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Defeated The Diddler Entry Moderator


Entry Moderator

Location: 37°14′0″N 115°48′30″W

Joined Jan 04, 2018 at 09:18PM EST


Karma Received
+18 +24 (80%) -6 (20%)
Karma Given
+58 +58 (100%) -0 (0%)

I can program in C/C++ and a bit of JS, CSS, and HTML. I'd link my projects, but I usually never follow them through to completion. That being said, my GitHub has a repository of userscripts for KnowYourMeme.

As for art, I draw, 2D animate, graphic design, and do a bit of 3D modelling. I also do a bit of music, particularly HQ ripping.

I'm a bit of a data hoarder too. I often go out of my way and frankly take too much time to search for the original, highest quality source. But hey, it's good for meme documentation.

No wonder I rarely get anything done.

MemeDon 2023/07/09 10:02
NeatCrown has it again
we had a rollback

Twist 2023/07/09 10:02
so he lost it on the purge hahaha

MemeDon 2023/07/09 10:02
due to the server hardware failures

Twist 2023/07/09 10:02
first mod modded twice?

MemeDon 2023/07/09 10:02

Lake 2023/07/09 10:03
first mod to be modded one modillion times

Iwazaru 2023/07/09 10:09

NeatCrown 2023/07/09 13:11


Recent Activity

Commented on Why did Goombella say this 💀

Other than what Red mentioned, the remake adds a hint bound to ZL, usually said by Goombella, which I guess kind of substitutes Merluvlee in some ways. I thought I wouldn't need it, but it's been a while since I last played TTYD, so it was really convenient to have.

Jun 03, 2024 at 05:26PM EDT

Commented on Vivian (Paper Mario)

Also, she is the most popular Paper Mario character out of all of the partners, so… the entry is definitely justified.

May 22, 2024 at 11:06PM EDT

Commented on Foghorn meets Dr. Tenma

I don't really see how it differs from biological lifeforms. It's not like you're the same continuous consciousness. Every time you go to sleep, the old "you" dies, your short term memories are parsed and stored as long term memories, and then it's replaced by a different "you".

REM sleep is basically just the biological version of garbage collection.

Apr 30, 2024 at 04:39PM EDT

Commented on Rika is ready for battle!

They are not, thus this user was warned just 18 hours ago. It was used as an example of a violation but wasn't removed.

Apr 12, 2024 at 07:50AM EDT

Commented on It's My IP To Sit On and Do Nothing With

I'm convinced that the endless stream of homogeneous superhero media is directly due to the length of copyright. If it were any shorter, studios would be forced to come up with (gasp) novel and original intellectual properties. 100 years is a stupidly long period of time.

Apr 09, 2024 at 04:26AM EDT

Commented on F1NN5TER "Coming Out" Video

But as is evident, Finn clearly is neither heterosexual nor cisgender, and is instead bi and on HRT, so I don't see the point in this case.

Mar 02, 2024 at 04:21PM EST

Commented on Keffals CatBoy Ranch Controversy

Grey market medication is sadly a necessity for many people due to their country or state, or whatever else. Florida heavily restricted legal access, as did several other states. It's especially useful for those in South American countries. The Canadian province Alberta is planning to ban puberty blockers and hormones for under-16s, even WITH parental consent.

It's best to do it through proper medical channels, but sadly, when legislation blocks regulated methods, less regulated ones are the only option left.

Feb 19, 2024 at 05:28AM EST

Commented on Keffals CatBoy Ranch Controversy

You don't know what you're talking about. This comes from a site called Otokonoko Pharmaceuticals, and the site explicitly says the following:

"We don’t sell to children, only for consenting adults. if you’re of minor in your country, please do not try buying at our website, if you do we will cancel your order and refund"

"We do not sell or agree to the resale of our products to minors. our packaging are just jokes and shouldn’t be taken seriously"

Feb 18, 2024 at 09:00PM EST

Commented on Pro-Life Spiderman

It's a tad late to do so and I fell a bit into the trap myself, but reminder to make sure your comments are about Pro-life Spider-man, not about the abortion debate.

Feb 11, 2024 at 10:15PM EST

Commented on Dr. Kim Plastic Surgeon (TikTok)

You made a glaring error right at the beginning.

You said:

Can we just ban cosmetic surgery already? […]

Panuru responded:

You don't need cosmetic surgery after a disfiguring injury, but boy I'm sure it helps such people get through life more easily.

And your response was:

Nothing a psychiatrist couldn't do, without surgery.

Plus, the amount of people who weren't disfigured at all to begin with getting it outweighs any potential good it could do.

Rather than clarifying that you do not consider reconstructive surgery to be in the same category, you instead doubled down and said those that are disfigured do not matter. There is no vague phrasing here; you explicitly say that banning it is preferable to not, regardless of if they need it. Then, after being criticized, said that you never said any such thing.

Jan 30, 2024 at 09:46PM EST

Commented on Dr. Kim Plastic Surgeon (TikTok)

While I agree some responses were harsh, I think it snowballed due to the inciting incident of "I can't find [any] practical or utilitarian applications for it" followed by the suggestion that it's "Nothing a psychiatrist couldn't do" in a case of disfiguration and entire bans, are inflexible absolutist stances.

People don't really have anything against the notion of discouraging those that don't need unnecessary surgeries from undergoing them. Instead, your hyperbole made others react just as strongly towards you, after which, you ignore or outright dismiss their concerns. While pointing out fallacies is technically correct, comes across as arrogant and snobby, and doing so is itself a fallacy (fallacy fallacy). It's as if you're prioritizing trying to be correct over seeking civil responses.

Jan 30, 2024 at 01:28PM EST

Commented on Dr. Kim Plastic Surgeon (TikTok)

I just wanna step in here and say you're being really inflammatory, both here and in general, so please tone down the brashness a titch. A lot could be changed by your phrasing, so try to read your own comment from the perspective of as if you were being replied to.

However, let me weigh in with my two cents: Depending on coverage, certain surgeries might count as cosmetic, despite being medically necessary.

For example, I have a tilted and misaligned jaw, which makes it impossible for me to chew on anything but my left side, and that's caused it to wear down significantly more than my right. I can't tear into food, and chewing is much harder as well, leading to indigestion. Despite that, it's "not medically necessary" so it's not covered by the BC Medical Services Plan. I can't afford it, but it'd cost around 15 to 20 thousand dollars. It'd be even worse if someone that could afford it wouldn't be allowed to get it either.

Certain needs of trans people can also be categorized as "cosmetic" despite being necessary for the well being of their mental health. It's often said by opponents that all that they need are psychiatrists, when it's demonstrably insufficient.

It all depends on the authority that determines "medical necessity" so it's really much greyer that you suggest. It could be due to social norms of the time, or it could simply be an oversight.

Jan 29, 2024 at 07:26PM EST

Commented on Palworld

I'd say Nintendo itself has a bit of "technological lag", but they instead invest time into innovating in ways that isn't new hardware. The Switch's 4GB of RAM is pretty measly, even at its launch, but it was originally supposed to have even less. Still, developers made and are making some great looking games for the constraints they have, and that was early on in the Switch's life cycle. With a successor to the Switch potentially on the horizon, how much lag do they have and need to catch up?

Jan 26, 2024 at 07:33AM EST

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