Görktürks are furries


Location: Görktürk Khaganate

Joined Dec 08, 2020 at 02:26PM EST


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here's a picture of me(felt cute, might delete later):

Recent Activity

Commented on "Everything that matters"

He's right about light bulbs, nukes, the internet, personal computing, and the iphone. flight is debatable as it really depends on what he meant by it. Gas and Car production is wrong. 5-6/8 isn't too bad all considering.

May 30, 2024 at 07:10PM EDT

Commented on Hades 2 Hestia Backlash

Yeah, my thoughts exactly, that's probably what they were going for. It's not the best design in the world of course, but it's not completely arbitrary either, like some people have suggested. There was definitely a purpose in mind when they designed her.

May 10, 2024 at 10:36AM EDT

Commented on Hades 2 Hestia Backlash

Are you guys sure this is a race-swap and not just a way to make her look like a lump of coal? Her whole schtick is being associated with fireplaces and several other characters in the games have some very inhuman skin-tones, so it would track. The general dumpiness would also make sense in this context, as she does resemble a stereotypical elderly home-maker, and once again, her entire schtick is being all about hearth and home.

May 10, 2024 at 07:52AM EDT

Commented on 2024 Pro-Palestinian College Protests / Gaza Solidarity Encampments

This more or less. I get disliking israelis because they're violent psychotic retards. What i don't get is liking Palestinians, because they're also violent psychotic retards who are simply on the back-foot. There's a reason why not even fellow islamic/arabic countries want to take them; because all they do when they arrive is cause problems. Civil war after civil war, all caused because these people can't stand doing anything other than blow stuff up and kill people for not wanting to get involved with their mess. By all means, cease getting involved with Israel, Lord knows we don't get much from it for all the trouble it gives us, but don't act like Hamas and so-on are good boys who didn't do nothing.

May 02, 2024 at 10:03AM EDT

Commented on Malgorithm

>tiktok is actually… le good
what did he mean by this?

Apr 26, 2024 at 06:16PM EDT

Commented on End of History (Francis Fukuyama)

This dude was unironically right about liberal democracies becoming the dominate political systems in the world. They are capable of grossly out-competing every other system in just about every area there is, and it's not likely that will change any time soon. The rest is a lot more dubious however, especially the part about no more wars and history being over.

Apr 23, 2024 at 05:46PM EDT

Commented on Evidence Tweet #1

>makes a true and accurate statement
>gets dog-pilled by retards who can't accept that mustache-man wasn't a 100 wholesome chungerino
many such cases.

Apr 22, 2024 at 08:15AM EDT

Commented on constant exposure to discourse

same tbh. Having rules for serious discussions like that keeps things from getting retarded, and generally makes it easier for people to understand each other, so i try to follow them whenever i can. The only time i don't is when i'm convinced the other person is being obtuse or obnoxious on purpose, in which case i either exit the conversation, or just make fun of them.

Apr 18, 2024 at 08:43AM EDT

Commented on Jailscraper

Why is New York filled with complete retards? Of all the solutions to their rampant crime, how is this the best idea they came-up with?

Apr 14, 2024 at 08:55AM EDT
Görktürks are furries

Posted in New site layout?

me neither. it is, and i don't use this term lightly, complete ass. I really hope they switch it back or give an option to turn it off or something.

Apr 13, 2024 at 08:50AM EDT

Commented on Patrick S. Tomlinson

eyyyy, fatrick finally got his own article. Needs some work though, doesn't even mention the hilarious way he talks to people he doesn't like (calling them stalkers, children, etc.) or some of the creepy stuff he's put in some of his books, as well as his association with other known creeps.

Mar 29, 2024 at 06:25PM EDT

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