely road on the boulevard
just kidding i dont walk i sit on my chair,
cuz im a degen, u feel?

also, male.

Recent Activity

snow man

Posted in Next big thing?

interesting…im looking for more of game community(retro games, a low end specific game community) an example woould be the fire emblem comm. But im also open to music related or fashion related aesthetic type thing yknow what i mean.

Nov 26, 2023 at 07:30AM EST
snow man

Posted in next big thing?

I'm seeking for niche communities with potential, akin to the 2k community. I think the 2k community birth and prospered the "W&L community" to what it is. Whether it be on tiktok, twitch or whatever else. It could be any niche almost infant communities/sub communities that have what it takes to have the same influence as the W stuff has with the right leadership and direction. Looking for distinct values, lingo, and a unique vibe.The community could be about any niche games with low end pc requirements, weeb/degen stuff or even fashion and music related "communities" with growth potential. Your insight will be much appreciated.

Nov 19, 2023 at 11:33AM EST
snow man

Posted in Next big thing?

I'm seeking for niche communities with potential, akin to the 2k community. I think the 2k community birth and prospered the "W&L community" to what it is. Whether it be on tiktok, twitch or whatever else. It could be any niche almost infant communities/sub communities that have what it takes to have the same influence as the W stuff has with the right leadership and direction. Looking for distinct values, lingo, and a unique vibe.The community could be about any niche games with low end pc requirements, weeb/degen stuff or even fashion and music related "communities" with growth potential. Your insight will be much appreciated.

Nov 19, 2023 at 10:41AM EST
snow man

Posted in jerking off after showering is such a scam

so you finally decide to shower for once, and guess what now youve soft locked yourself (pun intended), its like u need to make a choice, why does life have to be this way? why cant you have both?

Nov 19, 2023 at 08:55AM EST

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