
Scrapbooker & Orator

Location: Your post, 35,000 feet above sea level

Joined Sep 23, 2017 at 02:27PM EDT


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+1,862 +1,909 (97%) -47 (3%)
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+1,940 +3,892 (66%) -1,952 (34%)


\/\/\/ Credit to Soup King for this awesome .gif \/\/\/

I am the downvote jet, I am sending your post to its grave at twice the speed of sound!

I am Kommando_Kaijin, The Grand Dalai-Imam-Archpope-General-Cheif-Minister Of The Church Of Shirley.

I also assess the memetic and combat capabilities of waifus using a tier list I have yet to properly create.

Commies and Pinkos can suck all four of my F-8E Crusader's Colt Mk-12 20mm autocannons and crawl back to their little red fantasy world and cry to their Karl Marx waifu about how pathetic they are.

Nuclear or Combust. (Hydroelectric Dams are fine, too.)

You're taking the car, now put away that children's toy of a bicycle you erroneously consider a valid method of transportation.

Country music is good, you uncultured urbanite dullard.

I am not just based, I am not just occasionally Masterbased. I am a Chronic Masterbaseder.

I will call Bob Dymball a faggot on international television.


Why did I make this?


Recent Activity


Posted in Words that live rent-free in your head.

"Atomize", "Vaporize", "Annihilate", "Bludgeon", "Granulate", "Triturate", "Deflagrate", "Pyrolysis", "Perforate", "Decimate", " "Vivisect", "Flay", "Flagellate", "Putrefy" and the odd outliers here: "Pirouette" and "Contrabassoon"

May 23, 2024 at 02:02PM EDT

Commented on It do be like that

  • >GPU running over 85C and rising…
  • >…Right next to a Lithium-ion battery.

May 22, 2024 at 05:15PM EDT

Commented on Beedrill💛🤍🖤

I will fuck a woman dressed up as a bee, but I will not fuck a bee dressed up as a woman.

…Not even if…


May 21, 2024 at 03:59PM EDT

Posted in I have created a new religion. Come and join my cult.

(Oof, I hate how subtle KYM's hyperlink text color is. It's not much of a problem for me, but it seems like most people have trouble finding them whenever I make them unless they're put in a super obvious location. I wonder how hard it would be to make it a brighter shade of red?)

(Anyways, here's all the flavors. There's actually two images, but it takes the first one a while to load.)

May 14, 2024 at 03:54PM EDT

Posted in I have created a new religion. Come and join my cult.

(Ok, I made 5 more flavors These are all a citrus soft drink, like Mountain Dew or Mello Yello.)

(Now I can work on height charts again, or maybe one of those art trends since I've missed out on Golden Week twice in a row now.)

(Also, I think that buffalo head might be worse than the teeth meteor. Now I'm actually curious as to which of the two y'all think is more cursed.)

May 14, 2024 at 01:26AM EDT

Commented on Agartha

  • >Deep underground.
  • >Incredibly advanced ancient civilization.
  • >Paradisaical super-city.

Guys… Was Metru-Nui Bonkle Agartha?

May 12, 2024 at 02:07PM EDT

Commented on Darth Jar Jar

Ok, but seriously, I'm incredibly interested in the theory that the Prequel Trilogy was originally going to have Jar Jar as the twist villain masterminding the fall of the Republic. Imagine how pissed Obi-Wan would be to find out that the one responsible for Qui-Gon Jinn's death by proxy was the wahoo-wacky Gungan idiot he explicitly wanted to abandon upon first encountering.

May 10, 2024 at 03:50PM EDT

Commented on Darth Jar Jar

Darth Jar Jar? Lame.

Let's hear it for…


"Meesa prepared. Yousa gonna die."

May 10, 2024 at 03:43PM EDT

Posted in I have created a new religion. Come and join my cult.

(I guess individually, I don't see a practical way to coordinate everyone's opinions on a fictional soft drink brand. Especially considering the multiple time zones.)

(But if it affects anything, none of these flavors canonically contain caffeine, not even the energy drink. Mainly because I hate it and consider it no different than Alcohol or Tobacco and think it should be subjected to similar regulations as the two.)

(And ngl, but I see the meteor with perfect human teeth from the GalaX-E Zero Sugar label in my nightmares now. I don't know why, but it just looks so cursed to me. I'd grill myself for OK-ing it, but I honestly can't think of anything better for a space-themed zero sugar soda. I also can't think of why someone would want a zero sugar soda, sugar can't be nearly as bad as whatever the Hell they're replacing it with, or the caffeine that's still in the drink while I'm at it. If you're that worried about your sugar consumption just don't drink it all the time? Maybe try water instead? It's got absolutely nothing in it that could cause any sort of adverse health affect or dietary concern as long as it's clean.)

May 08, 2024 at 10:59PM EDT

Commented on If You Find This Woman Attractive, You’re High IQ

Switzerland requires compulsory military service as a requirement for citizenship, but Einstein's foot problems got him declared medically unfit for military service, so the military service requirement was waived for him.

May 08, 2024 at 10:38PM EDT

Commented on If You Find This Woman Attractive, You’re High IQ

I can find no evidence of Einstein ever wearing high heels, the closest I found was a few instances of him wearing women's sandals, but not out of a sense of queer sexual identity, it was because he had unusual feet and his toes didn't fit in contemporary close-toed men's shoes of the time, causing him great pain, which is also why he refused to wear socks and was permitted to become a Swiss citizen without any military service.

If Einstein had lived into the 1960's, he would have gladly welcomed the invention of Flip-Flops.

May 08, 2024 at 09:03PM EDT

Posted in I have created a new religion. Come and join my cult.

(If "Circle-us Vult" is the Circle Cult's new motto, then "Mors necesse est" is the Undefinable motto.)

(Since I have nothing else at the moment besides more height charts, does anybody feel like making a tier list out of some probably terrible soda flavors I came up with as part of some worldbuilding? I mean, I would, but I don't think I'm a qualified observer for this sort of thing, I mean, I did come up with the idea for a soda flavored with Carolina Reapers, a.k.a. the peppers that were selectively bred for ten years straight in order to maximize the amount of pain induced by eating them. That's not exactly the sign of a sound mind.)

May 08, 2024 at 12:13AM EDT

Commented on Duolicious / 4chan Dating App

I'm curious, I really want to try this because I can say with absolute confidence that I'm definitely worse than everyone currently on this dating service combined and I'm proud of that fact.

…But I don't like people and this looks like one of those things where you have to interact with people, like more than usual… ew…

May 07, 2024 at 06:59PM EDT

Commented on Goya and her mom doing the meme

If the Staff and/or Mods don't allow this, then I hope and pray they all get stuck with the new layout for all eternity. Nobody else, just the Staff/Mods.

Because as the guy with over 500 OCs, a good number of which are moms with daughters, I've got quite a few good ideas for this if I can find the time.

May 02, 2024 at 05:16PM EDT

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