Social Media Profiles

Excitebot theLEGO

Researcher & Archivist & Pundit & Media Bus Boy

Location: The chosen holy land, known simply as Ohio

Joined Sep 23, 2018 at 04:27PM EDT


Karma Received
+43 +52 (85%) -9 (15%)
Karma Given
+129 +136 (95%) -7 (5%)


Real name Vince. I'm a former stop motion animator.
It was fun till I got bored. I sort of just needed to shed that side of me, because the creating process (especially under the illusion of monetization) is draining. Nowadays, I just want to make funny pictures and videos, and enjoy doing it.

And that's where this image comes in:

Fawful theLEGO was sort of a "brand" in my naive mind, if you can even humor that. My enjoyment of Excitebots, on the other hand, could always be kept as a hobby interest, and never beyond that.

Knowyourmeme is one of the few holy places where I don't have to worry about a reputation, any notion of a money-making prospect, or even clout-chasing for that matter. Excitebots, to me at least, represents that in a similar sense. I don't play because it's popular or other people rant and rave about it; if anything it's sort of been the other way around. If people like my stuff, then I appreciate it greatly; and if they don't, I shrug and move on with the next 15-30 minute edit on my mind.

I no longer use Twitter. Not publicly at least. In recent years, it's become so much of a cesspool to me, that i had to purge everything, save for meme accounts and artists i genuinely happen to like.

It's easier to find me on Discord anyway. It's just a good place for me to talk on DMs. I go by
LEGO_Vince#8897. Though let me know who you are beforehand.

Recent Activity

Commented on Soul vs. Soulless

There have have always been games that feel more empty the more you progress. Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly's hub world, M&L BiS's lack of original characters to communicate with in post-game, and Pikmin 4 in the general stages (not counting caves) always felt so hollow to me. And those are three games from three different eras of gaming.

May 30, 2024 at 06:28PM EDT

Uploaded an image to Rickroll.

Never Gonna Give Up M... Rick Astley scienceandfandoms My friend was messing with Never Gonna Give You Up on her record player and she sped it up. It beCAME A FREAKING MAGICAL GIRL THEME.
May 28, 2024 at 01:35PM EDT

Uploaded an image to Andaron Saga.

Meet the hagmaxxers: Gen Z's new social trend of dating older women A very strange phenomenon is making its rounds on social media. Gen Z men are ditching casual sex with their women to pursue long term relationships with financially stable and experienced Millennial ladies. Listen to this article now 00:00 By Mack Lamoureux May 19, 2024, 5:33pm Share Tweet Snap 4 min listen 10x -04:15 Powered by Trinity Audio 20yr 37yr
May 22, 2024 at 09:50PM EDT

Commented on "the most annoying people in the world coming online to complain about how they localized vivian in the paper mario remake:"

This is actually one localization change I'd be down for. I remember Ted from BrainscratchComms saying it actually works in an unintentional way, because the chater itself is already heavily themed around identity anyway .

(Mario gets his name Placed on him, dooPliss steals his identity in an unexPected twist you have to ProPerly identify him with all letters, and vivian eventually changes sides to reflect her newfound Presented self-confidence)
May 22, 2024 at 09:42AM EDT

Commented on Wes bike

I think what I hate is that pokemon has been ever so slightly been making Shadow Pokemon more of a thing again, but refuse to bring up Colosseum and its laughing emoji sequel.

May 20, 2024 at 08:17PM EDT

Commented on I'm afraid it's inevitable.

It varies for me. Some days it's there, some days its not. Mobile tends to get it less often.

The thing that boils my blood, though, is that:
1) clicking on the image in the scale-up version does NOT get you to the image details/comments page.
2) clicking on the comments (could the image details) button on said scale-up version takes you to the MEME ENTRY PAGE for whatever reason. Why?
3) issues liking comments. Liking the image itself works fine at least, but for fucks sake, why break a perfectly working version?

May 20, 2024 at 04:48PM EDT

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